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Chapter 139 Escape

Chapter 139 Escape
on the hill.

"Beautiful!" Zhong Yumi exclaimed: "Wanli Yangzhen used a sneak attack to solve a B-level, now there is only one left, let's go down."

"Wait." Dong Jiawei stretched out his hand to pull him, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I'm afraid the three of us won't even be able to catch a blow from a B-level, and going down will only cause trouble for Wan Liyang, so stay and watch these two, yourself... No, you'd better not go either."

Zhong Yumi thought for a moment: "It seems that there are two other people who have been avoiding the battlefield. They are probably the weakest ones. Why don't we go around and catch them?"

Dong Jiawei was stunned: "That's fine, grab two, or we'll be soy saucers..."

"Brother Dong, you are delayed by work. When you reach D-level, Bureau Liao will definitely provide you with more spirit stones, and you will be able to catch up soon."

"Maybe, but I haven't awakened superpowers, in case I'm stuck at the limit of my body..."

"Bah bah bah!"

Dong Jiawei laughed: "You learned quickly from Wan Li Yang... Bah, bah, bah!"


in the valley.

Zheng Wei and his son didn't know that someone was going to go around and arrest them, so they looked at each other.

"Brother Fat, is it solved like this?"

"One, one move?!"

Although it was a sneak attack, it took less than a second for Wan Li to cut Shao Minqiang unconscious with a palm knife at a distance of more than 20 meters, which still brought great shock to these two ordinary people.

Not only the two of them, Cheng Rui of the B-level was also not at peace. He thought that if he switched roles, he might not be able to hit the back of Shao Minqiang's neck so accurately and stun him. At most, he would do a little damage to Shao Minqiang with a sneak attack... …

Just now he was anxious to attack because the charming woman was attacked, but he immediately calmed down after being easily forced back by Wan Li.He took a few glances at the charming woman lying limp on the ground, seeing that she was just fainted and had no other injuries, her expression relaxed a little, and then became more tense.

"People from the Martial Arts Bureau?"

"That's right. That's why I said... How about just catching him?" Wan Li smiled.

Cheng Rui looked at Zheng Wei and his son in the distance, and said slowly, "Are they undercover agents from the Martial Arts Bureau?"

Wan Li was stunned: "It's a misunderstanding. They...well, they are probably repentant mine thieves? They will be punished lightly. Do you want to repent?"

"Mine thief? Heh!" Cheng Rui sneered: "Spiritual stone is an opportunity in the age of practice, an opportunity that belongs to all practitioners. I am stronger, so naturally I should get more. Why wait for the country to distribute it uniformly? I just came to take it away. The one that belongs to me."

Wan Li shook his head: "Old Tie, you must not have read much, and you don't know how important order is. Okay, okay, don't waste time to recover your physical strength, you can't compare to me if you accumulate ten tubes of physical strength, so let me catch you if you don't have to fight." Are you knocked out?"

Cheng Rui narrowed his eyes: "Whoever loses wins..."

"I'm sure I'll win!" Wan Li strode forward, charging towards Cheng Rui like a tiger pouncing on his prey.

At the same time as he pounced, he raised his fists and swung his center of gravity several times, making Cheng Rui confused for a moment from which angle he would attack.Cheng Rui could only sink his center of gravity, his feet firmly planted on the ground, his hands were about to be raised but he did not raise his hands, and faced Wan Li whose strength was unknown but probably stronger than himself, he chose to defend and counterattack.

When Wan Li rushed to Cheng Rui, his center of gravity shifted sharply to the right, turned to Cheng Rui's left side, and swung his left fist like a swift wind, without hitting the lower abdomen, without hitting the head, but hitting the chest!
Faced with this exaggerated speed blow, Cheng Rui concentrated his mind, raised his left elbow, blocked the punch just right, and wanted to raise his right leg to fight back, but he was surprised that the punch was extremely weak, it was a bluff!
His right foot that was about to be lifted immediately firmly grasped the ground, and he punched tentatively with his right arm, but Wan Li slammed into his arms with his left shoulder at a faster speed.

His left elbow was still on defense, so Wanli's impact only made him take two small steps back, and the right fist he swung missed, and he was not injured.Wanli's attack did not stop, he supported the ground with his left foot in front, raised his right leg high, whipped his leg and hit his head, driving the sound of the wind into Cheng Rui's ears.

Cheng Rui still chose to defend with his left elbow, resting his left arm on the side of his left face, and at the same time shifted his center of gravity slightly to the right so that he could step back and unload his strength.

However, the feeling of elbows and legs touching did not come through for a long time, it was still a feint, weaker than the punch just now, there was no contact between contact and touch, the whistling wind seemed to be just an illusion.

Then Wanli made a movement that normal people cannot make.His left foot left on the ground gripped the ground heavily, his left psoas muscles exerted force, and his right leg hovering at Cheng Rui's elbow retracted in the same way. Driven by inertia, his body turned 180 degrees, and he kicked hard because he couldn't take precautions in time Cheng Rui's belly!
Cheng Rui's eyes were widened by this kick, and this blow from bottom to top caused his feet to leave the ground and flew out in a parabola...

Without giving him a chance to catch his breath, Wan Li immediately turned around and jumped out, catching up with Cheng Rui who was floating in the air.However, the next second he fell to the ground and woke up again...

But he failed to stand up and resist, he curled up on his side, clutching his abdomen tightly, panting in pain and at the same time a transparent liquid flowed from the corner of his mouth... Wan Li stepped forward and gave him a palm on the back of the neck, and he relaxed.

"The kick just now was so hard that you caught it without putting your hands on it. It was the first time I tried that kind of action, and I couldn't hold back." Wan Li murmured softly.

The roundabout kick just now was the inspiration he got when he continued to "strengthen his feet secretly" tonight. It does not belong to any kind of fighting art. It means that he is brave enough to try new tricks in this situation. Now Looks like the raid worked out well.

"What are you doing! Our father and son came here under duress. Don't handcuff us like criminals. I don't wear handcuffs... I'm too lazy to tell you, where is Director Liao?" Suddenly, Zheng Wei's father roared When it was heard, Wan Li turned his head to look, Dong Ge and Zhong Yumi were holding down Zheng Wei and his son one by one, handcuffing them.

Wan Li bent down and picked up Cheng Rui and walked over, said with a smile: "These two people don't need to wear handcuffs, there are too many prisoners, so save handcuffs."

Dong Jiawei shook his head: "We brought 12 sets, which is enough."

"That's just right, all B-level people need to be handcuffed twice, both hands and feet." Wan Li put Cheng Rui down, "First handcuff this, and there... eh?!"

Wan Li turned his head to look around, and was shocked that Shao Minqiang had disappeared!

"Wanli Yang, over there!" Zhong Yumi pointed to the north hillside, where a burly figure was climbing and running away.

Wan Li immediately jumped and rushed out, but when he climbed to the top of the slope along Shao Minqiang's escape route, he couldn't catch Shao Minqiang's figure in the thick night.

"Damn it, I don't remember that my palm knife was kept. If I put more force, I'm afraid it can kill an ordinary B-level. Is it so resistant to beating?" Run away by this boss!"

He didn't go deep into the forest to search. After all, there is a B-level below, and the 'witch', it seems unreliable to wield a sword, and it will be bad if they wake up.

"May you run headfirst into Director Liao."

(End of this chapter)

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