Restart the world

Chapter 135 The Mine Thief

Chapter 135 The Mine Thief (Part [-])
Wan Li opened the door, and the person standing at the door was Director Liao.His face was full of displeasure, and he glanced into the room, and saw Wen Jing sitting on the bed blushing for a moment, the displeasure disappeared instantly, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

"Happy Chinese New Year, Chief Liao, why are you here?"

"Did I bother you two? But you two are still young and you are students, so be careful." His square face actually made a winking expression, which was extremely wretched.

be safe?Wan Li blinked, expressing that he didn't understand, and asked repeatedly: "Why are you here, the New Year's Eve came to condolence us in person?"

"Fart!" Director Liao was upset again, "Come downstairs with me, there is a mission. Wen Jing, make an exception and give you a mission. You are responsible for keeping an eye on the eight people on the fourth floor for one night, and you will be considered a crime and a meritorious service!"

Having said that, he turned up the volume, "Have you heard the eight of you? This little girl is the only one staring at you tonight, dare to run away?!"

The doors of the eight rooms were opened one by one, and the answers were of course not dared.Wen Jing put on her slippers, ran over with a rattling sound, and said in a soft voice, "Principal, you have completed the task...can you commute your sentence?"

"It depends on the situation. Wali sheep, don't ask any questions, go downstairs and talk together."


On the first floor, Wan Li was a little surprised when he saw the dark crowd. Liu Miao, Yu Jie, five C-level head teachers of ordinary classes, Zhong Yumi, a bunch of Wu Dao Bureau members who had never seen before...

"All the Martial Arts Bureaus are dispatched for the New Year's Eve?"

"I also want everyone to have a good New Year at home, but some bastards won't let them. Since six o'clock in the evening, at least a dozen groups of criminals have boarded the Xiling of Xiema Village, some from this city and some from other cities, To steal our spirit stone!"

Wanli was taken aback, suddenly realized.Today is indeed the day when the defense is the most relaxed on the mountain, but it is unlucky for all these mine thieves to collide and attract so many people from the Martial Arts Bureau.

Liu Miao took a few steps forward, stood next to Wan Li, took out her mobile phone, and opened the photo album, "This person's name is Cheng Rui, from He Township, B-grade."

The corner of Wanli's eyes twitched, and he immediately remembered the skinny and small-eyed young man on the screen in front of him, unexpectedly, there was a B-level man who came to steal the mine in person...

Liu Miao swiped her finger, and a fat young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes appeared on the screen again.

"This person's name is Shao Minqiang, from Xiangping, with a history of criminal involvement, B-level, remember these two people."

"Remember. Happy New Year, head teacher."

"Well, happy new year."

"Among the visitors this time, there are only two of them known as Class B, but it is not ruled out that there may be hidden ones. Proceed with caution." Chief Liao said, "We will divide into four groups to search on the mountain. I will take one group, and Liu Miao will take the One group, less than a group, Wan Liyang, you lead a group. If you encounter these two B-levels, it is best to wait for the opportunity to have two groups of people gather before carrying out arrests, especially you, less than!"


Wan Li blinked: "Sister Yu, you..."

Yu Qianqian smiled: "With the help of spirit stones, the time to reach B level is a little shorter than I thought."

"Congratulations, sister Yu, happy new year!"

"Let's put the small talk aside," Director Liao interrupted, "This group of sons of bitches won't let us have a good year at home! They like stealing mines, don't they? Arrest them all and let them dig till they spit! Find a good team and get ready for action!"

Looking for a good team?Wan Li turned his head to look, more than 20 members of the Martial Arts Bureau seemed to be divided into groups on the way here, and after hearing the words, they automatically dispersed and then reunited. There were four people standing behind him. A Zhong Yumi.

Most of the C-levels stood behind Yu Qianqian, and there was one who didn't enter the queue. It was probably the insurance that Director Liao left in the hotel. Sure enough, Wen Jing was not the only one.Wan Li agrees, as long as Wen Jing is fine, she can make trouble...

After a while, a group of people set off in a mighty way, separated and scattered on the mountainside, and started a carpet search in the mountain forest.

"Brother Dong, Brother Zhang...Happy Chinese New Year!" Wan Li took the time to say hello to the people behind him, "The visibility is a bit low tonight, there is no moon, these people really found a good time to steal mines..."

No one would climb the mountain from the direction of Xiema Village, so they walked for more than half an hour without finding any newly dug potholes on the road.

Wan Li pondered for a moment: "This road seems a bit familiar, have we walked it? Could it be that we got lost?"

There were three laughs of "Hang Chi" from behind at the same time. Dong Jiawei couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "This is the way we go to the valley. We just searched in this direction. Didn't we walk this way for half a month?"

Wan Li blinked: "That... I can't see clearly at night, I can't see... eh?"

Suddenly he kicked his feet hard on the ground, and his figure jumped out in a whizzing manner. The other four people stared at each other in a daze, and rushed to keep up.

Miles did find something.Although it was said that the visibility was low and he couldn't see clearly, but his B-level physique gave him stronger eyesight, which was much better than those four people.There seemed to be two figures floating by the tree a hundred meters away just now, and he acted immediately.

Sure enough, as the distance increased, Wanli could see that it was indeed two people, both men, not tall, each carrying a steel shovel, and there was a pocket hanging on the back of the shovel, but the pocket was as flat as Wen Jing, as if there was nothing there. what harvest.

Wan Li didn't lower his footsteps, and the tree branches rattled, causing the two people to turn their heads. They saw a black shadow approaching Li Lu in panic, turned around and wanted to escape, but Wan Li's hands firmly held him down.

"No more! We didn't hide, we didn't hide!"

Wan Li was stunned by this shout, what was he hiding?Only now did he see the faces of those two people, and he almost stepped back in fright.With a bruised nose and swollen face, crooked mouth and slanted eyes, it looks horrible!

Half a second later, Wan Lilu came to a realization: "Have you been robbed?"

The two men froze for a moment, and the struggle suddenly became fierce, as if they had the courage to resist after confirming that Wan Li was not the one who robbed their spirit stones...

Wan Li smacked his lips, grabbed their heads for the ground, and instantly defeated their courage.

"Two F-ranks, what kind of belief do you have in order to steal the mine? What use are the spirit stones to you? If you are so weak, you will be a ghost if you don't get robbed!"

At this time, the four people behind finally followed up, and immediately handcuffed the two people with their hands cut behind their backs.

"You, you are from the Martial Arts Bureau?!"

Dong Jiawei frowned slightly: "Wan Liyang, when you arrest someone again, be careful, and don't strike too hard. Why does this break the picture?"

"I didn't hit it." Wan Li shook his head, and picked up a steel shovel in deep thought: "Brother Dong, do you think I look like someone stealing mines? Is it enough concealment this time?"

Dong Jiawei was speechless, looked at the two people under his feet, shook his head and said: "F-level, just right, there are two more mining laborers, so it's better to take care of them. But now we should escort them back and go up the mountain? Or take them to continue searching?"

"Take them with you, maybe the person who beat them like this is nearby. Hey! Can you two lead the way?" Wan Li asked.

"Lead the way? Lead! Can lead!" The two were extremely happy. They didn't know whether they wanted their robbers to be arrested, or they wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

"What about the people who robbed you?"

"...a man and a woman, that girl is old and beautiful, but she is very vicious..." The two complained to them as they were escorted and walked, "We were beaten like this by her, and we just dug up a piece of spirit stone It was stolen by them!"

"One piece?" Wan Li didn't believe it at all, was this nonsense for the sake of a lighter punishment?Stealing a piece is also stealing, old man...

Under their guidance, the few people walked to the vicinity of the valley without turning.

Wan Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and he could barely see two groups of people confronting each other in the valley, one group of six people were all men, and the other group was a man and a woman...

(End of this chapter)

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