Restart the world

Chapter 147 Status of Class B

Chapter 147 Status of Class B
"...If the manga can manifest, I'll take off my head and kick it like a ball!"

Quiet, still, dead still.

After watching the first two episodes of Academy of Superpowers and getting to know the animation production team, Wan Li rushed home without stopping.Full of anticipation, he chanted the spell at the manga table, but at the magician's self-introduction meeting... there was no red light!
"Why? What the hell is going on with this damn ability!" Wan Li cursed in a low voice, and sighed softly: "I can't manifest...I really have nothing to do, let's draw the third manga first?"

"Drawing, I've been preparing for a long time. But this way, there's no rush, and I can take care of my practice... I have to find a way to get some spirit stones."

"Do you want to buy it? All your savings are only enough to buy 30 yuan. Life is not enough?" Wan Li murmured: "Do the outline of the manga first, and then figure out a way later. It seems to be quite easy to get money. Speaking of which, the status of B-rank is exaggerated on the Internet. I don’t know if it’s true or not, so try to find a chance..."



Bencheng Zhongshan Square.

There are often many companies that are short of people will set up interview sites here, and there is often a lot of people.At this time, there are dozens of stalls here, but few people care about it.Just because these booths are not recruiting people for interviews, but... collecting spirit stones.

Probably knowing that it can't be banned, the Martial Arts Administration has no intention of prohibiting the resale of Lingshi.It is not forbidden, naturally there will be many people with good family backgrounds who buy spirit stones, most of them are for their own use, and a few of them have the idea of ​​selling them at a high price after the purchase.

However, the first condition for buying spirit stones is D-level. There are 700 million people in the huge city of Bincheng. At this time, there are only about [-] people who have reached D-level. Xiao Ban didn't know that there were people who bought spirit stones here, so compared with those who sold spirit stones, there were more wolves and less meat.

Under such circumstances, every person who walks into Zhongshan Square will attract dozens of pairs of wolf-like gazes, and the timid ones may be startled.

However, Wanli who came here said that he is not false at all, look at me?What are you looking at?Stare back!

He can be regarded as someone who has experienced several life-and-death fights, not to mention any murderous intent, but the aura of B-level is still a little bit, and immediately someone was stared at him uncomfortably, wondering at the same time, this is to smash the scene of?
Wanli is not so free.He finished the outline of the manga yesterday at [-] o'clock in the evening. When he was browsing the martial arts forum on the Internet, he happened to see a post saying that many people in various cities were buying spirit stones at high prices, so he immediately moved his mind.

After the level certification on the Martial Arts Forum was changed to B-level, the quota for him to buy spirit stones was five yuan for two days, and he could purchase up to three months at a time, which was 220 five spirit stones.

Since someone charged a high price, wouldn't it be possible to get a lot of spirit stones without spending a penny if they resell some of them?Of course, you have to sell it at a satisfactory price, otherwise you will only get 10 and 8 spirit stones for free, so why not go to Lin Yuling for a loan.

He didn't stare in vain, no matter whether he felt uncomfortable or not, everyone soon realized that Wan Li was a master of martial arts, and there was a commotion in the square.

"Young man, sell spirit stones?" A tall and thin middle-aged man shouted: "You are really young and promising, D-level or C-level? How long are you selling spirit stones for? Come talk to me?"

Wan Li glanced at his booth, there was a real estate company signboard, which he had never heard of.He pondered for a moment and shouted: "What is the price for collecting spirit stones? Who has the highest price for collecting spirit stones?!"

After a few seconds of silence in the arena, a chubby young man shouted, "Brother, come and negotiate the price, come and talk with me."

The silence dissipated, and the square became chaotic again. No one came forward, but everyone was asking Wan Li to talk closer.Wan Li was not surprised. He learned about this situation in the forums. The collection points of spirit stones in every city are like this. Rich people will not engage in price competition to take advantage of those who sell spirit stones...

But Wanli wanted to take advantage.

"Try to see if the B-level status is as exaggerated as it is said on the Internet."

He pondered for two seconds, put his feet on the ground, and jumped seven or eight meters high in the movement of a white crane spreading its wings. The angle just covered the rising sun, and his figure floated down like a dream. The chaotic square was instantly quiet.

"B, Grade B!"

"Don't doubt, I'm a B-rank. I'm short of money, and I'm going to sell all the spirit stones for three months or half a year. If the price is right, a longer-term contract is fine. Hey... big brother, sister, uncle, don't get excited, don't worry Come here, sit back, I will go one by one, and I will sell the spirit stone to the highest bidder." Wan Liyang said.

He looked around, and after pointing out the identity of Grade B, it was really different. At this time, no one expressed any objection to the behavior of obviously asking them to bid.He walked slowly to a booth with the Changshun furniture brand on the edge of the square, and cast a questioning look.

"Ten thousand...eight!"

Wan Li nodded and smiled, and turned to go home.

He also played a trick just now, explaining that he was in urgent need of money, and the person who paid a high price for his spirit stone obviously had a chance to gain the friendship of himself, a 'young B-rank powerhouse'.

He was quite satisfied with the 25000 yuan from the first shop, and he became more and more satisfied after asking each one. Finally, he sold it to a short-haired young man from the "Internet Cafe Chain" for 90 yuan Lingshi at a price of [-] yuan.

Obviously, the average price of collecting spirit stones at this time is only [-], but the short-haired young man still has a feeling of taking advantage after signing a contract with him and exchanging mobile phone numbers with him.

Wan Li recalled the content of the post he saw on the Internet, and he was not stingy with writing him a bad check: "I have written down the favor."

"You are polite, you are too polite. Please confirm the bank account again, and the company will allocate funds to you in a while. After you buy the spirit stone, call me, and someone from the company will come to pick up the spirit stone..."

Call you in the mouth, respectful.Wan Li felt emotional, because he had contacted Director Liao, Liu Miao, and even Hei Danyan too many times, so he didn't feel anything about B-level at all.But in this year when most people didn't reach the D-level, the B-level in ordinary cities, which can hardly reach ten fingers, is indeed quite a remarkable existence in the hearts of others.

Because of his words "I have written down the favor", several stall owners nearby showed remorse and hesitated to speak. If the contract had not been signed, they might have quoted a higher price.

Wan Li didn't have time to regret signing the contract early, so he left Zhongshan Square quickly, and was stared at with respect and admiration by a group of people who were older than him for 10 minutes, and goose bumps all over his body.

"'s quite comfortable." Wanli's mouth curled slightly, and he sighed: "Three and a half years of practice, there is a sign that the strong are respected, privilege dog, maybe in the future there will be a division of privileges based on strength .Fortunately, I caught up with the front, and... will never be left behind."

(End of this chapter)

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