Restart the world

Chapter 140 Another One Comes

Chapter 140 Here Comes Another (Third)
Putting handcuffs on all the mine thieves, the Wanli team decided to return.

It’s impossible not to return, and now Zhong Yumi is carrying two unconscious ones, Dong Jiawei is also carrying two unconscious ones, and the two buddies from the Martial Arts Bureau are carrying three big bags of spirit stones, and by the way, they are holding the bruised and swollen duo and Zheng Wei and his son. Miles...

"Wan Liyang, don't you need to do this? Although you can't touch the female prisoner, it doesn't mean you can't even touch it. It's okay to carry it like we do." Dong Jiawei laughed.

"Brother Dong, you don't understand." Wan Li shook his head with a deep expression on his face, "She is a spiritually charming and super awakened person, it's okay if you don't touch her, after touching her, wait for her to wake up and give me a wink, and then I will fuck you!" If you let her go, you will ruin your fame for the rest of your life."

"A superpower?" Dong Jiawei frowned, then shook his head and laughed again: "I am famous in the world? Then you can't think of a different way?"

"It's okay, my arm strength and physical strength are fine." Wan Li grinned.

The duo with bruised nose and swollen face laughed out loud: "This bitch has been punished, it's time!" '

At this time, Wan Li was walking with two steel shovels holding the unconscious charming woman, and was far away from her, even refusing to smell the perfume on her body.

After walking all the way like this, I didn't encounter any ore thieves on the way down the mountain, and returned to Xiema Village smoothly.

It was more than three o'clock in the middle of the night, and Xiema Village had fallen into a deep sleep. Everyone moved lightly, but dogs still barked.

Back downstairs in the hotel, Wan Li looked up and saw Wen Jing looking down. She looked curiously at the charming woman Wan Li was holding with a steel spade, blinked her big eyes, and smiled at Wan Li.

Wan Li smiled back, and walked into the hotel with everyone, and the left-behind members of the C-level Martial Arts Bureau immediately greeted them... They were the first group to return.

"You are Mr. Fu from class 101, right? The one I'm holding is a C-level power user, Zhong Yumi's handcuffs are B-level Cheng Rui, and the others are below D-level. How do you arrange them?"


Time passed, and one hour later, Yu Qianqian's team returned and arrested a total of 14 people, including three C-level people.Director Liao and Liu Miao's team searched more deeply. It was not until dawn that the two teams returned at the same time, bringing back more than 40 people, which almost filled the hotel.

"There are so many people?" Wan Li glanced around, but he didn't find Shao Minqiang.

"Lock it up, lock it up for me, and dispose of it in batches and sort it out! Fucking New Year's Eve all come to find fault with me, right?!" Director Liao had a loud voice, and arranged for the members of the Martial Arts Bureau to act.

Liu Miao walked up to Wan Li, confirmed that the unconscious person next to him was indeed Cheng Rui, nodded in approval to Wan Li and said, "It's good to meet Cheng Rui and knock him out and arrest him."

Wan Li shook his head: "I also met that Shao Minqiang, and knocked him out too. But I didn't expect this guy to pretend to be unconscious or wake up quickly, and ran away while I was catching Cheng Rui. Class teacher, you and Director Liao are both Met him?"

Liu Miao frowned: "This mountain is too big. Our four teams alone can't search it all in one night. Are you sure Shao Minqiang appeared here and stole the mine? Then he can't escape!"

Wan Li was startled: "Are you sure?"

"These B-levels who are not in the system are highly concerned. They suddenly came to our city and appeared near Xiling in Xiema Village. It is speculated that it is because of the spirit stone, but it is speculated that they cannot be convicted."

"Oh. Then the evidence is convincing this time. All three of his younger brothers have been captured by us."

"That's better, he can be wanted."

There were too many prisoners, and there were so many members of the Martial Arts Bureau that the two buses that came couldn't fit them.Director Liao could only bring some of them back to the city, including Cheng Rui.As for Zheng Wei and his son who were clamoring to see him, he didn't respond at all.

Liu Miao stayed in the hotel, planning to use the first floor of the hotel as an interrogation room to interrogate a group of prisoners first.

"Wan Liyang, go back to your room and sleep. You've worked hard tonight, and we'll leave the rest to you." Yu Qianqian said to Wan Li without leaving.

It is not a big problem for a B-level physique to stay up all day and night, but Wanlikan really has nothing to do with himself, so he nodded and said, "Sister Yu, the female prisoner in room 103 is still awake? Just pay attention to her, I won't attack hard , She should wake up. She is a spiritual charmer, and she uses her ability very well, except for you and the class teacher, it is best not to let other people touch her."

"Don't worry, I know."

"Then... good morning, Sister Yu." Wan Li turned and went upstairs, climbed to the fourth floor, entered the room, took a shower as if coping, and went to bed.



"Wanliyang, Wanliyang! Are you awake, are you still sleeping? The dumplings that Brother Dong gave us are going to be cold, so go to bed when you're full? Wanliyang!"

Wen Jing's voice woke Wan Li up from his sleep. He lay on the bed in a daze for two seconds, and smacked his lips: "It's disturbing your dream."

Lifting the quilt to look at the sticky underwear, Wanli sighed helplessly: "The second time."

"Wan Liyang! Are you still awake?!"

"Wake up, wake up, stop shouting!"

"Then open the door?"

"...Wait a minute, I'm going to sleep naked!" Wan Li showed a little embarrassment on his face, and hurried to the bathroom to wash briefly, put on clean clothes, open the window, and open the door.

"It's really slow." Wen Jing was holding a box of dumplings and wanted to enter the house, but Wan Li slapped her and pushed her out.

"Go to your room to eat, my phone is still with you, right?" Wan Li smiled.

"Go to my room?" Wen Jing was stunned for a moment, "That's fine, your room seems to be smelly."

"It's masculine." Wanli closed the door.

"Smelly masculine." Wen Jing curled her lips, turned her eyes and asked, "What happened to that sister you brought back with a steel shovel yesterday?"



While eating and chatting, Wan Li told Wen Jing what happened last night in turn.

"Spiritual charm?" Wen Jing pouted: "So you are holding her because you are afraid of being charmed? What an idiot!"

Wan Li squinted at her: "If you don't look at her figure, then look at yourself..."

"Okay, okay, I know!" Wen Jing was used to it, but she didn't get angry, "He's not yet 19 years old, and it's not like he won't grow up!"

"You're under 19? When's your birthday?"

"December 3."

The corner of Wan Li's mouth twitched: "I'm March 3, I'm only two days older than you, are you angry?"

Wen Jing rolled her eyes at him: "Are you done eating? Go back to your room to catch up on sleep!"

"I don't feel sleepy anymore, I'll go downstairs and have a look."

He started to go downstairs, and as soon as he reached the first floor, he saw Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian coming out of Room 103. Liu Miao's face was a little embarrassed, and Yu Qianqian's face turned pink.

Seeing Wan Li, Liu Miao sincerely praised him again: "It's good to be able to capture Cheng Yuan."

Wan Li blinked: "Teacher, Miss Yu, how is the interrogation work?"

"There are a few people who are not very cooperative." Yu Qianqian shook his head and smiled again: "But when the people arrive later, they will cooperate."

"Here?" Wan Li was taken aback.

At this moment, a familiar black car suddenly came out of the hotel.After the car came to a complete stop, a young girl got out of the back seat. When she saw the three of them, she immediately showed a smile: "Teacher, Sister Yu, Brother Yang, Happy Chinese New Year!"

With a bright smile and a pure and beautiful face, Wan Li's heart beat violently. When You Sheng faced the charming woman last night: "Damn it, there is another one who is even more powerful." '

"Ni'er, are you D-rank?"

(End of this chapter)

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