Restart the world

Chapter 146 Promotional Video

Chapter 146 Promotional Video

Wan Li hesitated all the way, and wanted to add this girl named Wang Di to see what kind of performance she would make.But in the end no.

They can't be treated differently, he didn't add anyone in the end, just because he couldn't receive their friend applications in the mountainous area, so as to save each other embarrassment.

"Oh, it's hard. If I meet someone who is narrow-minded, I'm afraid I will offend him this time?" Wan Li sighed: "If you offend, you will offend. Anyway, no one is enough for me to punch. Manager Jiang... don't care about him." , I love it."


At the time when the outside world was full of turmoil, hiding in this remote mountainous area, fighting against landlords with two girls and stealing a few pieces of spirit stones was a pretty good life.Until February 2, Wanli's mission period ended, and he returned to the urban area by car.

The supervisor of the Lingshi Mine is not a hard job, but a beautiful job. After all, he can get a Lingshi every day.If it wasn't for Wan Li's eagerness to try the manga apparition, he would really want to extend the mission deadline shamelessly.

There are two months left in Wen Jing's sentence, and she is very unhappy about Wan Li's departure.Fortunately, Ni Qinyu can still accompany her for more than half a month, and the supervisor who replaced Wanli is none other than Yu Qianqian.

Because of this, Wan Li received a new task at the same time that this task was over. During Yu Qianqian's one-month supervisor, he was in charge of the martial arts class of the super class.

Wanli said there was no pressure.His fighting skills have become more and more sophisticated. It is still unclear whether he can overthrow Heidanyan after returning home, but he has no problem teaching his peers.

The school will start on March 3th. He thinks that he might be able to get rid of the third manga by catching up. Of course, the premise is that the manga can appear again... He was eager to go home and try this, but things backfired , He was stopped as soon as he arrived at the gate of the community.

"Uncle Wen, Cong Cistan? How did the two of you get together?" Wan Li was surprised, and then he was stunned: "Academic of superpowers?"


Half an hour later, a certain restaurant.

"I should have thought about it a long time ago. I said that there will be no pies in the sky, but you will fall." Wan Li smiled while eating the beef pie.

Cong Cistan smiled sweetly, and said, "You saved me...but it's not just a reward, your comics are really good."

"Thanks." Wan Li looked at Cong Cistan: "Why didn't you tell me earlier, I always thought that you didn't contact me because you wanted to rely on the 8000 yuan."

"How is it possible... I wanted to tell you a month ago, but you didn't go on the day I made an appointment with you, and Uncle Wenzheng said that you went to Xiema Village the next day, so I wanted to surprise you."

Wan Li glanced at Uncle Wen, who was eating and listening naturally, but Wan Li could keenly notice that he often looked at Cong Dian, especially when Cong Dian was talking to him.

What is the situation?Uncle Wen, you can't make mistakes!
"So you and Uncle Wen have been working hard on my comics during this time, um..." Wan Li thought for a few seconds: "It's too vulgar to say gratitude, and it's all in this cup of tea!"

"I'm the one who is grateful to you." With a smile on his face, Cong Tan brought out the tea and drank it all.Wen Zheng drinks together.

While eating and chatting, Wan Li learned that the first two episodes of his Academy of Superpowers had been completed. At this time, Cong Dian and Uncle Wen came to him to ask him, the comic author, to watch the promotional video and the first two episodes. , propose revisions.If the problem is not serious, it can be sent for review tomorrow, and it can be promoted and released within half a month.

Wanli smacked his lips, isn't this too fast?He also thought about using his previous life experience to choose dubbing and simple guidance. These two episodes of animation were produced without any manga creators at all, which is not very reassuring...

He thought so in his heart, but it was too much to say it out of his mouth. He asked again: "How about that silly roe deer? Didn't it cause you trouble?"

Cong Cistan shook his head: "It's quite sensible, but it often gets dirty from playing in the yard, so it needs to be bathed frequently."

Wan Li grinned, and glanced at Cong Cistan, "Just beat it. Let's eat, and watch the promotional video after eating."



'This is a modern city full of high-rise buildings. Since more than [-]% of the residents have superpowers, and the students living here must practice and control superpowers under the guidance of their teachers, it is also called...Superpower Academy of the capable. In Wuzhou Film and Television Company, the first paragraph of the promotional film made Wan Li raise his eyebrows slightly.This is very close to the description in his burnt outline, the city zooms in from the long shot to the close shot, and the quality of the picture is very high... I may have underestimated the extent of Cong's intentions and money.

"Cong Cistan, what is the budget for each episode of animation?" Wan Li asked.

"30." Cong said with a smile.

I was taken aback, there were too many, and this cost was rare before the era of cultivation.Waiting to ask again, the scene in the promotional film has changed.The zoomed-in picture finally arrived at someone's room. A black-haired boy, that is, the male lead, was holding a bucket of instant noodles and eating deliciously, which made Wan Li feel a little nostalgic.

Wanli didn't know the brand of instant noodles. He remembered that the one in his cartoon was Master Kong, but it was changed...Maybe it was Master Kong who refused to sponsor?
After eating the noodles for a few seconds, the hero's expression suddenly froze, dumbfounded, and he sucked the noodles into his nose.The picture followed his gaze, and came to the balcony, where a little girl with green hair and silver eyes fell from the sky and hung on his clothes rail, looking at him cutely with big eyes, or looking at his face, with a sweet voice Muttering: "I'm so hungry..."

It seemed to be the voice of Cong Cistan.

What follows is a brief introduction to the plot. Little Lolita is an important experimental subject who escaped from the "shadow" of the Academy of Espers, and will naturally attract hunters.

Then there are some silhouettes of battle scenes, enemies with infinite strength, enemies who move quickly and close to each other...all were knocked down by the protagonist with one punch and one punch.Of course, there are also opponents that he cannot defeat by himself, such as the angel wing awakener drawn by Wanli based on Sesshomaru, flying in the air with a stern face, and coldly asking, "Who is the strongest in the Academy of Espers?"

The protagonist's companion appeared in time, and Li Luote, who was dressed in a green tight combat uniform, told him that "my hot heart" is the strongest.

When the protagonist carries the little lolita on his back, walks up to the big boss with scars on his back, shakes his fist and shouts, "I'm not trying to be a hero, I'm a hero." The screen seems to be crushed by his punch, and then four characters appear: Stay tuned.

"Not bad... ah." Wanli murmured softly, both the picture quality and special effects were above his expectations, even if he only watched the promotional video in his previous life, this anime was above the standard.

Cong Cistan's voice was sweet: "Is it good? As long as you are satisfied. Do you have any suggestions?"

Wan Li hesitated for two seconds: "Change Li Luote's lines to 'if you work hard, geniuses can surpass', people who haven't read comics will find it difficult to understand 'my hot heart'."

Cong Cistan nodded: "What else?"

Wan Li took a deep breath: "Let's take a look at the first and second episodes..."


PS: (Troublesome veterans, read the author's statement, and write your opinions here.)
 I can't write a sense of picture in this chapter, the writing is not strong enough, everyone... just let it go.

  I'm still a little tangled up. I don't know whether I should add a paragraph of entertainment to this comic. After all, the main line is spiritual practice. It doesn't feel good to spend some time writing comics...

  It's too empty to take it with one stroke, what's your opinion?
(End of this chapter)

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