Restart the world

Chapter 143 Bottleneck Breakthrough Agent

Chapter 143 Bottleneck Breakthrough Agent

"The red thread just now hit the spirit stone, turning it into... the essence of the spirit stone?!" Wan Li stared blankly at the drop of milky white liquid on his pants for a long time, with the corners of his mouth raised high.

The red line is made up of 99 red dots, and there is one red dot in the spirit stone, adding up to exactly 1, and the aura content of the essence of the spirit stone is 100 times that of the spirit stone, so there is nothing wrong with it!

"Then if I eat it, will there be a red thread in my body? Isn't that..." Wan Li reached out to pinch the essence of the spirit stone, but didn't pinch it.

"Stupid, how can I pinch the liquid? It's not bad if it doesn't seep into my pants." Wan Li pondered for a moment, bent over with all his strength, squeaked, fragrant!
A surge of spiritual energy filled Wan Li's chest and abdomen in an instant. It was warm and comfortable, and Wan Li squinted his eyes: "That's the smell!"

In the past 22 days of the supervisor's life, he had only absorbed 99 spirit stones in total, and the essence of this drop of spirit stone was one point more than the spiritual energy brought to him by those 99 spirit stones.

At this time, Wanli naturally absorbs spirit energy at eight times the speed of ordinary people, and a piece of spirit stone is equivalent to ten times the speed of natural absorption for one hour. Through complex calculations such as integral formula, Helen formula, and Nasha formula, this drop of spirit stone essence is equivalent to his natural energy. Absorbing spiritual energy for 125 hours, more than 5 days!

As the aura in the essence of the spirit stone was slowly digested by him and turned into his own aura, a wonderful feeling came from Wanli's body—the aura flowing freely in every corner of his body seemed to suddenly have a sense of belonging, willing to obey manipulated by him.

Wan Li blinked, manipulated the aura in his right arm to make a big circle awkwardly, and then let it flow to his left arm, manipulated the aura in his left arm to make a big circle, and let it flow to his right arm.

Preliminary control of aura, B-level!
At C-level, the human body is like a spiritual energy storage tank that can only enter and exit. It is always accumulating spiritual energy, but it can only slightly influence the flow of spiritual energy with the subconscious mind. Class B is still accumulating the amount of aura, and at the same time, it will become more and more familiar with the manipulation of aura, until it can be attached to the body surface, it will be A grade.

Wan Li got up and moved his body, was familiar with spiritual manipulation, and at the same time sensed the situation in his body. After a while, he frowned: "There is no red line, not even a red spot."

"Is it lost when fused into spirit stone essence or can't I absorb it? In this way, every 100 yuan of spirit stone can become 99 pieces of spirit stone + 1 drop of spirit stone essence..." Wan Li pondered: "No, just now The red line just hit the spirit stone, what if it hits something else or even a person? There are a lot of attempts, but the spirit stone is still not enough..."

Suddenly, a tingling sensation came from all parts of Wan Li's body, and he immediately revealed surprise: "It's been a long time since I felt this kind of feeling. Reaching the B level of spiritual energy has finally stopped my physique from growing rapidly..."


Early the next morning, Wan Li was awakened by a piercing ringing of the phone.The long-lost numbness in his body made him sleep very restlessly that night. He took a look at his phone and saw that it was only 06:30. Disturbing dreams!
"Hello, who?"

"Brother, it's me, remember me? I'm sorry, did I disturb your sleep!" A rough male voice came.


"I, Jiang Tao, Qunhao!"

Wan Li blinked, and most of the drowsiness disappeared immediately, Qunhao Manager Jiang?I haven't interacted with him for more than half a year, what are you doing with me?

"Brother, do you think of me? Uh... I need your help with something and only you can help, so my brother has the cheek to call you."

"...what's the matter?"

", you just woke up, so you must not have read the martial arts forum, right? You should read it first, after reading are so smart, you must know what I want to ask of you."

Flatter me?Wan Li grinned: "Okay."

Hanging up the phone, Wan Li was still a little dazed, went to the bathroom to wash his face, opened the window in the room, and the cold wind blew, he finally woke up.He picked up his phone again and used the client to log in to the martial arts forum.

"Stand short?" Wan Li was taken aback, it's not a trivial matter for Martial Arts Headquarters to send short posts every time.After clicking on the website short page, the page was automatically imported into a post, and the first paragraph made Wan Li's eyes widen slightly.

'Since January 1, the concentration of Reiki in the air has risen slowly, reached its peak in the early morning of this morning and then stabilized.During this period, people who practiced acceleration abilities appeared one after another around the world, and they also stopped in the early morning of this morning. 'It's a very familiar sentence, the same as that of super powers, but the date has been changed.

"It's over, today is February 2, 23 days? Then my next comic can appear?" Wan Li whispered, wanting to test it right away, but the supervisor has to supervise until the end of this month, and there is still a week left. "...It's not too late for this week, and then organize the outline, so that there are no omissions."

He has already figured out the outline of the next manga in his mind, and he just needs to put pen to paper.He flipped down the post, and it was no different from when he had superpowers. The General Administration explained what it means to practice acceleration abilities, and comforted the unawakened people not to be disappointed, and wait for the next time.

"Oh, wait for the next time, I'm sure there will be a next time before I start painting?" Wan Li grinned.

The post does not end here, there is a second page, and the second page says another thing.

'From now on, the trading section of the Martial Arts Forum will be strictly rectified, and an official store will be added to sell spirit stones and bottleneck breakthrough agents. For details, you can browse in the official store. '

"Bottleneck breakthrough agent?" Wan Li was stunned, and swiped downwards, "...Is it really that kind of thing? I've been researching it for a long time, and finally there is a finished product?"

'Bottleneck Breakthrough Agent: Helps people break through the bottleneck between E-class and D-class. Due to the difficulty of manufacturing and the scarcity, the identity of the buyer will be evaluated, and the price is relatively expensive. Please understand. '

Wan Li understood that Manager Jiang wanted to ask him to do something, he was probably stuck at the limit of his body...

"Identity evaluation?" Wan Li frowned: "Would it be cheaper for me to buy than him? Isn't it?" There is a link to the official store in the post, Wanli clicks on it.

'Lingshi: Available for purchase at D-level and above. D-level can buy one piece for three days, C-level for two days...B-level for one day...A-level can buy three pieces a day, the unit price is 10000¥, and you can buy up to three months at a time. According to the identity evaluation, the purchase interval can be appropriate shorten. '

This price made the corner of Wanli's eyes twitch. He has unknowingly sucked in 100 million these days.But identity evaluation... can the purchase interval be shortened?

'Bottleneck breakthrough agent, each person is limited to one, the price is 3000000¥, due to the limited quantity, according to the identity evaluation, you can buy it first as appropriate. '

"Purchase first as appropriate?" Wan Li squinted, not because it's cheap, but to buy first? "300 million, it's really expensive. What does identity evaluation mean?"

After a while, Wan Li found the 'Identity Evaluation' button at the bottom of the store and clicked it...

(End of this chapter)

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