Restart the world

Chapter 156 Chapter 1

Chapter 156 Chapter [-]

September 2018, 3, ten o'clock in the morning.

Wan Li, who was supposed to teach practice lessons for Yu Qianqian at school for the students in the super class, just woke up from the bed at home and was sitting in a daze.

The emergence of spiritual superpowers allowed the red organization to expand on a large scale, but at the same time it also facilitated the arrest by following the vine.More importantly, the members of the red organization caught last night usually acted as drivers in the red organization in Bincheng, and there were a lot of melons that came out along this vine.

The arrests went on overnight, and more than [-] red organization members were arrested.And most of these people are not alone, just like Lin Daoming's parents and sister who didn't know about it, hundreds of people were involved in this massive operation last night, and the number is still expanding.

After all, the members of the red organization are not stupid. When Wanli brought the words of the envoy to the second family, they were suddenly attacked and resisted, and more people chose to escape. There are still nine people who are currently at large, and they probably cannot escape from the Martial Arts Bureau. wanted.

When Wan Li left in the morning, the Martial Arts Bureau was already in chaos, and there were many family members who made trouble and complained. Liu Miao was in charge of singing the good faces, and Director Liao was in charge of singing the bad faces. They were trying to appease them.

But in short, after this night, the power of the red organization in Bincheng has shrunk by at least half!Wan Li also received 50 yuan of spirit stones and a fourth-class meritorious service, which made him happy for several minutes...

"But... Yu Tian hasn't been rescued yet, and Wang Xinlong hasn't been caught yet. The most important thing is, if the other divine envoy is really a telepathic superpower, then he can casually recruit a group of people again!" Wan Li Sighing lightly, he got up to wash up.

Slapping his face with cold water, recalling the number of family members who were gradually crying last night, Wan Li became a little more determined to destroy the Red Organization.

He dried his face, walked to the manga table, picked up a pen and added a few settings to the outline.Then after thinking about it, I lowered the magic ranking by one place, and added the strongest magic that I didn't have...

"Hopefully it will be as I thought."


Anyway, the morning class was delayed, and there was no class in the afternoon, so Wan Li was not in a hurry to return to the Martial Arts University, imbibing spirit stones, and modifying manga at the same time.

He hasn't eaten anything since last night. At noon, he ordered three takeaways, which made the room smell like a mess.As soon as the window was opened for ventilation, there was a knock on the door, and Yu Shuang, whose eyes were slightly red and swollen from crying, stood outside the door.

"You came back from the Martial Arts Bureau? How is it over there? Where's Aunt Shen?"

Yu Shuang wrinkled her nose: "The Martial Arts Bureau is still in a mess. I'll take my mother home to rest. I'm an environmental protection expert, I want... Please help me."

Wan Li was startled, and nodded: "No problem, I will find a way to rescue Yu Tian."

Yu Shuang was stunned for a moment: "No... this matter has nothing to do with you. Even if Yu Tianzhen was taken away by the red organization, I, the older sister, should be the one who rescued him. I am... I don't want to waste time in high school Can you find a way to let me study in your class!"

"...You should go to Director Liao for this matter."

"I don't know him well, and...he actually scolded you last night when you beat that black girl who deserved to be beaten!" Yu Shuang looked like Director Liao was not a good person.

Wan Li almost laughed: "Lin Shiyu is indebted, but I shouldn't hit her, it's easy to cause trouble, Director Liao scolded me for my own good... Well, I probably understand the reason why you want to enter the Martial Arts University half a year earlier. , I'll call Director Liao and talk about it for you, it's not a big problem."

He turned and went into the room, tidied up the comics on the comic table, and stuffed them into a drawer.Yu Shuang, who wrinkled his nose and followed behind him, didn't pay attention to the manga at all, his eyes were firmly attracted by the pile of hundreds of spirit stones at the foot of the manga table.

"This is... Lingshi?!"

Wan Li nodded, bent down, picked up a piece of Lingshi and threw it over: "I'll give you one."

Yu Shuang raised his hand to catch it, froze for two seconds, frowned and said, "Little environmental protection expert, why are you so generous all of a sudden? You won't..."

"Don't think about it, I'm investing, and you will repay it twice in the future. Aren't you anxious to become stronger?" Wan Li took out his mobile phone and dialed, "Director Liao must be busy now, I hope I can answer..."

Yu Shuang bit her lower lip lightly, and carefully looked at the spirit stone she touched for the first time in her hands: "How to suck it... Oh, can you just suck it if you think about it?"

She inhaled for a few seconds, barely raised the corners of her mouth, and said, "Thank you for your kindness."

Wanli nodded, and moved the phone away from his ear.

"Wali sheep! Why the hell are you looking for me again? I'm going to be busy!"

"Director Liao, this is the situation..."


So in the evening, when Wan Li returned to Martial Arts University, Yu Shuang was beside him.It is very simple to enroll in dual enrollment.Since she has awakened superpowers and has a martial arts level close to C-level just after turning 18, she will definitely get the admission letter from the Martial Arts University, sooner or later.

Director Liao was very happy. After Wanli called in the afternoon, he immediately arranged for Yu Shuang to move into the girls' dormitory.However, because Aunt Shen's condition is not very good, Yu Shuang just came to report first.

At the school gate, Wan Li waved to the familiar tall figure: "Xiaoqi, here!"

Lin Xiaoqi was looking left and right, but when she heard the words, she turned her eyes, and when she saw Wan Li, she smiled and ran over: "Wan Liyang, long time no see, this little sister is going to live in our seems younger than Wen Jing..."

Yu Shuang blinked, raised her head ignorantly, and stared blankly at Wanli.Wan Li blinked, and was a little confused: "Xiaoqi, you... have grown taller?"

Lin Xiaoqi was a little distressed: "In the past two months, I have grown another three centimeters, 180."

Because of the C grade?Wan Li guessed in his heart that he managed to catch up with Lin Xiaoqi's 177, but people say that he will be taller, and one length will be three centimeters. It seems that he will never try to be taller than her in his life... "Yu Shuang, this is Lin Xiaoqi, you can Call her Miss Xiaoqi, your roommate. There are two other roommates who are out of town, and you will meet them after a while."

"Well, hello sister Xiaoqi." Yu Shuang greeted, the eyes of the girl with a height of 156 were full of envy, her legs almost reached her shoulders!
"Xiaoqi, her name is Yu Shuang, please take good care of her, she is..." Wan Li wanted to introduce Yu Shuang as Yu Tian's older sister, but felt that this was not a good introduction, " my sister .”

"Hey, little environmental protection expert, when did I become your sister?"

Lin Xiaoqi covered her mouth: "Little expert in environmental protection? Wan Liyang, why do you have so many nicknames?"

Wan Li stares: You have the nerve to say so!

Lin Xiaoqi groaned.

"Hey, little environmental protection expert!"

Wan Li pursed his lips, looked at Yu Shuang who was dissatisfied, and considered how to make her recognize him as his brother.He said it casually just now, but after talking about it, Wan Li felt that it was good to have such a younger sister, not to mention that if Yu Tian couldn't be rescued in a short while, he just needed a suitable position to compensate her family. "It's just a bit of a mess of seniority. Originally, she was supposed to call me father..."

At this moment, there was a sudden gust of fragrant wind from behind Wanli, and at the same time, a familiar sweet call came: "Senior!"

"……here we go again."

(End of this chapter)

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