Chapter 153
Shizikou New District, Sanyang Road.

"Found it? Where is it? Good! Xiao Liu, turn to Shuangyang Road!" Director Liao's roar made Wan Li's head go numb, and even the car shook.

The car turned around, and Wanli knew that the Lavida that had been lost before appeared in the surveillance again, but he was not happy, but pondered and said: "Director Liao, please ask someone to check the location where the Lavida was lost just now and where the Lavida appeared again. The middle section?"

"You mean... you're smart, I think so." Director Liao made a quick call, and after a few seconds he said silently, "Liu Miao thinks so too."

The corner of Wanli's mouth curled slightly, and was quickly replaced by worry.I'm afraid I won't be able to find it in a short time, I hope Yu Tian can... live.

"Where is Lin Daoming?"

"I asked someone to check."


Underground Parking Lot.

Facing the 'closest person', Yu Tian told all the details about everything, and soon gave all the useful information to the sky.

The silence lasted for a few seconds, and the second envoy wearing a helmet said in a low voice, "This child is blessed by God. Take him away and focus on training him."

Wang Xinlong frowned, but he didn't dare to refuse because of his still aching chest and abdomen, he just shirked and said, "It's too difficult to take him out of the country."

"I've arranged everything for you, except him, you also need to bring Zhang Hailong."

"That kid... Heh, I wanted to help him break through the D-level in order to get an eye at the Bincheng Martial Arts University, but I didn't expect to be exposed because of such a trivial matter. Do you still care about his life?"

The second envoy didn't speak, Wang Xinlong made fun of it, and pouted, "I know, I know, I'll take these two children back. What about Lin Daoming? His potential is even higher. I'm afraid he will be exposed after this operation." Danger."

"Don't worry about him, he regrets it." The second God Envoy Weng said: "Since the bottleneck breakthrough agent was developed, there are many hypocrites who regret believing in the red-haired god. He is the most tenacious among them, and he can get rid of my ability part of the impact."

Would a strong-willed person believe in this bullshit?Wang Xinlong secretly disdained it, but he didn't dare to say that. Instead, he asked, "If he is arrested, will this parking lot be unusable in the future?"

"Ah, so we have to go..."

As soon as the words fell, Yu Tian, ​​who was still in a daze, went dark and lost consciousness again.


The Lavida sedan was found parked on the side of the road, Director Liao rushed over and pulled the driver's door off, but there was no one in the car.

"Get out of the car and run?"

Wan Li looked around, frowned and said, "We came at least two minutes late, enough for them to run a long distance, and there are too many high-rise buildings here, I'm afraid it's hard to find."

"Of course it's not easy to search randomly. Wait for a few minutes, and the search dogs are on the way."

"A police dog?" Wan Li was taken aback, yes, how could he forget such a small expert in hunting and arresting.

At this moment, Director Liao's phone rang again, and when he answered the phone, his expression quickly darkened, "Parking lot? I got it!"

"Has something happened to Yu Tian?" Wan Li's heart sank.

"It's Lin Daoming, you hit the spot. He explained where he met Wang Xinlong, an underground parking lot that hasn't been put into use yet." Director Liao expressed regret: "This child... let's go, Liu Miao may not be able to handle it alone. Come to Wang Xinlong, that old boy really dares to stay in Bincheng, catch him!"


10 minutes later, the underground parking lot.

Director Liao stood where the second envoy was originally standing, raised his right arm and waved his arm in comparison, and then looked at the huge hole on the stone pillar on the right.

Wan Li frowned, and walked round and round, hoping to find some clues. "The police dog is really slow, isn't it in the Martial Arts Bureau?"

"At the police dog base, come right away." Director Liao said, with a heavy tone: "Someone is standing here, swinging his arm and smashing the person next to him into the stone pillar. I don't know if he used all his strength, but the damage caused is equivalent to my strength. Wang Xinlong Is it that strong? And who was he beating, Yu Tian? Then he might be in danger..."

"It's not Yu Tian. Yu Tian's figure doesn't match this hole." Liu Miao shook her head: "According to Wang Xinlong's strength when he treasoned, his martial arts level is similar to mine, and with his superpower characteristics, it's not surprising to have your strength .But Director Liao, there is no blood near this hole."

Director Liao frowned: "There is no blood, the person who was beaten was not injured, or was the injury not serious? Damn, are there two people who are as strong as me?"

Wan Li walked over to take a look. The stone pillars in the parking lot acted as support and separation. They were solid cuboids with a length and width of about one meter. Now they were smashed into a half-meter-deep human-shaped pothole.He compared his punches, guessing that he could break the pillar with all his strength, but it was far from being embedded so deep at a distance of a few meters.

Several professionals from the Martial Arts Bureau nearby were also carefully observing the only trace left in the parking lot, and soon someone came to the conclusion: "The person who was shot into the stone pillar was over 185 tall, strong and fat. And the person who hit him The person... swung his fist horizontally and hit him in the chest and abdomen, and his height should be around 165."

"185, strong and fat." Director Liao's eyes twitched, and he looked at Liu Miao, "Could it be Wang Xinlong who was beaten?"

Wan Li frowned, the man with a height of 165 had a higher status in the red organization than Wang Xinlong?Why did the two conflict?Is it related to Yu Tian?
Although Yu Tian was not found, it was a good result not to see his body...

Wan Li's heart was in turmoil, from the moment Yu Tian was arrested.There are always two thoughts in my mind, one is 'Yu Tian was arrested because I tested the red line on him', and the other is 'I kindly helped Yu Tian break through, his arrest and death are all the fault of the Red Organization, shut down What's the matter with me'.

"But... I'm really mmp!"

At this moment, a van drove quickly in the parking lot, and a man in police uniform jumped out leading a police dog.

"Director Liao, Deputy Bureau Liu!"

"What the hell are you saying, hurry up!"

The level of the police dog in the cultivation era was higher, and soon it smelled the scent of four people who had appeared here besides everyone present, and reported it in the way of 'woof woof woof'.

Everyone acted immediately and followed the police dogs, but the scent of the four people was divided into three directions at a certain position, one person in two directions, and two people in one direction.After hesitating for a second, the crowd chased in the direction the two left, but...they finally chased to a small seaside town—Xianghai Town, where they stared at the vast ocean in silence.

"In order to prevent being caught up, I took Yu Tian to walk a distance from the sea? Damn it! Block the nearby sea area, block it!"

Although Director Liao was yelling like this, he himself understood that in this vast sea, if the B-level strength is good, he can swim hundreds of miles, and the blockade is simply unrealistic, so he was a little depressed for a while.

Until his mobile phone rang again, he finally got some good news, which turned his face into a cloud - the driver of the black LaVida was caught!

(End of this chapter)

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