Chapter 132
Walking out of the crowd that surrounded him, Wan Li let out a sigh of relief.

The simple villagers were very enthusiastic. He had just rescued the uncle who killed the pig, and the family had to leave him to eat the pig-killing dish and thank him.

Usually there is a free lunch, he will definitely not miss it, but watching the big fat pig that was just killed was disembowelled by the uncle, and the blood was let out to take the intestines... The pig's large intestine was cleaned after a meal, and the smell was still very strong, while the pig's blood pig large intestine It is still an indispensable ingredient in pig-killing dishes, and he really has no appetite at all.

After walking around the village for a long time, besides the one just now, there are five or six butchers, some of which have finished killing pigs, and some of which have not yet been killed. He breathed a sigh of relief.Domestic animals that have evolved slightly are a minority, but it also makes him have some hidden worries.

"If this is caused by the manifestation of the manga and the increase in the concentration of aura, then I will make the manga manifest again... You must control yourself, gravity, and a spiritual ability, twice is enough!" Wan Li muttered as he walked: "But other Damn...can I draw Aladdin's lamp?"

"Xuan, the ability of the magic box is limited from last time..." Wan Li sighed softly, and was stunned when he returned to the hotel.

At the entrance of the hotel, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes was arguing with Dong Ge and other three left-behind members of the Martial Arts Bureau. Behind him stood a middle-aged woman in luxurious clothes and a rather handsome boy. a family of three.

Wan Li moved forward, and the content of the quarrel between them became clear.

"I'm not trying to embarrass you, but it's really unlucky for this New Year's Eve to get nine criminals in the village!"

"I know you can take good care of it. I mean it's unlucky. Do you understand that it's unlucky? The old man feels panicked. I'm sorry to say, but as a child, I can't ignore it, right?"

"Yes, I know it's no secret that they come here to reform through labor and dig the spirit stone mine, but they should be escorted back to the city during the Chinese New Year..."

Wanli suddenly realized, no wonder Brother Dong had a headache.The middle-aged man was also reasonable, and judging by his clothes, he still had a bit of status, so it was really difficult to deal with.

Wan Li also had some headaches, but he couldn't ignore them.He took a few steps closer, and Brother Dong immediately waved after seeing him: "Wan Liyang, where have you been?"

"Go around." Wan Li leaned over with a smile on his face, and greeted the middle-aged man who was looking at him: "Hello, Uncle!"

"……Hello, you are?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I think the same as you. If the criminals are not escorted back to the city during the New Year's Eve, we will not be able to go home for the New Year's Eve. It's disgusting!"

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "It's important who you are, so don't follow me around in devious tactics."

Wan Li was taken aback, this is a bit powerful.He glanced at Brother Dong, who shrugged helplessly.

"Chi..." A sneer came from behind the middle-aged man, it was from the slightly handsome but not as good as a million miles.

Wan Li glanced at him, a kid in high school, too lazy to get to know him, "Where is this... uncle high school?"

Nothing hurts the self-esteem of an arrogant young man more than ignorance and contempt. Before his father could reply, he yelled: "You don't care where my father works, send those criminals away!"

His mother gave him a hand and shook his head slightly to show him to be more polite, but there was a look of approval in her eyes.

Wan Li sighed slightly, it seemed that the contradiction could not be reconciled.He rubbed his face, wanting to be ashamed again, it's so annoying, I'm almost used to it...

At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the distance, and several villagers came straight for Wanli with a small rice bowl each.

"Boy, the pig-killing dish just out of the pot." The leader is the old pig-killing man, "There are also young men who can't go home for the New Year, there are all of them!"

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile on his face, "Thank you, sir. Brother Dong, don't be dazed, bring it to the house quickly, lunch is ready!"

Dong Jiawei didn't understand the situation, and he and his two colleagues brought pig dishes into the room in a daze.

The family of three was even more stunned, not knowing how to react for a moment.The middle-aged man hesitated and asked, "Uncle Zhu? Who are you?"

The uncle frowned and looked at him: "You are from the old Liang family? You haven't come back for a while, why aren't you here with your father at home?"

"I... my dad said he thought it was unlucky to have nine criminals living in the village during the Chinese New Year."

"Old Liang still has that bear temper, is living here a hindrance to you?" The uncle glared.

Wan Li hurriedly interjected: "No, no, there may indeed be some people who are taboo about this. Uncle, you go back and help us apologize to your father. It's already this time. I really can't arrange a car to take them back. The drivers and uncles are also on vacation. .”

"This kid is quite good at talking." The luxuriously dressed middle-aged woman spoke for the first time: "Yongxian, why don't we forget about it?"

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, looked at the staring pig butcher and a few familiar faces in the village, and sighed softly, "Forget it."

Only the boy was still unwilling, and when he was dragged away by his parents, he turned his head and gave Wanli a stare. He didn't know where he got the hatred...


A total of six boxes of pig-killing dishes were sent, with six servings of lard cakes.Three members of the Martial Arts Bureau, two strong miners who didn't leave, plus Wanli just got a share for each of them.

However, Wan Li hesitated for a few seconds, and finally he couldn't eat it. This kind of delicacy might not be for him... "Brother Dong, you eat, I'm going upstairs."

Dong Jiawei was taken aback, and teased, "Not willing to eat? Leave it to Wenjing?"

Wan Li paused, turned his head and said, "Brother Dong, you have reminded me."

Dong Jiawei:? ? ?Reminder of what?
After Wan Li went upstairs, he knocked on the door of Wen Jing's room, and after hearing her response, he pushed the door open and entered, and immediately said: "The villagers gave me freshly cooked butchery dishes, and I'm not willing to eat them, so I brought them for you to try! "

Wen Jing was lying on the bed, holding her little feet, chatting with her parents via video, when she heard this, she was taken aback, and turned her head to look at Wan Li, a little dazed.

Then a gentle woman's voice came from the other end of the video: "Is it Xiaowan? Auntie would like to thank you for taking care of Xiaojing. Xiaojing, you still lied to me and your dad that Mr. Wanli Yang bullied you?"

Wen Jing:! ! !
Wan Li approached with a smile and said, "Auntie, Happy New Year, Uncle Wen. Come, Wen Jing, eat the butcher dish. It's very fragrant, and it won't taste good when it's cold."

Wen Jing was silent for a moment, then pouted and said, "I want to eat goat dish, do you have it?"

Wan Li blinked and said with a smile, "Look at you, you're picky eater again. Auntie, Uncle Wen, you have to take care of her picky eater..."

"I know." Uncle Wen smiled, "I knew you would be able to take good care of Xiaojing. When you come back, Uncle will give you a surprise."

Congratulations, the animation of the manga has been finalized?He was about to ask again, but Wen Jing snapped the phone away, bounced off the bed, and looked down at Wanli from a height.

"Kill the mutton dish, I will eat it!"

 There are still two sheep today, and the other two were eaten by Wen Jing...

(End of this chapter)

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