Restart the world

Chapter 154 Chapter 1 Chapter 1

Chapter 154 Chapter [-] Chapter [-]

When everyone returned to Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau, it was past eight o'clock, Wan Li hadn't eaten dinner, and his stomach was rumbling with hunger, but he had no appetite at all, especially when he heard a familiar voice.

"Mom, don't cry, Yu Tian will definitely survive!"

"Oh, mom..."

Wan Li poked his head to watch, Yu Shuangyu paused in the room, quickly wiped away the two tear stains on his cheeks, and trotted over.

"Wan Liyang, where's Yu Tian?" She didn't call out the little environmental protection expert, but when she saw Director Liao beside Wan Li, she asked again.

Director Liao had a headache, so he looked around the room.In addition to Yu Shuang's mother who kept wiping her tears with toilet paper, there was also a young girl who was sobbing in the arms of a middle-aged lady——Lin Shiyu, and a middle-aged man with a frowning and majestic face.

The middle-aged man nodded his greeting to Director Liao, and sighed: "Director Liao, Daoming has caused you trouble, but..." He hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to plead, but he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Director Liao felt even more headache, and abruptly raised his hand to push Wanli.At this moment, his purpose couldn't be clearer, to sell his teammates - if there is anything to ask and tell this kid.

However, Wan Li, who seemed to have long eyes behind him, deftly dodged the push and looked back faintly.

"You fucking... guard against me?"

"Have to guard against."

"Ju Liao, I'm going to see the driver who was arrested. Please calm down the family members here. Wan Liyang, please help." Liu Miao said abruptly, and then led the people away.

Director Liao: "..."

Wan Li: "...It's impossible to guard against."

"Xiaowan, how is Xiaotian, you can tell Auntie directly, Auntie can bear it."

Wan Li's lips moved slightly: "Yu Tian is still in the opponent's hands, but...he is still alive."

"I was caught by the bad guys, and I'm still...alive." Aunt Shen repeated, her legs were weak, and she fell slowly. Yu Shuang quickly stepped forward to hug her, and Wan Li also quickly stepped forward to help her.

"Mom!" Yu Shuang bit her lower lip tightly, "We don't know what's going on with Yu Tian, ​​but you must not have another accident... If both of you...then I, I will die with you!"

"Mom is fine, and Yu Tian is fine. Mom still has you, mom is fine, you are about to go to university, you are about to grow up..."

Everyone was a little confused by Yu Shuang's 'to die together', but Wan Li, who was familiar with the girl's dictionary tearing characteristics, understood her meaning in an instant.

He let go of Aunt Shen's hand, looked at the mother and daughter who were hugging and crying together, felt the sadness of Lin Daoming's family, and gritted his teeth.


After a few minutes.

The sound of crying and sighing in the room gradually faded away as Wan Li and Director Liao talked about each other.Hearing that the enemy would take Yu Tian instead of killing him even when fleeing, the anxiety of the mother and daughter of Yu was slightly reduced.

In its place are new troubles.

Yu Tian was arrested by members of the Red Organization, and there were family members of the Red Organization members in the room. Yu Shuang's hatred was almost immediately transferred to the family of three, and he stared at him with big eyes.

Lin Daoming's parents are well-educated, so he didn't say anything, but went forward to discuss a solution with Chief Liao.To put it simply, it was to discuss what to do to get Lin Daoming released early without leaving black spots on his resume.This request is a bit unreasonable, but it is pitiful for parents all over the world.

But Lin Shiyu is a pampered girl, so she stared back at Yu Shuang, if Wan Li hadn't stopped her, she would have been beaten into a cake by Yu Shuang.

"Little environmental protection expert, you escape!"

"Don't be angry, her brother cheated on me, and I didn't ask her to settle the score. There is a wrong and a debt."

"Brother farmer, why did my brother cheat you? And you, little bean sprouts, my brother must have been coerced by the red organization, don't treat him like a prisoner, you still worry about your brother's life..."

Wan Li frowned: "Shut up!"

Lin Shiyu was startled, her eyes were reddened by Wan Li's yelling, and she turned around and sat on the chair angrily.

"Yu Shuang, calm down too." Wan Li sighed and comforted him.Yu Shuang, who is 156 in height, is known as bean sprouts, and the veins on his forehead are all up.

Lin Shiyu's mother came back after hearing the sound, sat next to her daughter to comfort her, watched her cry and looked at Wan Li reproachfully, Wan Li smiled and nodded at her, perfunctory.

Seeing this, Yu Shuang calmed down a lot. She has her mother to comfort her, and she has to comfort her mother...

"Brother Farmer, you're pissing me off, I'm going to sue Cong Cistan!" Lin Shiyu muttered.

Sue Cong Cistan?Wan Li frowned, what kind of threat is this, would Cong Cistan listen to you and not animate me?The contracts are all signed.

"There are also bean sprouts, don't be too proud, your brother may have been sunk in the sea..."


A big shoe of size 43 was printed on Lin Shiyu's face and slipped down slowly.Wan Li put down his raised right leg: "Auntie, please throw back my shoes...Forget it, I will pick it up myself."

Lin Shiyu's mother froze for a moment, looked at Wan Li who was jumping on one leg to put on his shoes, and then looked at the shoe prints on Lin Shiyu's face, raised her hand tremblingly and pointed at Wan Li: "" She obviously has a lot of self-cultivation. Well, I didn't know how to scold people for a while.

Yu Shuang, who wanted to rush forward to fight Lin Shiyu, also froze in place.Director Liao hurried over and scolded Wan Li for Lin Shiyu's mother.Lin Shiyu's father also rushed over, and the bloodiness aroused by his daughter's beating caused him to punch Wan Li directly in the chest.

"F-class, uncle is in good health." Wan Li put on his shoes self-consciously, pushing Lin Shiyu's father back a few steps with his chest: "I'm sorry, I just... lost my mind and need to be quiet."

"Wali sheep, you..."

"Please appease Lin Shiyu. When she stops crying, you can scold me and beat me. It's my fault to beat someone. Also, Yu Shuang, Aunt Shen, don't worry, Yu Tian is fine. He, most likely because of his potential, wants to absorb him into the red organization, and his life will be safe in a short time." Wan Li sighed softly, and he walked out of the room and went to the outside of the Martial Arts Bureau.

"What's wrong with this kid?" Director Liao looked puzzled, hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and calmed down the emotions of the family members in the house.


Outside the Martial Arts Bureau, Wan Li sat on the steps, looking up at the full moon in the sky.

"What happened to Yu Tian, ​​at least half of the responsibility lies with me, there is no shirk." Wan Li still wanted to get rid of the responsibility when he was chasing, but in the scenes in the Martial Arts Bureau, Yu Shuang was sobbing, crying until he was almost unconscious. Aunt Shen... is uneasy!

At this moment, facing the full moon in the sky, he, who has always been lazy and willing to go with the flow, silently set a second ambition in his heart: the Red Organization, this damn organization, must be destroyed!
"Actually, it's the same ambition as killing that Guisun. The red organization was established by Guisun believers. So... where do we start?"

(End of this chapter)

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