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Chapter 137 Spiritual Charm

Chapter 137 Spiritual Charm
Wan Li didn't know why Zheng Wei would take the initiative to cooperate with him, but since he was willing to cooperate, Wan Li wouldn't be able to take the lead in a play.

He immediately pretended to be excited about reuniting with his old classmates after a long absence, and his acting skills were a little exaggerated, but fortunately, the thick night and dark skin helped him cover up a lot, "Long time no see, Zheng Wei, I didn't expect to be in this kind of place Meet you."

The middle-aged man next to Zheng Wei gently pulled Zheng Wei, "Xiaowei, who is he?"

"...Oh, my high school classmate, who passed the college entrance examination to other provinces, has not seen each other for almost a year!" Zheng Wei said slowly, with a louder voice, both to explain to Shao Minqiang, and to speak to Wan Li.

"Nice job." Wan Li sighed secretly, looked at Shao Minqiang's examining eyes, and smiled: "Brother, you were hired by Zheng Wei's family to dig the spirit stone mine? You have gained a lot. I've been going around and still haven't got a piece..."

"What nonsense!" A young man yelled, "Our fat brother will be ordered by someone?"

Wan Li was startled, and looked at Shao Minqiang, "Although this big brother is strong, he is not fat..."

Shao Minqiang raised his eyebrows: "Before the cultivation era, my brothers called me Shao Lao Fat Fat Brother, and this name has been used to this day. Why, is it not good? Are you a classmate of Zheng Wei's kid? Don't worry, you have to think about it before answering." , Brother Fat doesn’t like kids making fun of me.”

Wan Li blinked, so crazy?
"Shao Laofat, a good name, poetic."


"Hehe, there is a well-written poem, "Young and Little Leaving Home, Boss Fat, Isn't Fat Brother's name in it?" Wan Li smiled, his dantian sank in one breath, and his feet exerted strength, preparing for a thunderous blow!
"Hahaha... Interesting!" Shao Minqiang laughed wildly, his voice piercing the valley, "Little friend is very talented, go behind Brother Fei and catch up with your old classmates, and I will get to know you better after I get rid of that ignorant guy opposite! "

Wan Li was taken aback, did he get away with it?Jia Lijia's feet hurt tonight, and he had no chance to punch this punch he held back.

The two B-ranks had to fight first, and he was naturally happy to see the result.He squinted and walked past Shao Minqiang, vigilant in his heart, but Shao Minqiang didn't attack until he got to Zheng Wei's side.He seemed to really believe in Wanli's identity, and he led three of his subordinates a few steps forward to meet the man and woman opposite, even leaving a large pile of spirit stones on the spot.

"Cheng Rui!..." He wanted to say a few polite words, but when he saw the skinny young man rushing towards him, he immediately raised his arms to meet him.

Amid the sound of the collision, Shao Minqiang staggered and took two small steps back, his face changed slightly.The three young men were startled, looked at each other and nodded tacitly, and at the same time carefully backed away from the two fighting B-levels, rushed towards the charming woman, and took the hostage!

Wan Li squinted his eyes for two seconds: "Cheng Rui's strength and speed are similar to mine, Shao Laofa is a bit worse, and it is easier to solve. No, it should be said that everything is fine."

A heart fell back into the stomach, so that there was no need to double it.He frowned and looked at Zheng Wei, Zheng Wei's face was panicked and hesitant to speak, Zheng Wei's father finally noticed something was wrong.

"You... aren't Xiaowei's classmate?"

"He is a student of Martial Arts University." Zheng Wei said hastily, "Mr. Jianlai is his second uncle. He was the one who saved Cong Chen in the mountains last time."

"Martial Arts University?" His father was startled, took a deep breath and said, "The Martial Arts Bureau is here? Director Liao and Deputy Director Liu are here? Xiaowei and I were coerced, let them come to rescue us!"

Wan Li smiled: "Coercion is not a matter of coercion, but Zheng Wei, you cooperated well. I will make a note of this matter. I will deal with these things later. I will tell Director Liao after I take you down the mountain."

"Solution? You alone..."

"Dad, Wan Liyang is a B-level, I heard Shi Yu mention it." Zheng Wei said.

Wan Li frowned, and the girl who called him the farmer's brother came to mind.That girl looked cheerful, and she had no clue. Could it be because of her that the red organization knew about her information?

on the hill.

Zhong Yumi said in a deep voice, "It's time to fight!"

Dong Jiawei's heart tightened: "Get ready to act! Is Wan Liyang in trouble?"

Zhong Yumi hesitated for a moment: "It seems that there is no him, but the two people who fought against each other... are B-level!"

"Two B-levels? No Wanli Yang?" Dong Jiawei was stunned: "There are really two B-levels down there, and Wan Liyang made them fight. How did you do it?"


Wan Li didn't know how he did it, but he just changed a line of poetry, could it have been changed into Shao Minqiang's heart?
Shao Minqiang and Cheng Rui gradually became serious, and frequently used killer moves in the fight.Wan Li thought that Shao Minqiang, who was at a disadvantage in strength and speed, would lose quickly, but he didn't expect that his strong figure was not in vain, and he was very resistant to beatings. Changing injuries for injuries put Cheng Rui at a disadvantage.

As for the other side, the battle ended within ten seconds. The charming woman stood enchantingly, while the three young men fell to the ground, and they all threw their hands on their crotches. It is not difficult to see what kind of attack they have suffered...

"Those two idiots are really unreliable, this beauty is C-rank." Wan Li murmured softly.

Boom!Crack... squeak...

Suddenly, there was a thunderous roar, and Shao Laofat flew upside down and crashed into a bush.Cheng Rui was also having a hard time. Shao Minqiang punched his cheek, and his skinny face immediately became fatter. A little bit of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, presumably his gums were bleeding from the blow.

Wan Li blinked, and it was almost time for him to make his debut. Who should we deal with first?
In the bushes, Shao Minqiang stood up. He patted the dust off his body, but he didn't suffer too much damage. His body was unreasonably strong.Cheng Rui's face darkened, and he said, "Xiaoyuan, help!"

"Heck... I knew you couldn't do it, and you said you would meet someone else!"

"Stop talking nonsense, this guy is as strong as a wild boar, get rid of him as soon as possible!"

Wan Li raised his eyebrows, feeling that the opportunity had come, "Zheng Wei, take your dad away, don't splash blood on your body."

When the two B-levels collided again and the charming woman was waiting for the opportunity, Wan Li immediately ran to that side: "Brother Fat, I'll help you, leave this girl to me!"

His real goal is not a charming woman, but Cheng Rui!A rough-skinned but slow-moving slipper like Shao Laofat can slip to death, and Cheng Rui, whose strength and speed are close to ten thousand miles, is more threatening.

The sudden shout caused the two B-classes who were fighting each other to pause, and then collided again.

Wan Li glanced at them, facing the crotch kick from the front of the charming woman, exerted a little force on his left crotch, and wanted to bend to accelerate.

But suddenly, his eyes were firmly attracted by the kicked leg.The black tights outline the perfect calf curve without a trace of fat, and the enchanting figure constitutes the most graceful beauty in the world!
'If you can be kicked to the vitals by such a beautiful leg, how happy you would be... Damn it! '

Wan Li quickly clamped his legs, firmly clamped the charming woman's calf, bowed forward and stretched out his arms and elbows.

"Fuck, spiritual charm!"

(End of this chapter)

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