Chapter 133
Wen Jing was very angry, the kind that couldn't be coaxed well.

Wan Li had a smile on his face and didn't resist. He lay on the bed and let her beat him many times, for fear that she would be so angry that he would order the hotel...

Unknowingly, Wan Li secretly retrieved the mobile phone that Wen Jing had deducted, so Uncle Wen and Aunt Wen witnessed the scene of their daughter's violence against Wan Li, and she was dumbfounded for a moment.

Wen Jing was tired, and realized that she was riding on Wan Li unknowingly, her face was slightly red, and she quickly turned over and got off the sheep, "Wan Liyang, get up, don't lie on my bed!"

Wan Li had a pained look on his face, as if he had been severely injured: "I can't get up, don't worry about me, go eat butchered vegetables, it's really going to be cold."

Wen Jing was stunned for a moment, and then heard a familiar voice: "Xiao Jing! You are too outrageous!"

"Mom?" Wen Jing murmured softly, looking at Wan Li's suppressed smile, and her mother's scolding face in the video, her eyes were red with anger.

Uncle Wen had a smile on his face. He probably saw the truth, but he didn't say anything.

"Auntie,'s fine, I'm... used to it." Wan Li said intermittently.

"Really, this kid Xiaojing... eh..."

Wen Jing snatched the phone, hung up the video, turned on the sheep, and continued to beat!
"Ah! It's comfortable, beat it down again, and push it harder." The video was hung up, and Wanli showed his true colors. It was difficult to find a masseuse after his physique reached B-level, and C-level Wen Jing's strength was just right.

"Wan Liyang, I hate you!" Wen Jing pouted her lips, and the more she beat her, the less her strength became, and she leaned on Wan Li's back panting and murmured, "I'm homesick, I really want to go home for the New Year."

Wan Li shook his head: "Use video to make do with it for two days. Who made you get into trouble? I don't care. It's good to celebrate the New Year here, so I don't have to go back to the orphanage."

"You don't like going back to the orphanage? Why? Wan Liyang, tell me what the orphanage looks like?"

Wan Li was silent for a moment: "The's hard to say, but you can talk about why you don't like going back there."

"Occasionally, some kind-hearted people and volunteers will go there to bring food or small toys to the orphans... When I was 7 years old, a kind-hearted person brought an expensive robot toy and gave it to a The mentally handicapped little brother."

"and then?"

"After the kind-hearted person left, Aunt Sheng... was the dean who took that robot toy away. No, he exchanged it with a roasted chicken leg."

"Chicken leg?" Wen Jing was taken aback.

"Ah, the orphanage's economic situation is mediocre, and chicken legs are not common. That brother has chicken legs to eat, and he makes others envious... So whenever people come, a bunch of children ask them for robot toys in exchange for chicken legs."

Wen Jing was at a loss: "Why don't they just ask for chicken legs? An expensive robot toy can buy dozens or hundreds of chicken legs, right?"

"Children's world is so simple, and there is also a reason for Aunt Sheng's encouragement. Robot toys = chicken legs + Aunt Sheng's praise. After this equation is established, there is only one gift that all children want except me, robot toys." Wan Li sighed: "Occasionally I can get a few, but most of them embarrass the kind people who bought cheap toys and food and don't want to come again..."

"All the robot toys that were coming were replaced by the dean? Good or bad..."

"No, Aunt Sheng is a good person." Wan Li interrupted, "All the money from the sale of the robot toys she exchanged was invested in the orphanage, in order to help more children in this way, but I don't agree with this approach, I feel ...It's not very good, so it's awkward to get along with her, so I don't want to go back."

"Is that so..."

Wan Li was silent for a while, then sighed: "This time the butcher's dish is completely cold, go down, how long are you going to lie on my back? Can you feel the warmth of Grandpa's back?"

Wen Jing blushed, and was about to get up, when Wan Li said again: "Why, do you want to hurt me, want to kill me?"

Hurt? ! "Go to hell, Wan Liyang!"

Wen Jing put her hands on Wan Li's face.

"Ah! It's hot!"


5 minute later.

The butchered vegetables were heated by Wen Jing with her ability, and she ate them deliciously, while Wan Li kept wiping his face with a cold towel.

"It's actually a black hand, but I didn't expect you to be able to use your ability like this, you little expert at home." Wan Li smacked his lips: "Is it delicious to kill pigs and vegetables?"

" smells good." Wen Jing said vaguely.

"It smells good. It seems that the freshly slaughtered fat pig intestines have been washed clean, leaving no residue..."

Wen Jing:? ? ?
Wan Li smiled: "You eat yours, I'll go and connect the video again, your parents should be in a hurry."

Turn on the screen lock, open Wenjing QQ, video chat, and reconnect.

"Uncle Wen, Auntie, yes, I'm fine. Hehe, Wen Jing didn't beat me to death."

Wen Jing glanced sideways.

"She's eating pig-killing dishes there. I'll go out later to find something to fill my stomach. I'll see if I can invite someone to make dumplings for us in the evening. Uncle Wen, how is the manga anime discussion going?" ?”

"Keep it secret, I'll tell you when you come back."

It seems to be a surprise!
Wan Li blinked: "Thank you, Uncle Wen, I will take good care of Wen Jing, and maybe she will gain a little weight when she goes back."

Chi slip...Wen Jing ate a mouthful of meat.

"Look at the smell of Wenjing's food, it makes me hungry, so I'm going to eat..."


I wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of the dumplings at night, but I didn't expect that Brother Dong had already prepared and contacted several companies to make them 2000 dumplings, 1000 leek meat and [-] cabbage meat each.

In the evening, everyone, including the nine criminals, had a delicious meal of dumplings and felt the taste of the New Year, and then the sound of firecrackers gradually sounding in the distance was even more cordial.

Brother Dong got a small TV from somewhere and placed it in the lobby on the first floor, waiting to watch the Spring Festival Gala, while Wan Li waited with Wen Jing on the fourth floor.

The mobile phone is still making video calls with Uncle Wen and the others, but the camera over there is aimed at Wen Jing’s 75-inch large color TV. Wen Jing said that this is the same as celebrating the New Year with parents at home...

Wan Li stopped teasing Wen Jing, the atmosphere of the four of them chatting and waiting to watch the Spring Festival Gala made him feel a lot of emotion, he had never experienced this kind of family-like atmosphere in his life...

At eight o'clock, just waiting for the opening of the Spring Festival Gala, there was a sudden crackling sound of firecrackers outside the hotel, Wan Li was startled, and Wen Jing looked at each other blankly.

There aren't many people near the hotel, and the firecrackers shouldn't be so close. Could it be that Dong Ge made the firecrackers?It's so noisy...why does it sound like you're firing a cannon?
Wan Li leaned over to the window to look, his face was slightly darkened, during the day, the boy brought several five or six-year-old brats to set off a small whip, and Dong Ge went forward to chase him away.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Wanli on the fourth floor, and he showed a smug expression: "What are you looking at! Do you care about the New Year's whip? Do you want to come down together?"

"Who is this, Wanli?" Wen Jing put her head on Wanli's shoulder on tiptoe, the eyes of the boy below instantly widened, and the single dog was hit violently.

"Baby boy, watch me treat him." Wan Li shook his head helplessly: "Brother Dong, get out of the way!"

Dong Jiawei was taken aback, and took a few steps back.Wan Li looked around and stepped on the window sill...

Whoosh~ bang! !

He actually jumped down from the fourth floor, right in front of the boy, smashing a small hole in the ground!

Wan Li lowered his head and smiled: "I'm coming down, why are you sitting on the ground? Get up, let's set off the whip and walk together, old iron?"

The boy's expression changed several times, his throat moved and he swallowed, he crawled a few steps backwards on the ground, got up, turned his head and ran away.

"Heh, how dare you dare to provoke me like this coward?"

(End of this chapter)

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