Restart the world

Chapter 141 Spiritual confrontation

Chapter 141 Spiritual confrontation
Soul Dominion, which ranks fifth in superpower, is far from being comparable to ordinary abilities. It integrates more than a dozen spiritual abilities such as thought control, brainwashing, mind reading, impact, oppression, and charm, and each of them is stronger than these single abilities. And have a suppressive effect on these abilities.

If it wasn't for its low destructive power, it would even rank second among superpowers.

Not long after Ni Qinyu arrived at D-level, Wan Li felt a little bit confronted with the charming woman by the little ability revealed unconsciously. There is a reason why she is prettier than that charming woman, but more of it is the difference in ability.

Shao Minqiang's three younger brothers have all confessed, but Zheng Wei's father has always refused to cooperate: "Even if I, Zheng Gan, are caught by you, I will be imprisoned for 5 years or 10 years. My answer is that I was coerced!" '

After seeing Ni Qinyu:' I said. '

He wanted to expand the jewelry business and open up the situation in Xiangping City, so he contacted Shao Minqiang.Shao Minqiang happened to covet the Lingshi, and then the matter of stealing the mine happened naturally.

He and Zheng Wei were held in isolation. After interrogating him, Zheng Wei didn't have to interrogate him again.Zheng Wei is indeed quite innocent. He didn't know that his father had sold him until he saw Shao Minqiang last night, and he couldn't get away with an accessory crime.However, he took the initiative to cooperate with Wanli's operation, and the crime was reduced by one class. He will probably have a sentence similar to Wen Jing's.

Coming out of Zheng Wei's father's room, Ni Qinyu was taken to several rooms. After seeing her, all the 'diehards' recruited things that they couldn't remember clearly, not to mention the reasons for stealing mines or accomplices and hired messengers. exist……

After entering and leaving five rooms, Ni Qinyu was a little tired, Liu Miao said: "Take a break, there is only one left, it's hard work."

Ni Qinyu shook her head: "Leader, let's go directly, I want to see Wen Jing. Brother Yang, which room is Wen Jing in?"

"At 402. You should rest for a while, the last one is the most difficult to deal with...Ni'er, can you try to absorb your ability as much as possible, so that no one else dare to face it except me and Sister Yu, the class teacher?" I see you."

"I've restrained myself a lot," Ni Qinyu said helplessly, "When I first arrived at Level D three days ago, my parents had to pass me meals through the crack of the door."

Wan Li grinned: "It's really troublesome. I'll go see Wen Jing in a while, and be careful that she hugs you and kisses you."

Charm doesn't care if you're a man or a woman, or even your species.If Ni Qinyu goes to the street now, there will definitely be a bunch of cats and dogs chasing her away.

A group of four came to sit on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. Liu Miao said to Wan Li, "A total of 68 people were caught this time, and about 60 people will be sent here to mine. I'm afraid you can't manage it, so Ni Qin Yu will stay to assist you."

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, the supervisor's power had been greatly enhanced, and he was now assigned a deputy.

He hesitated for a moment: "Teacher, there is something I don't know whether to ask or not. If you can't say it or you need to sign a non-disclosure agreement, just pretend that I didn't ask... Why do you need to manually dig the spirit stone? Nearly 20 pieces have been dug out, but if large-scale machinery is used to open mountains and blast, at least 200 million pieces should be dug out or even hollowed out, right?"

Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian looked at each other and nodded in affirmation.Yu Qianqian explained: "I can tell you about two reasons. First, spirit stones can be destroyed. Wan Liyang, you probably have never thought about this, so you haven't tried it. A B-level punch can crush spirit stones." Stones, and broken spirit stones will fail, and large-scale mechanical excavation may cause wear and tear, so it is not as safe as manpower."

Wanli blinks, shatters, fails?If the spirit stone is broken, can the red dot run away?

"The second reason is that the appearance of spirit stones comes without warning, a bit... like special minerals refreshed at specific locations in some games."

"Sister Yu, do you still play online games?"

"Don't excavation can not change the terrain of this 'mine spot' as much as possible, do you understand?"

Wanli is clear, meaning that after the spirit stones here are dug out, and the terrain has not changed, one day the spirit stone mine may be refreshed here again?
"Misunderstood, I don't draw... Hey, will the red dots of the spirit stones enter the body if someone else sucks them? If they don't enter the body, where are the red dots?" Thinking of this, Wan Li suddenly felt that the refreshing of the spirit stone mine was really true. It's not impossible, but it's not necessarily true whether the brush is in the same position.

He still has one last thing he doesn't understand: "For something as important as the Lingshi Mine, the West Ridge of Xiema Village should be completely sealed off, right? The Martial Arts Bureau doesn't have enough people, what about the army? What about the navy?"

Yu Qianqian was silent for a moment, and Liu Miao interjected, "You have no right to know about this."

Wanli nodded and stopped asking.

Ni Qinyu blinked her big eyes, looked at Wan Li, and then at Liu Miao.Liu Miao's face darkened, and he shouted, "Don't abuse your abilities!"

Wan Li immediately agreed: "Ni'er, you must not abuse your abilities, especially mind reading."

Ni Qinyu shook her head apologetically: "I didn't do it on purpose, I confiscated it for a while, and naturally read a little bit of the class teacher's thoughts. The class teacher seemed to think of bees suddenly, so I was a little curious..."

Liu Miao was startled, the D-class can read a little bit of his own thoughts?It is basically certain that Ni Qinyu's ability is unique...

Wanli smacked his lips: Bees, queen bees, super intelligent creatures?Army, navy, sea?

"I don't know anything." He said silently in his heart, "This world is becoming more and more dangerous."


Let Ni Qinyu rest for 10 minutes, a group of four rushed to room 103, and brushed up the last boss Cheng Yuan—the name Cheng Yuan was given by her, and she said that she was Cheng Rui's cousin, and came to mine with her cousin, I don't know anything else.

It stands to reason that there is nothing else to ask, but Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian always feel that she is pretending to cooperate, and it is safe to ask again.In the room, Cheng Yuan was lying prone on the bed. Hearing the sound, he raised his head, gritted his teeth lightly when he saw Wan Li, and showed a charming smile again.

"Little boy, rest well, did you dream about your sister?"

Wan Li's face froze for a moment, and she giggled: "When my sister fainted and rubbed my sister's butt, it hurts, of course I will dream about my sister!"

The three people in the same company cast surprised glances, and Wan Li immediately denied San Lian.

"Then why does my sister's butt hurt?"

"Maybe it was... a steel shovel?"

"... a steel shovel?"

Wan Li stretched his arms forward: "I brought you back with two steel shovels. Well, don't doubt it, it means literally."

Cheng Yuan:? ? ?
The corner of Liu Miao's mouth twitched: "Cheng Yuan, you need to tell us your identity and purpose again."

"Say it again? It's so annoying, my butt hurts, I don't want to say it. It's not convenient for me to rub my butt in handcuffs, so handsome brother help me untie it? can rub it for me?"

Liu Miao glanced sideways, while Ni Qinyu took two steps forward: "Sister, let me help you."

Cheng Yuan was taken aback: "Pretty little sister, you are... hmm?"

When she met Ni Qinyu's eyes, her body froze immediately, she unconsciously relaxed her body, her gaze was empty, as if she had let go of all her guard.

"Sister, what's your name?"

"My name is..." Cheng Yuan paused, frowned slightly, her body lying on the bed turned sideways, her legs kicked towards Ni Qinyu with the whistling sound of the wind, but Wan Li, who had been prepared for a long time, kicked her back.

"Violent resistance? See, sister, you have a secret? Nier, come on!"

"Yeah!" Ni Qinyu nodded, his eyes were as soft as water, "Sister, what's your name?"

Cheng Yuan's face turned red, she clenched her teeth, and started a mental confrontation with Ni Qinyu.She, who has always charmed others, finally experienced the feeling of being charmed by others, which is not very comfortable...

(End of this chapter)

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