Chapter 150
Familiar closed room, familiar countdown, familiar opponent.

Wan Li quickly calmed down, and his heart was calm.It stands to reason that it would be better to choose level 15 for the girl as a guide. He can slow down his movements and demonstrate more clearly, but the idea of ​​challenging Heidanyan again has been held back for too long, and he can't hold it anymore!
Looking at the perfect face on the opposite side, Wan Li began to hypnotize himself: "This is not the real deputy director general, don't be soft-hearted if you are cruel, today I, Wan Liyang, want to...destroy flowers with hot hands? Ha."

He is still doing self-hypnosis, the countdown reaches zero, and the virtual Hei Danyan starts without hesitation!
She shrank, like a nimble cheetah, which turned from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic in an instant, and came to Wan Li in half a second, her body raised, as if about to wave its sharp claws.

Wan Li smacked her lips, getting tired of seeing the same opening moves every time they fight, but fortunately, she will respond differently according to her defense and attack after the fight.

He turned his eyes and adopted a different approach than before. He didn't raise his hand to parry, but stepped on his left foot, his body was shot, and he dodged aside.

The virtual black geese reacted quickly, twisted its back, and changed direction lightly while moving at high speed, hitting Wanli's back directly.

Wan Li also twisted his back and crossed his left arm.

Starting with the exchange of fists and arms, the two officially started a physical collision.Heidanyan stretched his legs and stepped out, hitting Wanli's knee directly.Wan Li also tensed his left leg and lifted it out.Snapped!

Hei Danyan immediately followed with a left fist and hit Wan Li's chest. Wan Li raised his arms to block her, and turned his right elbow forward to hit her chest, counterattacking!
Hei Danyan raised his left hand to intercept, hooked his right arm, stretched his legs again after being dodged sideways by Wan Li, Wan Li lifted his legs and crossed his legs to intercept...

The crackling sound of fighting was endless, and the two collided at least five times in a second, most of which were black geese attacking, like a violent storm, but Wanli's defense was calm and calm, and he did not lose the wind in the slightest.

The three people who were looking at the tablet outside the room had no time to express their shock, and stared closely, for fear of missing this never-before-seen expert confrontation.

"The gap is so big..." a boy murmured.

"Fortunately, we can have ten people from Bincheng to participate in the provincial competition in the martial arts competition. He will be our... No, I hope we can become his teammates." Another boy murmured softly.

The girl didn't speak, she looked serious, gradually showing surprise, Wan Liyang... seems to be winning?
Miles is indeed about to win.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, he counterattacked more and more times.It's not that the virtual Heidanyan's physical fitness is declining, the stamina of a C-level physique is not bad, at least it can sustain a full-strength attack for half an hour.

Just because Wan Li knew that his fighting skills had improved before, but he didn't know how much he had improved, so he chose to deal with the virtual black geese safely.And until now, he is sure that he is stronger than the virtual Black Danyan!
The offensive and defensive positions are changed, and most of the defensive geese become virtual black geese.She failed to defend for 10 minutes like Wan Li, but she showed her flaws in only 2 minutes, and was punched in the chest by Wan Lizheng, and then there was an overwhelming situation...

"Huh... I won."

The big red characters of Victory appeared, Wan Li breathed a sigh of relief, took off his eyes, turned around and looked at the girl with a smile, and asked, "Have you gained anything?"

"...You actually beat the deputy director general!"

Wan Li shook his head: "There are countless deputy directors in the fighting training machine. It would be nice to have [-] to [-]% of her own fighting skills."

That's amazing too... The girl didn't say that, it was Wan Li who realized it.He smiled grinningly: "You gained a lot from the battle just now, didn't you? Let your eyes get addicted today, and I will challenge the 17th level again."

In fact, he thought about it himself.The 17th level was a short and strong young man, Wan Li didn't feel that he was better than Hei Danyan, and he was defeated once.

And the next 18th level made him feel the difficulty again.The opponent was a chubby young man who was somewhat similar to Brother Dong, with a chubby face that made him happy, and Wan Li felt that he looked familiar for some reason, so he regretted losing in the end...

Without a second challenge, he took off his glasses and walked back to the door.The three of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time seeing that Wan Li had finally lost.

"Student Wanli Yang, I thought you wouldn't lose, even Deputy Chief Yue could win." The girl smiled.

Deputy Chief Yue?Wan Li was stunned: "No wonder it looks familiar... Did you gain anything from the three battles just now? Is there anything you don't understand?"

The girl thought for two seconds: "There are many, the most important thing is to dodge..."

"Oh, this..."


Wan Li didn't care about his enjoyment, he was indeed guiding the girl and answering her questions earnestly.After the verbal guidance, he also asked the girl to challenge the seventh level again for targeted guidance.

Seeing this, the two boys finally couldn't help asking Wan Li for guidance, and Wan Li didn't refuse.Although it didn't show on his face, Wan Li had indeed placed himself on a higher level than these students at this time, and felt that it was only right for him to guide them...

It was not until 04:30 that Wan Li challenged Deputy Chief Yue again, but it still ended in failure.

"There's a small gap." Wan Li murmured softly, and said to the three of them, "Go ahead and practice, I'm leaving first."

The girl hesitated for a moment: "Student Wanli Yang, I...we treat you to dinner? Thank you so much this afternoon."

"You're welcome, you have to strengthen yourself now, another day." Wan Li shook his head: "Goodbye!"

Under the grateful eyes of the three, he waved his sleeves, turned his head and left, and at the same time took out his mobile phone to check the group of classmates to see who was in the super class.

"Brother Meng is here, Lin Xiaoqi, Wang Li...huh?" Wan Li felt someone blocking the way in front of him, so he turned around, but the person in front of him still stopped him.

"Senior." A delicate female voice came, which made Wan Li startled and raised his head.

The long legs with graceful curves and the tight buttocks made him think that Lin Xiaoqi was joking with him, but only after seeing the face did he realize that it was not.But the girl in front of me is also about 170 tall, her face is fair and smooth, not inferior to Lin Xiaoqi, and her figure is even more bumpy than her.

"Senior, why didn't you add me?" the girl Jiaozhen asked.

Wan Li frowned slightly, suddenly: "Wang Di? The real person is more beautiful than the head portrait. Don't call me senior, we are in the same class, so call me Wan Li."

"Thank you, senior Wanli, for your compliment." Wang Di didn't change his words: "Sir, you didn't eat, I wonder if you can have the honor to have dinner with you?"

There are so many people who want to invite me to dinner recently.Wan Li smiled honestly: "Aren't you going to the hotel?"

Wang Di was stunned for a moment, looked at Wan Li with a simple and honest face, turned his head to see that there was no one around, blushed and said, "If senior is willing."

"Is it so important to get the bottleneck breakthrough agent in advance?" Wan Li muttered, "Let's go, go to dinner first, let's talk."


Wan Li was not interested in it. He was not going to resell the Bottleneck Breakthrough Potion in a short time, but after he discovered the second usage of Lingshi Red Line, he kept thinking whether he could 'fake' the Bottleneck Breakthrough Potion to sell, but The prerequisite is that I have seen a real bottleneck breakthrough agent.

Wang Di just happened to meet at this time, and it is okay to go out to eat and discuss conditions, if not, then find Manager Jiang or others.

It's a bit awkward for this girl to use her body as a bargaining chip, but it's not enough to look down on her. Everyone has their own ideas.Along the way, the two talked and laughed, and became acquainted.

"Senior, shall we go to Blue Ocean Time?"

Wan Li was startled: "OK..."

squeak--! ! !
Suddenly, harsh brakes came from the direction of the school gate, causing Wan Li to frown slightly.

Then, a boy exclaimed from over there: "Yu Tian!!"

(End of this chapter)

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