Chapter 152
As night fell, Wan Li closed his eyes and recalled the details of the ability of the 9th superpower, Superpower Duoyu, on the car speeding towards Shizikou New District.

Next to him, Director Liao kept checking the position of the other party and Liu Miao by answering and calling. His roar disturbed his thoughts a bit, and Wan Li couldn't remember how this ability was set in the original outline for a while.

"I don't remember that this ability can be used over a long distance. In other words, Wang Xinlong wants to attract a young genius who is eager to break through the bottleneck. He wants to appear next to that genius, but..."

At this moment, Director Liao hung up the phone, and Wan Li asked doubts in his heart: "Wang Xinlong dared to appear in our Huaxia, did he not get caught?"

Director Liao frowned: "This is something I wonder too. That Zhang Hailong had the experience of being stuck in the bottleneck, but he broke through in only a week. It may be due to his own wrong judgment, but if he joined the Red Organization because of this, then ..."

"Wang Xinlong has been to our Bincheng?"

Director Liao's old face darkened slightly, and he nodded, "Probably, I didn't even notice it at all!"

"Then we have a big problem in Bincheng, perhaps one of the most important strongholds of the Red Organization in China." Wan Li sighed.

Director Liao nodded heavily: "We have always suspected that there is an envoy in Bincheng, but we have never been able to find this guy. People from the red organization do not act, and they are no different from ordinary people when they integrate into society."

Wan Li was startled: "God envoy?"

"The red organization divides members into three levels, believers, servants, and envoys. Envoys are the highest level, and there are only a small number of them, and each other is judged by ranking. Wang Xinlong is one of the envoys, and the ranking is unknown... Turn back to you Sign a non-disclosure agreement."

"Equal level with that guy?" Wan Li took a deep breath, not having time to pay attention to the non-disclosure agreement, "How did you confirm it?"

"I can't confirm it, but Zhu Touliang, whom you knocked unconscious more than a month ago, is a servant of God and the supreme commander of the members of Shencheng's red organization. After he was arrested, most of Shencheng's red organization was cleaned up." Director Liao said solemnly : "It is unlikely that he came to Bincheng to arrest you on his own initiative, but if he came by order..."

"Then there is probably someone in Bincheng who can command him, an envoy." Wanli understood.

Director Liao nodded: "Yu Tian was arrested this time, and he will probably be brought to that envoy. It would be a good thing if we can use this to get rid of him. You are ready, although the ranking of this envoy is probably not high, at least There will be B rank, a fierce battle!"

Wan Li nodded, closed his eyes and rested his mind. Director Liao's cell phone rang next to him. He picked it up and yelled after a few words: "I lost you! Did you stop? Damn, where did you lose their direction?"

The corner of Wanli's eye twitched, he had already predicted the outcome.Director Liao was able to quickly determine that the opponent's escape direction was the Shizikou New District, because it was a newly developed urban area with many tall buildings, few vehicles and few people on the road, and there were not many monitoring equipment on the road. Good place to track.

He became worried in his heart, Yu Tian wouldn't let himself be cheated to death, would he?This is so... He did it out of kindness...

At this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Wan Li's mind: "Director Liao, who leaked the information about the battle between us and the queen bee?"

Director Liao just hung up the phone with a stern face, and was startled when he heard the words: "Oh, it's that little girl from the Lin family. She didn't have a clue, and she told many people about this as a story. I didn't criticize her lightly, but It’s not easy to get to the bottom of it with a little girl.”

Wan Li frowned: "I remember her brother... Is Lin Daoming stuck at the limit of his body?"

"You say him?" Director Liao shook his head: "Impossible, if the dignified college entrance examination champion can be lured by the red organization, then our quality education has failed too much. What's more, Zhang Hailong broke through the D level three months ago, Lin Daoming A month and a half ago, it was still the unlucky one who was stuck at the limit, acting? Or did Wang Xinlong come twice in a short period of time?"

Wan Li sighed: "Not necessarily, the more genius you are, the easier it is to explode after falling to the bottom. Besides... What if Wang Xinlong didn't come here twice, but didn't leave?"

"I didn't leave, I didn't leave." Director Liao murmured softly, "Damn, I made you a little scared when I told you, really have to guard against it!"


In the Shizikou New District, a black LaVida that escaped the monitoring speeded into the underground parking lot of an unopened shopping mall.

The side door of the back seat opened, and a masked and thin man in black got out of the car with Yu Tianmai who was unconscious, and walked towards the depths of the parking lot.The black Lavida car made a turn, exited the parking lot, and drove towards the direction where the road monitoring was intensive.The parking lot has not been put into use yet, and it seems that somewhere the drainage pipe is damaged, and there is a dripping sound.

The man in black carried Yu Tian and walked to the deepest part of the underground parking lot. When he turned a corner, two people appeared in front of him.

One was tall and strong, and it was Wang Xinlong!The other person looked much petite next to Wang Xinlong, a head shorter than him, wearing thick clothes that made his figure invisible, and a helmet with spiral patterns, only his eyes were exposed, and his gender was difficult to identify. distinguish!
"The second envoy, my lord, the sixth envoy, you have brought them here."

"Wake him up." Urn Liweng's indistinguishable male and female voice came from under the helmet.

"Yes!" The man in black immediately put Yu Tian on the ground and pressed down on others.

Yu Tian slowly woke up, opened his eyes, still a little confused about his situation, remembered the scene of being knocked out, and was startled, immediately turned over and jumped up, facing a strange helmet and a pair of big eyes that seemed a little familiar .

Then he became 'heart-beaten', only to feel that the owner of those eyes was the person closest to him, whether it was Yu Shuang, his mother, or even the tablemate he had a crush on in elementary school, they were far less kind than the person in front of him, which made him ignore Everything else, including Wang Xinlong, who was not covered up next to him!

"Yu Tian, ​​why did you break through the D-level?"

"It broke through suddenly, and I don't know the reason. Maybe it was a mistake in judging the limit of the body before." Yu Tian did not hesitate or hide anything.

"Heh, just a lucky kid?" Wang Xinlong chuckled.

"When you broke through, who was around?"

"My sister Yu Shuang and Wan Liyang."

"Wan Liyang, is that..." Wang Xinlong frowned, "The unique Super Awakened of Endurance?"

"His ability is far more than just endurance." The man under the helmet said: "I will take care of Wan Liyang's matter, so you don't have to worry about it. This kid's breakthrough is not because of the same ability as you, probably... a god favor."

"Oh, God's family?" Wang Xinlong curled his lips.

Bang! !

Amidst the violent bang, the man in the helmet kept waving his right arm, while Wang Xinlong's sturdy body was embedded in a stone pillar in the parking lot.

"Sixth Divine Envoy, I don't want to hear any disrespectful words from you again."

"Cough..." Wang Xinlong coughed, took his body out of the wall, his face was ugly, and he said after a while, "Yes, Master Second Envoy!"

(End of this chapter)

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