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Chapter 151 Yu Tian's Indiscriminate Disaster

Chapter 151 Yu Tian's Indiscriminate Disaster

"Yu Qian? Who called Yu Qian?" Wan Li murmured, "Is Boss Guo here? What happened?"

Hearing this, Wang Di took a step closer to him.Obviously Wan Li was seven or eight centimeters taller, but the part where the two of them met was the crotch, and the long legs had a bit of Lin Xiaoqi's skill.At the same time, she stretched out her hand to grab Wanli's arm: "Senior, it seems that it came from the main entrance. But it's none of our business, let's go eat quickly..."

Wan Li frowned and hid sideways, and was about to tell her not to do this, she was so immature compared to the Cheng Yuan he saw a few days ago, when he heard the same person shouting from a distance: "Yu Tian!! "

"It's not Yu Qian, it's Yu... Tian?"

"Senior, let's not mind our own business, let's go eat..." Wang Di persevered, and stretched out his hand again, but he was staggered before being pulled far away.When she stabilized her center of gravity, Wan Li's figure disappeared.

She was stunned for two seconds, puffed her mouth angrily, stomped her feet, and ran to the school gate.

There was chaos at the school gate.Several boys from Martial Arts University gathered together, one of them was a tall boy who was making a phone call, while the other students were eager to add.There were a few pedestrians by the side of the road, one of them was dancing and shouting, pointing his finger in a certain direction occasionally, explaining what just happened to others.

There were no wounded on the road, only a few cars seemed to have a small friction, the jeep at the front should be responsible, and the owner of the jeep was explaining something with a sullen expression on his face.

These were the first things Wanli saw, and then he saw a boy running anxiously from the direction of the passerby who was explaining, "Wang Zongheng! Have you called the police?"

Need to call the police?Wanli thought a lot, and heard keywords such as 'black car', 'boy', 'abducted' from the mouth of the commentator, and immediately understood what happened.

He immediately stopped the round-faced boy who yelled, "Have you called the police?" and asked, "What brand is the car? What's the license plate number? Where is it going?"

The round-faced boy was stunned for a moment, Wan Li frowned slightly: "Say! I'm Yu Tian's friend!"

"Oh... oh!" Wanli's aura at this time was a little scary, the round-faced boy swallowed, and replied: "Black Lavida, the brand...Liao B·X4869 or 4896...Turn right at the intersection ahead..."

"Don't call the police. It's useless to call the police. I'll deal with this matter."

"You... eh?" The round-faced boy turned his head in a daze, and muttered, "So soon... Grade B? It seems to be that Yang from the super class... When did Yu Tian become friends with him?"

"Tsk, Yu Tian..." He murmured worriedly, and quickly ran in the direction of several classmates.


In just five seconds, Wan Li ran to the intersection mentioned by the round-faced boy, turned right, and ran at full speed, overtaking one car after another, but he never saw the black LaVida that the round-faced boy mentioned.

There was another fork in the road ahead, and Wanli slowed down a little. In this situation, he couldn't throw his shoes. He said to himself, "I will choose whoever the little rooster taps." He turned right again, and at the same time took out his mobile phone to dial.

"Wali Yang, you fucking call me again! I'm really busy this time, someone just reported that there is a student from the Martial Arts University..."

"Director Liao, hoo... that's what I want to tell you." Wan Li interrupted, "The one who was taken away was Yu Tian, ​​a student from Class 101. When his sister found out that she was manipulating superpowers, you I have seen him. The one who took him away was..." Wanli quickly repeated the message: "The vehicle is driving on the north road. I am chasing it, but there are too many side roads and I may not be able to catch up. You can find a way to locate me. Also, Yu Tian just broke through D-class this morning, and he was able to abduct him among a group of Martial Arts University students. There are at least two C-classes and even B-classes in the car, which can narrow down the search range a bit."

Chief Liao had been listening in silence, and now he saw Wan Li finished speaking, and then quickly said: "I understand the situation, don't hang up your phone, keep it open."

"Huh... okay." Wan Li parked on the side of the road with his mobile phone in his hand. He has covered more than 5 kilometers in the past three to five minutes. If he chases in the right direction, it is impossible not to see the car, "Little not working !"

After waiting for 10 minutes, Director Liao's voice came again from the other end of the phone: "The surveillance near Zhujiang Road captured the black car. You are chasing in the wrong direction. They are running towards Shizikou. The destination is probably Shizikou New District. .”

Wan Li frowned, raised his foot and wanted to run wildly, but stopped helplessly: "Damn sense of direction, where is the lion's mouth?"

"Don't worry, Liu Miao has already led the team to set off. Wali Yang, I'm on my way to pick you up. I have to confirm some information in person!"

Yu Tian's life is likely to be in danger if he still confirms the information at this time... Wan Li wanted to reply like this, but he calmed down a little when he heard Director Liao's serious voice.

"Yu Tian... is poorer than me, so it can't be kidnapping. He can mobilize two C-level or even B-level forces at the same time... What the hell can't be a red organization? Why arrest Yu Tian?"

Until the car that picked him up arrived, Wan Li was still thinking about this question over and over in his mind.The only special thing about Yu Tian is that his sister is a superpower and... the bottleneck was broken by himself.

"Bottleneck? It can't be... Oops!"

The first question Director Liao asked after seeing Wan Li in the car made Wan Li's heart sink deeply: "Wali Yang, Yu Tian has been stuck at the limit of his body for more than two months and needs a loan to buy a bottleneck breakthrough agent. do you know?"

Wan Li was silent for a moment: "Yes, he came to me this morning and asked me to buy him a bottleneck breakthrough agent. I didn't agree, and then he broke through to D-level as soon as he got home, and went out to have a big meal with his sister to celebrate went."

Director Liao frowned: "Were you near him when he broke through? Are you sure there is no one else?"

"Just me and his sister."

"Damn it, it looks like this kid has suffered an accident." Director Liao sighed softly.

"Wang Xinlong's super power can break through the E-level bottleneck for others?"

Director Liao was stunned for a moment: "You kid is too smart... That's right, that bastard used this trick to attract many young geniuses who were stuck in the bottleneck to join the red organization, so things like bottleneck breakthrough agents were announced hastily. .”

Wan Li murmured "my fault" in his heart, knowing how Yu Tian suffered from the unreasonable disaster.He was stuck in the bottleneck for two months, and he broke through suddenly. After the red organization knew about it, he might think that there was a second superpower grabbing ability appearing, and he would definitely arrest Yu Tian for investigation.

"Director Liao, in this way, there are people from the Red Organization around Yu Tian, ​​right?"

"I suspect it's his roommate Zhang Hailong. Damn, the idea of ​​the Red Organization has come to our Martial Arts University. This time is also an opportunity to clean up the mess of the Red Organization in Bincheng!"

"Roommate?" Wan Li was silent, and Yu Tian was really unlucky...

(End of this chapter)

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