Restart the world

Chapter 142 99 Returns 1

Chapter 142
The spiritual confrontation is invisible, and Wanli Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian can only be anxious but unable to help.

If Ni Qinyu was also C-level, Wan Li would not be worried at all, and Cheng Yuan would tell the truth with just one glance.But she has just entered D-level, and it has only been three days. Wan Li has no idea whether she can win. Putting superpowers into the aura system makes many things different.

Just when he was thinking about whether he should do something to distract Cheng Yuan, Cheng Yuan's tense body suddenly went limp, her eyes were lifeless and she gasped violently, and the sweat on her forehead flowed like a small river...

"Win!" Wan Li was sure, but seeing Ni Qinyu also staggered, Yu Qianqian quickly stepped forward to support her.

"Ni'er, are you okay?"

Ni Qinyu's forehead was also covered with sweat, she gasped for two seconds, and said, "She didn't lie. Her name is Cheng Yuan, and she is Cheng Rui's cousin."

"Are you telling the truth?" Wan Li frowned, Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian were also a little surprised. Could it be that she just resisted because she didn't want to be charmed?

At this moment, Liu Miao's cell phone rang, and he immediately picked it up: "Ju Liao, it's me."

"...It's over here too, you can send a car to pick it up. Bureau Liao, did Cheng Rui say something about his relationship with Cheng Yuan?"

"Cousin? Did you ask someone to check his household registration? Okay, I see." Liu Miao hung up the phone, and the doubts in her heart finally disappeared.

Ni Qinyu was a little unsteady, Yu Qianqian carried her on his back, "Let's go first."

Before closing the door, Wan Li glanced back at Cheng Yuan, who was lying limp on the bed. Her eyes were closed, and she seemed to have fallen asleep exhausted.Looking at Ni Qinyu again, her eyes have regained their agility, and she seems to have regained her composure... It was indeed she who won.

"It should be fine, but why do I always feel that something is wrong?"


Wen Jing's room.

"Qinyu? Why are you here? Did you come to see me? What's wrong with you? Sister Yu, what's wrong with Qinyu? Wan Liyang, what do you say?"

Wan Li shook his head, and Yu Qianqian looked at each other speechlessly, who did he want to say?What do you say?

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, just rest for a while." Ni Qinyu said.

Yu Qianqian put her on Wenjing's bed, said "you three talk" and turned to leave. She still had things to do.Wen Jing immediately sat on the edge of the bed: "Qin Yu, are you okay? What happened to Wan Liyang!"

"I'm really fine, I'm just a little tired, a little sleepy, and I want to sleep."

"Ni'er is D-level, so the head teacher came to ask her to help interrogate the prisoner. She has overused her ability. Let her sleep." Wan Li explained.

"That's it..." Wen Jing blinked: "Then why don't you go out quickly? Qin Yu, I'll take off your coat for you, you should rest quickly."

Wan Li hesitated for a moment, wanted to say something but couldn't say it, was signaled by Wen Jing's stare, shook his head and turned to leave the room.After Wen Jing confirmed that Wan Li hadn't peeked through the door, she stepped forward to help Ni Qinyu take off her coat: "Qin Yu, it's great to see you, I'm so annoyed at a sheep all day long!"

The corner of Ni Qinyu's mouth twitched, you don't think so in your heart... No, no, why are you reading your mind again! "Wen Jing, don't you like Brother Yang?"

Wen Jing paused, her face flushed: "Like it? How is it possible? I only like Qinyu from our family. Girl, do you sleep with me? The cuddle bear at home was burned by me. I have nothing to hold it these days. Sleeping is always uncomfortable." Wen Jing took off Ni Qinyu's coat, went to bed and lay beside her, and put her arms around her: "It's comfortable."

Ni Qinyu breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured sleepily: "Wen Jing, I seem to have done something wrong, but I feel...that's right."


"It's okay, that's right."

"...what's wrong?"

"It's alright, go to sleep."


Time flies, and six days pass in a blink of an eye.There are many more prisoners who need to be supervised, nine are C-level and D-level, and 52 are not D-level.Fortunately, Ni Qinyu, the assistant supervisor, is very capable, and Wan Li is still as idle as before.

As for Cheng Yuan, she was taken back to Bincheng, and her subsequent whereabouts are unknown.It is obviously impossible for her troublesome ability to be sent for mining. Of course, it is even more impossible for B-level Cheng Rui.

However, Shao Minqiang has been wanted by the Martial Arts Bureau. There is a reward for reporting, and there is no reward for arresting, so as to prevent some people from overestimating their capabilities and hitting stones with eggs.

That night, Wan Li reluctantly rejected Wen Jing and Ni Qinyu's invitation to fight the landlord, locked the door of the room firmly, and concentrated on sucking the spirit stone.

Because of catching Cheng Rui, he was rewarded another 30 yuan of spirit stones, plus some here and there, the little red dots in his body grew from 63 to 94 now!
He who has a little trypophobia is actually a little afraid to feel it.He was lying on the bed, with six spirit stones placed beside him, ready to get the number of red dots to one hundred.If the red dot has not changed after a hundred, he has to prepare to fill his arms.

1 block, 2 blocks, 3 blocks, 4 blocks...

The time went to 11 o'clock, and Wan Li was a little tired.He sat up, changed his cross-legged position, and sucked the fifth piece.The aura flowed into his body like a spring, and Wan Li felt that his aura was getting closer to B-level, but there was no standard to measure it. He couldn't be sure whether he would reach B-level today or a week later.

And as the amount of aura in his body increased, he found that the speed at which he could absorb the aura from the spirit stone was also increasing. It took only four to 10 minutes to absorb the spirit stone that initially took an hour.Four or ten minutes later, the spirit stone was turned into powder in his hand, he blew hard, causing the powder of the spirit stone to fly to the ground, and took the last piece of spirit stone, all in one go!
However, at this moment, he suddenly felt bursts of swelling in his left elbow, which made his heart skip a beat. "It's going to explode? It shouldn't be, the red dot is so small..." He sensed it with concentration, and then distracted himself dizzily.The red dot inside the elbow spun extremely fast, shining like a galaxy, but unfortunately it looked dizzy.

"It seems... to be merging?" Those red dots spun and converged, and a minute later, a familiar red line appeared inside Wan Li's left elbow!
"It will really converge into a red line! Only 99 pieces are needed, not 100. Is this red line an inexhaustible body, a super aptitude, or a new ability?"

You can tell what it is by pushing it. The difficulty of promoting super aptitude and inexhaustible body is different.Wan Li used his thoughts to control the spiritual energy and gently pushed the red thread, and then...

Whoosh! !

Wan Li looked confused: "Peng, Peng Ci'er? I just pushed you lightly, and you ejaculated? Where did the ejaculation go?"

He glanced around the room, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "It's over, the red light won't be blocked by walls and other obstacles, shouldn't it pass through the wall, shoot someone in the body, and give the power to someone else? The direction my hand was pointing just now ..."

Wan Li bowed his head, startled, the spirit stone he placed on his lap had changed.Its surface seemed to form a vortex, layers melted, condensed inward, and sank into the vortex without a trace.

The spirit stone gradually shrank like this, and finally turned into a drop of milky white liquid.

Under the dim light of the hotel, that drop of milky white liquid refracted colorful rays of light!

(End of this chapter)

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