Restart the world

Chapter 136 Participation

Chapter 136 Participation
The thick night covered the sight, and even Wanli could only see roughly clearly at a distance of more than 200 meters, barely identifying the gender, let alone other people, but this also reduced the possibility of them being discovered.

The valley has been dug into ravines by them in the past half month, and it is expanding out of the valley, but there are still places to be cleared.After all, the essence of spirit stones was born here, which can be said to be the center of the spirit stone veins. Even if tens of thousands of yuan of spirit stones have been contributed, there is still potential to be excavated.

Wan Li can vaguely see that there are four or five bulging bags beside the six people. The current situation is probably that two people want to rob the six people.

He waved his hand to signal them to retreat, lowered his voice and told them about the situation in the valley, and then turned to the two bruised and swollen mine thieves: "Can you tell what kind of strength that woman is?"

The two looked at each other: "I don't know."

"Speak honestly!" Dong Jiawei shouted.

"I really don't know, maybe... maybe it's E-rank?"

Wan Li thought for half a second: "Did she use all her strength when hitting you?"

This time the two nodded quickly: "The old lady is ruthless, she must be doing her best!"

One of them muttered: "She looks more beautiful when she hits someone, it would be nice if she could hit someone more lightly."

"Yes, yes, yes." Another person echoed again and again.

Wan Li shook his head lightly, maybe he was beaten into a pair of fools?He probably had a point in his heart, and he did his best to make it like this. His strength is estimated to be E-level or D-level. As for the man next to her...

"Brother Dong, I'll go down to investigate the situation, you guys play by ear." Wan Li made a decision: "If there is a fight, I can solve it quickly, and you will arrest those who take the opportunity to escape. And if I can't..."

"If it can't be resolved quickly, then there is a B-level, right? No, it's too risky." Dong Jiawei shook his head to stop.

"Class B, Class B?!" The two mine thieves exclaimed at the same time, and the two Martial Arts Bureau members who were escorting them quickly covered their mouths to death.

Wan Li frowned, turned around and took a look, but the two parties were not aware of it and were still confronting each other.

"Where are there so many B-ranks? The confrontation between the two sides shows that the strengths are similar. If there are B-ranks..."

"Then what if there are B-levels on both sides?" Zhong Yumi said suddenly, "That would be very dangerous, I'm still far from B-levels, I'm afraid I can't help you..."

"Bah bah bah! Crow's Mouth." Wan Li immediately bawled away his bad luck, "I went down with a steel shovel, disguised as a mine thief who accidentally slipped down the valley. Besides, as long as you don't go down, I can also run away with five B-level sieges ,no problem."

"In case the bottom eight people are all B-rank..."

"Go to the other side!" Wan Li was speechless, he was seriously preparing to arrest someone, how dare you play tricks on me?I didn't expect you to be such Zhong Yumi...

Dong Jiawei finally nodded slowly: "If you can't beat it, don't try to be brave, mission merits and spirit stone rewards are not as important as your life."

"Spirit stone reward?" Wan Li was taken aback.

"Well, the rewards for our missions will be replaced with spirit stones in the future." Dong Jiawei said.

"It's such a good thing." Wan Li immediately grinned: "Then I'm going down, Zhong Yumi, look down every half a minute, and react in time... Can you see clearly?"


"Okay." Wan Li turned around and ran down the slope with a steel shovel in his hand.The hillside is very steep, probably more than seventy degrees, so it is reasonable for Wanli to pretend to be a mine thief passing by and accidentally slipping down here.

He kept hitting the ground with a steel shovel while running, pretending to be braking hard but unable to stop.After rushing for about tens of meters, two groups of people in the valley spotted him and looked at him vigilantly.

Wan Li cast his eyes on the man and woman, and as the distance drew closer, he gradually saw their appearance clearly.

As the two mine thieves said, the woman is indeed a beautiful woman with an excellent figure.The black bodysuit outlines perfect curves, and the eyebrows and eyes are charming and enchanting, seductive.

Wan Li is a simple and honest boy, not very interested in this type of woman, after looking at her a dozen times, he turns to look at the man beside her.

Thin, small eyes, bright... Wan Li was slightly startled, isn't this the B-grade Cheng Rui that Liu Miao showed him?Then he is opposite...

Wan Li really wanted to brake this time, but unfortunately he had already reached the bottom of the valley, and the brakes were not something he could brake at will...

"Hold on, they are hostile. As long as they don't reveal their identities, they can't besiege me. Even if they besiege me... Actually, I'm right. I don't believe that someone with the strength of Director Liao can come to steal mines?"

As soon as Wan Li thought of this, he heard a slightly familiar voice exclaim: "Wan Liyang?!!"

"Fuck, does anyone else know me?" Wan Li's heart sank, he turned his head to look, and caught sight of a familiar handsome guy: Zheng Wei, the rich second-generation student taught by his second uncle.

And not far in front of him, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes with vertical eyebrows confirmed Wan Li's conjecture, another B-level: Shao Minqiang!
"What the hell, there are both of them here, and there is someone who knows me. It's really bad luck... Heh, your luck is really bad." Wan Li stabilized his figure, frowned and murmured, ready to try his hand. Two goods that just arrived at B-level, solve them directly!

When the two waves saw Wan Li running down with a steel shovel, they really regarded him as a mine thief with the same purpose.Wan Li was alone and young, so they didn't pay attention to him at all, but the situation changed immediately after Zheng Wei yelled that voice.

Shao Minqiang turned his head and asked, "Little friend, do you know him? A friend?"

Zheng Wei's face was pale, he knew Wan Li's identity very well, and he also had a general understanding of his strength.Shao Minqiang saw what was wrong with him, and Shao Minqiang immediately frowned and looked at Wanli.

Wan Li pondered for two seconds, now his position is in the middle of the two B-levels, which is not very good, if he can suddenly solve one of them, he will be stable.

Thinking of this, he trotted towards Zheng Wei and shouted, "Old classmate, why are you here too? Could it be that you are also here to dig the spirit stone?"

The three young men beside Shao Minqiang immediately took two steps forward, Wan Li squinted his eyes, and secretly exerted force under his feet...

At this time, Zheng Wei suddenly said: "Fat brother, this is my high school classmate. Wan Liyang, you are still so dark, it's too dark for me to confirm!"

Wan Li's face darkened slightly, he was taken aback for another moment, and said decisively, "I thought you didn't want to recognize your old classmates anymore! Who are these big brothers?"


On the other side, the charming woman said softly: "Cheng Rui, they are here to help, don't you care?"

"Kid, don't worry about it, you can recover with all your heart... If you don't use your abilities on those two miscellaneous fishes, we can take the spirit stone and leave now."

"It's just for fun. Look at those two bastards who are enjoying themselves after being beaten by me. How interesting?"

"Heh, let's be serious later, and I'll leave those three little hooligans to you. Old Fatty Shao, Xiangping, I've long wanted to meet him. We'll leave after robbing him. There are too many people in this mountain forest tonight. The Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau, I'm afraid... there will be a reaction!"

(End of this chapter)

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