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Chapter 155 Chapter 1 The God Envoy Asked Me to Bring You a Chapter

Chapter 155 Chapter [-] The God Envoy Asked Me to Bring You a Message (Part Three)
The red organization can jump up and down in China and even the whole world and has never been eliminated, which proves that this organization is not easy to deal with.

Wanli's current strength is not low, B-level, but it is only B-level.Both Wang Xinlong and the guy who punched Wang Xinlong are stronger than him, and they are both opponents whose victory or defeat is unknown.

But Wanli, who has set his second ambition, is not going to delay until he is strong enough to plan this matter.Every day this disgusting organization drags on, more innocent people will suffer.

What's more, it was Yu Tian who had an accident this time, what if Lin Xiaoqi had an accident next time?Is it Wang Bo?Is it super?Is it Wen Jing?

It's scary to think about it.

"Destroy it, at the fastest speed, or at least severely damage its vitality." Wan Li murmured softly.This is not an idiotic dream, he has comics, and that is his greatest strength!

In just a few minutes, he came up with two cartoon settings targeting the red organization. Before he could think about it, a car suddenly drove up in the parking lot ahead, attracting his attention.

The side door of the car opened, and two Martial Arts Bureau members got out of the car with a... bald head.

As soon as he saw the bald woman, Wan Li froze in place.Two seconds later, the corners of his mouth curled up, and half of the cloud that weighed on his heart tonight dissipated in an instant.

The bald woman was also taken aback: "Little boy, why are you here? When did you come back, and you didn't even go to see my sister, she's so sad..."

"...Ha, don't come here, shaving your head bald is to prevent your spiritual charm? It's not that I didn't want to see you, sister, but I didn't expect that you were still in Bincheng. I should have known that my sister had shaved Bald, I've been to see you a long time ago!"

Cheng Yuan gritted her teeth lightly, her eyes flicked, and her eyes flicked: "Little boy, isn't it pretty if my sister shaves her head?"


Cheng Yuan twisted her waist: "Little boy, take a good look at your sister."



The two Martial Arts Bureau members who were holding her down couldn't help laughing: "Prisoner uniforms and bald heads, there may be some who can still be beautiful in this situation, but you are obviously not. Go in quickly, the wig and clothes are ready, and actively cooperate with the interrogation of the prisoner !"

"...Well. Little boy, my sister is going to change into beautiful clothes, don't peek."



The three of them traveled thousands of miles and walked into the Martial Arts Bureau.Wan Li got up, patted the dust off his buttocks, and put away the smile on his face: "Huh... I feel much better. Yu Tian will be rescued, and the red organization will be wiped out. I can do it, I'm the best!"

After self-motivation in the pass-through style, Wan Li took a deep breath, turned around and prepared to receive the scolding from Lin Shiyu's family... No matter what Lin Shiyu said, it was his own fault to spread the grievance in his heart on a little girl!

Fifteen minutes later, Wan Li watched Cheng Yuan, who had long flowing hair, enter the interrogation room, where she and Liu Miao will interrogate the red organization driver.

Wan Li smiled and said, "Director Liao, is it your idea to shave her head? You are a genius!"

Director Liao frowned slightly, very proud, and then frowned: "Wali Yang, are you okay? What the hell happened to you before?"

"It's okay." Wan Li shook his head: "I made a little awkwardness earlier, and I adjusted it myself. As for the scolding from the Lin family, it's normal, and it's okay. I'm not glass-hearted."

"That girl is spoiled, but it's really too much for you to print your stinky shoes on her face."

"Well, that's why I said it's normal to be scolded. But my shoes don't stink..."

"Well, it's fine if you don't care." Director Liao dismissed the article: "I don't know if we can find useful information... Speaking of which, Lin Daoming provided some information, but it is not very useful. Wang Xinlong, there is also an angel who is not tall and does not show his true face."

"The person who beat Wang Xinlong earlier, his status in the Red Organization should be higher than Wang Xinlong."

"Ah, I'm getting chills in my heart. This person may have been lurking in Bincheng, even you and I have seen it, an angel of the red organization with a higher status than Wang Xinlong... By the way, Lin Daoming said that she may be a woman, from the eyes .”

"The height is about 165. It's much easier to find a man, but it's troublesome for a woman..."

Director Liao nodded heavily.

At this moment, a man's roar suddenly came from the interrogation room: "God made Your Excellency treat us like relatives, don't let me betray her!"

Wan Li and Director Liao were taken aback for a moment, and quickly pushed the door open and rushed in.The member of the red organization was struggling desperately under Liu Miao's pull, his forehead was covered with blood, and he wanted to grab the table with his head.

Before Director Liao could ask a question, Cheng Yuan, who was sitting on the chair, fell obliquely, and Wan Li hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

Cheng Yuan's face was pale and her condition was weak. Seeing Wan Li helping her, she forced the corners of her mouth to curl up.

"Sister, why are you still doing this? Ever since I saw your bald head, it is impossible for me to be seduced by you again in this life."


The members of the Red Organization who were struggling desperately were knocked out by Liu Miao with a knife, and the members of the Martial Arts Bureau who heard the sound rushed to take them down.

"What's the situation?" Director Liao asked.

"The interrogation went smoothly at the beginning. Because of his identity as the driver, he confessed to many members of the red organization. But after asking about Wang Xinlong, he didn't know anything about it. When asked about Yu Tian, ​​he was only responsible for taking people to the parking lot. He, there is also a god servant in the car, masked, whose identity is unknown. As for Yu Tian's current whereabouts, he does not know."

Director Liao nodded: "What happened later? He got rid of Cheng Yuan's ability control?"

Liu Miao frowned: "I don't know either. When I asked about the envoy from Bincheng, he..."

"It's spiritual ability." Cheng Yuan said weakly, "The person being asked... is above me, and her mental ability is much stronger than that pretty little girl when you interrogated me."

"Psychiatric." Wanli judged secretly, "He said...the god made the Lord treat us like family members, brainwashing ability? Or...spiritual distance? If it is spiritual distance, it will be troublesome."

Mind distance is the psychic ability second only to soul rule, ranking 16th.The owner can freely control the spiritual distance with others, and can make the other party treat you as a close relative who has nothing to say in an instant, or make the other party alienate to ignore their own existence in an instant!
Director Liao picked up the interrogation records on the table, and took a look at them: "Five places for confession? Very good, follow the vines, and clean up the miscellaneous things in our city tonight! Cheng Yuan, hurry up and recover, and make it up tonight." Alright, I will commute your sentence!"

"Director Liao, arrest someone and take me with you," Wan Li said immediately.

"I didn't say not to take you, act!"


After half an hour.

bang bang bang...

Wan Li raised his hand and knocked on the heavy door in front of him.

A moment later, a thick male voice came from behind the door: "Who is it, it's late at night?"

"Who?" Wan Li was stunned for a moment, looking at the members of the Martial Arts Bureau following behind him: "Quickly open the door, the envoy asked me to bring you a message."

(End of this chapter)

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