Restart the world

Chapter 145 Everyone's reaction

Chapter 145 Everyone's reaction
The boy named Sun Yue couldn't get Wanli's QQ in the end, and Wanli didn't let Wenjing give it to him.

After he laughed, he felt a little headache.

Although I haven't had much class in school, there are still some legends in the school.Not to mention anything else, there were six C-levels in the ordinary class in the battle of the queen bee, and they only won the fourth-class meritorious service, while Wan Li won the second-class meritorious service, they knew it.

As long as this point is spread, there will be many students who guess that his waiting time is very short, and if the word spreads one after another, there will probably be many people who try to find ways to add him as friends.

Do you want to add it?Or do you refuse after adding it?Or let them make a bid to compare?
"It's difficult. I also think that the method of determining the waiting time for meritorious service and contribution is a bit sloppy. Isn't this the military merit system?" Wan Li muttered, "I will ask for help when I get along with each other, right?"

"A privileged dog is still superior?" Wen Jing joked, "Supervisor Wan, buy us breakfast. I want egg pancakes, not shredded potatoes."

"Just be picky." Wan Li was speechless, what's left of egg pancakes without shredded potatoes?No wonder it's so flat, the potatoes are so delicious...


More than an hour later, on the mine.

Seventy prisoners began to dig mines step by step, and Wan Li asked Ni Qinyu to watch, and moved to Dong Jiawei's side.Dong Jiawei's face was full of red, as if a happy event was imminent, and as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his heart.

"Brother Dong, don't worry about the bottleneck anymore? Look, I said don't worry, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. How long will you wait for the queue?"

Dong Jiawei smiled: "Two months, you shouldn't be longer than me... the bottleneck, after all, nine out of ten are stuck in the E-level bottleneck, I can't help but worry."

Wan Li nodded: "Brother Dong, you have a good looks, so you definitely don't need a bottleneck breakthrough agent. But... is it okay to do this? Isn't the assessment of waiting time too hasty?"

Dong Jiawei was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "So you wanted to ask this. The people you usually come into contact with are from the Martial Arts University and the Martial Arts Bureau, and they are all selected people with high talents in practice, think that people who have reached the limit of their bodies now many people?"

"Is it less?"

"There are quite a few, but most of them are in colleges, martial arts bureaus, and the army, and they have more or less opportunities to make meritorious deeds. The number of bottleneck breakthrough agents is limited, so the upper echelon is probably prioritizing the feelings of most people. Don't look at the cheers on the forum, but those three years and five years are only F-level and G-level people just in case. The normal physical limit will not exceed two and a half years at most... "

Wan Li blinked: "So...Brother Dong, I only have 18-28 days, should I sell it or keep it?"

Dong Jiawei was silent for a moment: "It's really inappropriate to evaluate the waiting time."

Wanli: "..."

"Hehe, just kidding. It's best to stay for a while. After one year, the average level of young and middle-aged adults should reach E level. If the production of bottleneck breakthrough agents does not increase by then, it will be more valuable... By the way, you don't have any relatives or friends who need this? "

Wan Li thought for a moment: "I don't think so, even if there is... 300 million, I don't have such rich friends."

"It's really expensive. If I want to buy it, I have to sell it... But isn't there a loan for potential warriors?"

Wan Li was taken aback, that's right, Lin Yuling should be very busy right now for a loan for a potential warrior?


Lin Yuling was indeed very busy. She was woken up by the ringing of the phone before seven o'clock in the morning, and her calls were kept one after another, almost uninterrupted.

"Well, I'll be waiting for you at the company at noon." She hung up the phone sweetly, muttering 'I'm getting rich' in her heart, but her face didn't look very happy. When the phone rang again, she connected it directly.

"Hello, hello?"

"Yes, it's me."

Lin Yuling froze for a moment, then turned to a normal voice and said, "Wang Bo? What's the matter?"

"I, I just want to ask, if you need a bottleneck breakthrough agent, I, I can get it in four and a half months."

The corner of Lin Yuling's mouth curled slightly: "I'm still far from the limit of my body, and Xiaoqi is here, so I don't bother you. Has someone asked you for help?"

"Well, you don't want it, I just bought it for, for a friend, he seems to have to pay a loan, you..."

"It's just right, you bring him to me at noon, and help me a little by the way, there are a lot of people getting loans today."

"Okay, okay."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuling was silent for a while, her eyes wandering, she didn't know what she was thinking, until the next call came, she sighed lightly, and connected the phone.


Blue Sea Bay, Villa No. 2, study room.

A dark-skinned girl was browsing the martial arts forum on her laptop, her face became more and more happy as she looked at it, she snapped the computer on after a while, and ran to a bedroom on the second floor.

She pushed the door open and walked in: "Brother...huh?"

Her eyes fell on the bed, a person was tightly covered by a white quilt, and that person was twitching slightly, causing the quilt to rise and fall, and only stopped when she heard her voice.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"...Shi Yu, why did you come into my room without knocking?" The voice from under the quilt was a little shivering.

Lin Shiyu blinked, and seemed to think of something, blushed and took two steps back: "Oh, brother, you are really good! Get up quickly, there is good news in the Martial Arts Forum."

"...I've seen it."

"Have you seen it? Then you..."

"Don't worry about it, I can find someone to buy it as soon as possible, the pocket money is enough, you go to practice."

"Oh." Lin Shiyu pursed her lips, closed the door with a bang, and shouted through the door: "Then you continue to celebrate, bro, I won't disturb you!"

The room was quiet for a moment, and the quilt twitched again.Under the quilt, Lin Daoming covered his face with his hands, tears streaming down his face, "It's only a little later..."


Jinchuan Community, Yu Tianyu Shuangjia.

"Yu Tian, ​​the bottleneck breakthrough agent is too expensive..."

"I know, don't tell my mother that I have encountered a bottleneck, I will find a way by myself."

"What can you think of?"

"Last time, Wan Liyang introduced me to a potential warrior loan. I'm looking for her."

"Acquaintance of the little environmental protection expert, why don't you find the little environmental protection expert first?" Yu Shuang said.

"I found it, it's not in the service area, this guy wandered somewhere..."


A bottleneck breakthrough agent has disrupted the lives of many people. Fortunately, Wan Li is supervising the work at Xiling, Xiema Village, otherwise someone would have to come to the door.They couldn't find Wanli, so they could only contact him through QQ and WeChat, and they didn't know where they got the number. After Wanli went down the mountain, they found that more than a dozen people added him.

'Class 101, Sun Fuwang, please add'

'I'm Liu Na from class 103, is it convenient for the senior to give me a friend seat? '

Class '105, Wang Di, I want to ask the seniors for help. I will wait for you in the lobby of the Violet Hotel near the school at [-]:[-] p.m. See you soon. '

"Call me senior?" Wan Li laughed, the strong are the best... Suddenly he was taken aback, where is Wang Di from class 105 waiting for me?

"Pfft... I can't go back... But... Do I need to do this? If the profile picture is my own, she's a pretty girl, emmm..."

(End of this chapter)

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