Restart the world

Chapter 149 Back to School

Chapter 149 Back to School
Explosive power: '3451KG, B'

Strength: '3009KG, B'

Speed: '1.54s, B'

After getting off the speed test machine, Wan Li looked at the data with satisfaction, then turned and left.

In the morning, he shot Yu Tianyi, which verified the effect of the red line of the spirit stone.Yu Tian broke through to D-level, and the two siblings happily had a big meal to celebrate, but... didn't bring Wanli.

This method of making people break through the bottleneck can't be explained clearly. Wan Li guessed that he could only use it secretly for a long time.Feeling a little depressed, he inhaled a few more spirit stones, and rushed to Martial Arts University after lunch.

Of course, the first thing to do is to measure your strength, to measure your growth over the past month or so.Although he had already predicted the result, the real data in front of him still made him feel a little happier.And the second thing is to go to the cultivation building to complete his unfinished business and push the black boss!

On the eighth floor of the Xiuxiu Building, Wan Li who came up from the stairs was stunned.At the door of the room where the boxing training machines were placed, there were actually two boys pointing with their tablet computers - C-level students in ordinary classes.

"There are people? That's right." The combat training machine is prepared for all students above C level of Budo University, and it is not exclusive to Wanli. It is normal for someone to practice at this time.

He leaned over, and the two boys naturally found him, looked at each other, nodded and greeted him, one of them smiled and said: "Student master, long time no see, you come to practice boxing?"

Expert classmate?Wan Li smiled and nodded. These were the two members of the soy sauce quartet. He had the impression, "Are you also practicing boxing? I'm not in a hurry. Let's take turns?"

The two hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Wanli looked at the screen. The one who was practicing fighting in the room was the only girl in the soy sauce quartet. The opponent...was the sixth or seventh level?
"The dodge is pretty good, and the okay, not decisive enough." Wan Li looked at it for a while, then commented pertinently: "She won't be able to pass this test for the time being... you guys practice first, I'll go to the next door to practice, it's my turn Please call me."

The two boys looked at each other again, hesitated to say something, but couldn't say it...


At the same time, after celebrating with his sister, Yu Tian also came to Martial Arts University.As soon as they arrived at the dormitory, the atmosphere in their dormitory became lively.

"Have you really broken through D-level?" A boy with a chubby face excitedly pushed Yu Tian.

"Really." Yu Tian replied for the nth time, but there was no impatience on his face, and the corners of his mouth were always hooked.

"Just say you won't be so unlucky, how many of us are you trying to scare us before the holiday? You also said that you are stuck at the limit of your body, like Hai Long?"

Yu Tian glanced at a narrow-faced young man who was sitting on the upper bunk, and said: "Hai Long said he was stuck at the limit, but he broke through just a week later. Now he is almost C-level? I am different from him. I am stuck soon." For two months, no matter how much I practiced, I have already taken out a loan to buy a bottleneck breakthrough potion!"

The fat-faced boy smiled: "Anyway, it's a good thing to break through, and I'm very close to the limit, I hope it goes well, and it's better not to be like you and Hai Long, scare yourself to pee before breaking through... Hey, Hai Long, think What, Yu Tian broke through D-level, let's find a place to celebrate in a few nights?"

"Oh... oh!" The narrow-faced young man on the upper bunk was stunned for a moment, looked at the sky, and scratched his head: "Uh... I have something to do today, I'm afraid I can't do it, how about... tomorrow?" He said from the upper bunk down.

"What has to be today? We didn't lightly celebrate you when you made a false alarm..."

"What's the matter, I have to go out now, I can't come back tonight. I'm sorry Ha Yutian, I invite you tomorrow night." The narrow-faced boy put on his clothes and walked out of the bedroom quickly.

The fat-faced boy and Yu Tian looked at each other and shrugged in confusion: "This kid, have you found a girlfriend?"

Yu Tian smiled: "Maybe, this kid has always been mysterious after he broke through to D level... It's really lucky to say that it's still like a dream."

"I told you a long time ago not to panic, didn't Hai Long prove that the limit of the body may be misjudged..."


At this moment, Wanli was making a phone call.

"Wali Yang, why the fuck are you calling me again, what's the matter?"

Wan Li chuckled: "Director Liao, I have something to trouble you. The purpose of our Bincheng Martial Arts University is to provide all students with a worry-free practice condition, right? I am worried now, very worried."

"Don't worry, you're almost catching up with me. Tell me something, I'm busy!"

"Hey, can we order another batch of special cultivation equipment, the upper limit is 4000, no, 5000, 2000KG is not enough now."

The other end of the phone was silent for a while: "Is it not enough? For your physical fitness, this weight can't speed up your practice?"

"Yes, a little bit, very slowly."

"That's just make do with it, I'll find a way. Damn, special training equipment is not cheap, I really owe you, call me if you want to change your martial arts level, and now you are causing me trouble again. Damn, Don't call me anymore..."

Director Liao hung up the phone in a rambling manner, Wan Li pursed his lips and smiled.

He continues to push the bench press.Mosquito legs are also meat, and spirit stones cannot be obtained in unlimited quantities, so it can increase the speed of practice a little bit.Just after a dozen pushes, there were footsteps coming from the door.

Wan Li didn't stop moving, and turned his head to look over there. The girl who was using the boxing training machine walked over lightly.

"Student Wanli Yang, excuse me." She glanced at the weight value of the equipment and said softly.

"You're welcome, don't disturb. What's the matter?"

"Hmm...Student Wanli Yang, can I trouble teach me how to fight?"

"Guiding you, or you?"


Wan Li raised his eyebrows, just now he saw the two boys hesitated to speak, and guessed that they wanted him to give advice, but he was too embarrassed to speak because of his status as a young genius.If they didn't say anything, Wan Li wouldn't rush to teach him. He didn't expect this girl to make a request so happily.

He pushed the barbell back: "No problem!"

The girl was taken aback: "Thank you."

Walking out of the room, Wanli saw that the two boys were still standing at the door holding the tablet computer, their desire to teach was obvious.Wan Li sighed softly in his heart, and didn't bother to talk about these two things.

"Guiding fighting must be actual combat. I'll go in and fight first. Look, if there is anything you don't understand, ask me." Wan Li said to the girl.

He took the tablet, switched accounts, put on special clothes, selected levels, and walked into the room.

"Tenth, sixteenth level?!" The two boys and one girl looked at each other with shock on their faces, knowing that there is a gap between people, but the gap is too big...

"It's the Deputy Chief!"

The appearance of Hei Danyan made them exclaim again, and the two boys were even more envious. They really wanted to fight the goddess...

The battle after a while told them: Don't think about it, you will be killed in seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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