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Chapter 144 The Privileged Dog

Chapter 144 The Privileged Dog

'Forum id: Wally sheep
Real name: Wan Liyang
Age: 18 years old
Grade: C
ID number: xxxxx

Occupation (school): Bencheng Budo University

File: Second-class merit twice, third-class merit once, fourth-class merit once, and fifth-class merit four times in the independent system of Budo University.

Under evaluation, need 54s, 53...'

After Wanli clicked the identity evaluation button, a page with black letters on a green background popped up, which clearly counted all his information.

"It turns out that the evaluation is about meritorious deeds, or the...contributions I have made to the country?"

Wan Li didn't know that he had so many meritorious deeds without counting. The islander was second-class that time, and the queen bee was also second-class... It is not a big problem for Director Liao to step down after graduating from university.

After waiting for 1 minute, the page jumps.

'Rating: 30
The number of spirit stones that can be purchased: two pieces per day
Number of Bottleneck Breakers that can be purchased: 1
Waiting time: 18-28'

Wan Li pondered for a moment, guessing why Manager Jiang asked him to help.Manager Jiang is just a practice club manager, and the waiting time must be much longer than Wanli.But practice is a step by step step by step. He probably wants Wan Li to help, and wants to get the bottleneck breakthrough agent earlier.

Miles call back.

"Hey, brother, have you finished reading the website? Have you done the identity assessment? How long is the waiting time?"

"How often do you?"

"I..." Manager Jiang paused: "Two years and three months. To be honest, I not only found you, brother, but they will take one year and two months at the earliest. I heard that you, brother level, and still a power user, can it... within half a year?"

There was hope in his voice.When a person who practiced at the forefront of most people suddenly finds that he has nowhere to go, and people who are lower than him have the opportunity to catch up with him and surpass him, the psychological gap is not ordinary.

Changing positions, Wan Li guessed that he would be so eager, but... half a year?
Thinking about his 18th-28th, Wan Li hesitated for a moment: "I want two months."

"Two months?!" Manager Jiang exclaimed, "Really? That's great! Brother, I..."

"Wait, don't quote the price first, don't tempt me." Wan Li interrupted: "After all, each person is limited to one copy of the Bottleneck Breakthrough Agent. It happened suddenly. I need to check first whether any of my friends need it. I hope you understand."

Manager Jiang was silent for a moment: "Understood, understood. Sigh, I was too anxious. In the past six months, I... Sigh, let's not talk about anything else. If you don't have relatives and friends who need it, you must think of me."

"Well, don't worry."

Hanging up the phone, Wanli shook his head lightly.He could feel that Manager Jiang was not happy, but he had to refuse. The two of them had some quarrels because they were not relatives. Although Manager Jiang later compensated him with a private practice room for a holiday, it was just nonsense. draw.

There are not too many people who need a bottleneck breakthrough agent, and it is impossible for Wanli to agree.

"Wan Liyang! Are you still asleep? Get up, something big has happened! Wan Liyang!!" Wen Jing knocked on the door and shouted.

"Wen Jing, please keep your voice down, don't disturb other brothers and sisters..."

"Qin Yu, you don't know, Wan Li Yang wakes up like a dead pig!"

Dead Pig opened the door with a sullen face, Wen Jing's face froze for a moment, and she changed the subject as if she had never said that sentence before: "Wan Liyang, you are awake? Look at the martial arts forum!"

Wan Li glanced at her sideways, and greeted Ni Qinyu with a smile.She has restrained her abilities quite well this week, basically not affecting her normal life.

"I've seen it, the bottleneck breakthrough agent."

Wen Jing was taken aback: "Then did you see the leisure irrigation section? It's all exploded. What kind of 'privileged dog' rhythm is a bunch of people playing? What's wrong with our hard work to complete the task? Especially you, that time But staying in the hospital for three months scared me to death. Wan Liyang, how long do you need to wait for the team? Ni Er and I will have eleven months, you must be very short, right?"

The corner of Wan Li's mouth curled up: "18-28 days."

Wen Jing froze for a moment, gritted her teeth and said, "Damn privileged dog!"

Ni Qinyu held the mobile phone and said with a smile: "There are classmates in the WeChat group discussing this matter. They have been together for more than a year. Wen Jing, we are also privileged dogs in their eyes..."

Wanli raised his eyebrows, this kind of stark disparity will make many people feel uneasy, so...won't there be any problems?

Budo General Bureau, Director's Office.

"Director General, won't this cause any problems? It's a little messy." Opposite the Chief Director, a handsome young man scratched his hair and said with a hey smile.

The director general shook his head: "Can you think of a better solution? Unified distribution? Or set a time for everyone to snap up?"

"... That's true, but don't worry about those rhythmic people on the forum? Why don't you restrict people above D-level to buy bottleneck breakthrough potions?"

"It's not that I don't want to restrict, it's not easy to restrict... Don't worry about it, the turmoil on the forum will clear up in a few days. Have you completed the task list for the direct access to the martial arts competition?"

"It's done." The young man took out a piece of crumpled A4 paper from his pocket and handed it over.

The director general frowned and unfolded it, glanced at it twice, and smiled slightly: "Heh, you still said that I was messing around, this, and this, these two tasks, can you guarantee the safety of the children who draw them?"

"Probably, there is Wang Yuxin on one side, and Big Brother Yue on the other side. Besides, how can it be possible to get a direct ticket to the Martial Arts Conference without any risk? Those who win these two missions can only be counted as... black face?"

"Other tasks are not easy. It can be seen that you have put a lot of thought into it." The director flicked the A4 paper in his hand, "Go and print a new one, and arrange it, just like this."




"Wan Liyang, look at this." The waiting time is two and a half years. After two and a half years, A-levels are everywhere. B-levels are not as good as dogs, right? Why do I have to wait for two and a half years? What's the use of D-levels? Use?' What he said seems to make sense." Wen Jing hesitated.

"Then why, give it to him, what about others? There will always be a priority. There are not many other things in Huaxia, but there are many people. Those who are stuck in the E-level bottleneck, at least one hundred and eighty thousand? Not only that, our Martial Arts University already has a dozen or so."

"Huh? Someone added me to QQ?" Wen Jing said suddenly, "Sun Yue from class 103? Sun Yue, I have a little impression. What do you want from me?"

She worked as a substitute class teacher for Class 103 for a week.

Ni Qinyu smiled and said, "Could it be the bottleneck breakthrough agent? Please help me buy it?"

Wen Jing blinked: "It's possible."

Wan Li smiled: "I'm more concerned about why Nier's mobile phone is logged into your QQ, how many days has it been logged?"

Wen Jing blushed and didn't answer, and Sun Yue's face turned red two seconds later.

Wan Li was taken aback: "A blind suitor?"

He pursed his lips and moved his head closer.

'Hello Wen Jing, can you tell me the phone number of Wanli Yang? QQ is also OK. '

"...Hahaha, smart kid!"

Wen Jing pouted: "Privilege dog!"

 Calvin is sick, a little uncomfortable, go out for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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