Restart the world

Chapter 148 Shooting Him

Chapter 148 Shooting Him
Three days later.

The bright white spirit stone turned into powder in Wanli's left hand. Without changing his face, he raised his left hand to his side and picked up another spirit stone. With his right hand, he was drawing comics on the manga table, distracting himself from dual purposes.

The comic is a little longer this time. After all, in addition to gravity magic, it is necessary to build a character who loves to learn and has a strong learning ability. Even if the drawing can be slightly sloppy, less than one-fifth of it is completed in four days.

The progress of spiritual stone practice is not bad.After entering the B-level, his speed of absorbing spirit stones has greatly improved, one piece in 15 minutes, the spirit stones arrived the day before yesterday, and half of them have been lost today.

After completing another page of drawing, the spirit stone in his left hand turned into powder.He deftly raised his hand to pick up the next Lingshi, but froze slightly.

The familiar feeling of swelling came, and Wan Li was slightly surprised. Before he knew it, he had sucked enough 99 yuan?

Sure enough, 1 minute later, the many small red dots inside the elbow of Wanli's left arm condensed into a red line.This time he didn't dare to touch it, for fear of accidentally shooting the red thread out again.

Putting down the pencil, he counted the number of remaining spirit stones, 64 pieces.After pondering for a moment, he picked up a piece of Lingshi and concentrated on inhaling it. After 15 minutes, a red spot appeared on his left shoulder.

"There is a red line on the elbow, so it moved to the shoulder?" Wan Li nodded lightly without realizing it, with a slight hesitation on his face.

The remaining spirit stones are not enough to condense another red thread, and his three-month purchase share of spirit stones has also been used up. If there is no unexpected harvest, it will take several months to condense the next red thread of spirit stones.

So how to use this root now?
He really wanted to try the effect of injecting the red thread into other people's bodies, but he was a little afraid of shooting people out of the body, and felt that it was a waste, after all, the temptation of the essence of the spirit stone was still great.

If the amount of aura in his body when he first reached level B is taken as 1, the amount of aura in his body has risen to about 10 in the past 1.1 days.And if you can drink a drop of spirit stone essence, this number will instantly increase to 1.15.

"A-level at least 3 or more, 0.05 is not too much, not too much..."

Da da da!
Wan Li was still thinking about gains and losses in his heart, when there was a knock on the door, he turned around and went to open the door. Outside the door were the two familiar siblings downstairs.

"Little expert in environmental protection!" Yu Shuang looked unhappy after seeing him, "You still know how to come back!"

Wan Li was stunned, why do I always act like I owe you something?I'm B-rank, B-rank!Don't you know how to respect me when you talk to me?He puffed up his chest, showing a strong aura, and Yu Shuang's next sentence made him vent his anger...

"I thought you were absconding in fear of crime! You're gone, and you can't make phone calls. The rent was due a month ago!"

"...Sorry." Wan Li was silent, he really forgot.At that time, the attic was rented for half a year at one time, but he lived here for less than two months, so he didn't think about it at all, and it was his fault.

He hesitated for two seconds, feeling that he didn't need to move to a house with better conditions for the time being, "I'll rent it for another six months, the rent is 3000, right? Are your Alipay account and mobile phone number the same?"

This time it was Yu Shuang's turn to hesitate, her delicate face wrinkled, and she said softly: "Young environmentalist, the rent...isn't important, the three of us are friends, right?"

I'm afraid it's not a fake Yushuang?The corner of Wanli's eyes twitched: "Forget it... right. We're friends, so we don't have to pay rent?"

Yu Shuang nodded: "Of course, it's natural for friends to help each other, it's just an attic!"

Wanli raised his eyebrows, it would be better not to pay the rent, three thousand is money, the phone should be replaced, but...

"It's a bit like the feeling of befriending Chaochao when I was a child and cheating him of popsicle money." Wan Li muttered, glanced at Yu Tian, ​​who was entangled and embarrassed behind his eyes, and hesitated to speak, thoughtfully.

I am most afraid of friends suddenly caring, especially friends whose relationship is not far but not close.

"You... want to borrow money? No, Yu Shuang, are you about to reach C-level and want to speed up, borrow some spirit stones from me?"

Yu Shuang was stunned: "Lingshi? You still have Lingshi?" She looked like you are so poor, how can you have Lingshi, which made Wan Li feel a little relieved, she didn't come to borrow money and Lingshi.

He straightened his body and firmly blocked his eyes, so as not to let her see the pile of spiritual stones in the room. "Say something straight."

"That... um..." Yu Shuang obviously didn't ask anyone, her small face was almost wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, and she stomped her feet suddenly: "Oh, Yu Tian, ​​tell me!"

Yu Tian sighed softly, and said slowly, "Wan Liyang, I'm stuck in a bottleneck."

Wan Li frowned and then stretched out: "Tsk, your luck is really bad. So... you are here for the bottleneck breakthrough potion?"

"Well, I encountered a bottleneck before my holiday, and I didn't dare to tell my mother, for fear that she would be worried. I thought I could hide it for a while, but I didn't expect that there would be a bottleneck breakthrough agent, so I might be able to hide it from her. We already have the money The loan is ready, but my waiting time is one year and four months, and Yu Shuang is not much faster, and will definitely reveal his secrets..."

"Little environmental protection expert, how long is your waiting time?" Yu Shuang said.

Wan Li pursed his lips: "18-28 days."

Yu Tian was pleasantly surprised: "So short? That's great... Ah! Yu Shuang, why are you pinching me?!"

Yu Shuang took his arm, turned and left.

Yu Tian looked confused, shaking his shoulders and trying to struggle, so he heard Yu Shuang explain: "In less than a month's waiting time, the little environmental protection expert can earn millions of dollars from changing hands, why give it to us? Can the two of us afford the transfer fee? You want my sister to apply for a loan? Three million is enough, any more will overwhelm us, so let’s think of other ways.”

Yu Tian was silent, and the sound of opening the door with a key came from downstairs.Wan Li grinned, Yu Shuang was more sensible than Yu Tian for the first time, and only then was she like an older sister.

"Speaking of which, Yu Tian, ​​you are too stupid. If it was me, I would definitely not be stuck in the bottleneck. It is useless to break the super power and not snow. It would be fine if the awakening was on you..."

"...Super power?" Wanli suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Yu Shuangyutian, wait!"

He walked downstairs quickly, and Yu Shuang frowned: "You don't want to resell the bottleneck breakthrough agent to us out of mercy, do you? Forget it, we can't afford this favor..."

Wan Li smiled and shook his head: "Don't be so pessimistic, I'll help you find a way."

"Thank you then." Yu Shuang opened the door, and the two entered the room.Behind them, Wan Li turned his left palm abruptly, aimed at Yu Tian, ​​and shot him!
A red thread invisible to the naked eye instantly shot into Yu Tian's body.He was lowering his head to take off his shoes, his body stiffened, and he sat down on the ground with a bang.

"Yu Tian, ​​what's wrong with you!"

"It's okay... an illusion, I...why... seem to feel that spiritual energy... has entered my body..."

"real or fake?!"

The corner of Wanli's mouth hooked, as expected!If this ability is used well, there will be a bunch of children who recognize his fatherhood...

 Recently, Kawen has been very stuck. He clearly has an outline and a detailed outline, but he is always unsatisfied with the written text and has to revise it repeatedly.

  Depressed, let's go out for another lap, today Mother's Day, take my mother to go surfing together. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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