Restart the world

Chapter 157 Chapter 1 Wang Di

Chapter 157 Chapter [-] Wang Di
The strong scent of perfume was getting closer and closer, Wan Li turned sideways, avoiding a salty pig's hand hugging his arm: "Wang Di, are you blocking me?"

"Of course not. Senior, I just happen to be going out for dinner, shall we come together? Yesterday..." Wang Di paused, as if he had just seen Lin Xiaoqi and Yu Shuang, and took a step closer to Wanli, with his towering chest resting on his arm Rubbing, blinking big eyes: "Senior has an appointment?"

Wan Li's arms trembled slightly, but he didn't move away, and secretly rolled his eyes.Yu Shuang was small but very shrewd, and immediately walked away a few steps.Lin Xiaoqi even showed a playful smile, stepped back and said: "Little sister Yu Shuang, I will take you to the dormitory."

"Yeah. But sister Xiaoqi, can you call me without small characters?" Yu Shuang didn't have the confidence.

"Do you mind? We have a little Wenjing and a little Qinyu in our bed..."

"Wait, I'll go too." Wan Li sighed softly, looked at Wang Di who was staring at him helplessly, and said, "You wait for me here, I'll come back to you after I send my sister to the dormitory...don't follow. "

Wang Di puffed his mouth and stopped walking.

"Little environmental protection expert, you are endless, aren't you? Who is your sister?"

"Uh, by the way, sorry."

Yu Shuang glanced at him, then turned to look at Wang Di: "Your girlfriend? Why do you call you a senior, a high school student? It doesn't look like it."

"That's right, why did Wang Di call you senior? Why did you get mixed up with her?"

Wan Li was startled: "Xiaoqi, do you know her?"

"There are only so few people in the school. After one semester, I know all the characteristics. But... Wang Di's reputation is not very good."

"Oh? As expected."

Lin Xiaoqi smiled: "I shouldn't speak ill of people behind their backs, but... oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about that kind of reputation, she looks good, and there are many suitors, both inside and outside the school, but All of them were rejected by her, and the bad reputation refers to her grades."

"Huh?" Wan Li paused, "Score?"

"Well, she was the bottom one in class 104 last semester, and the bottom two in the whole school. I heard that she only knows how to dress up all day long, and ignores practice. She is afraid of hardship and tiredness in practice class, and she never practices hard qigong. I don't know how she is. Some people joked that she had spent her whole life in high school when she practiced to F-level and was admitted to the Martial Arts University, and she just wanted to catch a high-potential boy in the Martial Arts University, did she have her eye on you?"

Wan Li was stunned for a while: "Second to last? Grade F? Then she... damn it!"

He always thought that Wang Di brought himself in to get the bottleneck breakthrough agent earlier, but he didn't expect that the bottleneck breakthrough agent was the leader?

"No wonder, no wonder, why would someone mention a hotel when they add someone?" Wan Li's face darkened slightly, did he really want to rely on himself in this way?

"Wan Liyang, what's the matter? You're going on a date with her, don't you know this?"

Wanli Fuer: "What's the appointment? I really didn't expect... let's go and check in for Yu Shuang."

For a moment just now, he really wanted to use his tricks to rule Wang Di. He was afraid of suffering and tiredness, right?Do you know about the tireless body?
But think about it or forget it, it's not worth it.

After completing the check-in procedures for Yu Shuang, Lin Xiaoqi took her upstairs to see the dormitory, but was blocked by the dormitory steward, and Wanli couldn't keep up. When he walked out of the female dormitory, he looked at the school gate, and Wang Di was standing tall and slender, beckoning to him on tiptoe .

In fact, thinking about it from another angle, if it is true what Lin Xiaoqi said, Wang Di didn't find a boyfriend in the first half of the semester, but he was able to put a lot of money on himself, which made Wan Li a little happy, but he quickly put this The joy of self-entertainment is left behind.He shook his hand to signal that he would not go, then turned and walked towards the men's bedroom.

Wang Di froze for a moment, watched Wan Li enter the boys' dormitory, bit his lower lip angrily, twisted his waist and stomped his feet hard. "It almost succeeded, if it wasn't for the damn thing last night..."

"Sister, you didn't catch up with the boy, have you lost your position?" A gentle male voice suddenly sounded from behind Wang Di, scaring Wang Di to take a small step forward, and she turned her head slightly annoyed: "Walk!" To be silent is to scare to death..."

"Huh?" Wang Di blinked, and got stuck in a stomach full of complaints, just because the man who appeared in front of him... was very beautiful.Fair complexion, handsome features, big eyes, long eyelashes, a bridge of nose that is neither too high nor too low, and eyes as deep as they can absorb the soul, even Wang Di, a girl who is very confident in her appearance, was a little envious for a while.

"I don't seem to be taller than me, so it's not a new thing for a woman to disguise herself as a man." Wang Di thought to himself, looked at him a few times, "I have an Adam's apple."

She hesitated for two seconds, then turned around and left. These days, good-looking people get preferential treatment. If there was a wretched uncle standing behind him just now, she must have kicked him.However, just two steps away, there was a sudden breeze blowing the ends of her hair, and her eyes blurred, and the handsome man stood in front of her again.

"what are you doing?"

"Sister, I'm from another place. I'm not familiar with the place when I first arrived in Bincheng, so I'm a little hungry. Which restaurant nearby has delicious food? Would you mind showing me the way?"

Pick me up?Wang Di almost laughed out loud. It was a novel experience for a man who was not as tall as him but prettier than him to date him.She wanted to refuse straight away, but then she thought about the fact that Hua Hua was standing in front of her just now, raised her eyebrows slightly, and turned away again.

This time she lifted her spirits and kept paying attention to her front, but she still didn't see the track. The handsome man appeared in front of her again as if he could teleport instantly!

"Quickly, Class B!" Wang Di's eyes lit up, and he frowned slightly: "Can't we go?"

"No, no, of course not." The man shook his head again and again, with a gentle voice: "There are only three things, if my sister really doesn't want to lead me the way, then I can only find other kind people."

Wang Di pondered for two seconds, then turned around and walked towards the dormitory floor. After walking more than [-] meters, the man did not stop her again. She looked back, and he was watching her away with a gentle smile.

She pursed her lips, looked at the boy's dormitory, sighed softly, and turned around.


In dormitory 201, Wan Li hugged and chatted with Jian Chao, whom he hadn't seen for several months. "Chaochao, how much heavier? Lao Wang isn't in the dormitory?"

"It's 370 catties." Jianchao's fat face pouted together: "Old Wang is already a useless person. He goes to work as a voluntary assistant for that Lin Yuling every day, and Lin Xiaoqi is not as enthusiastic as him."

"That's the real business. Finding a girlfriend is a major event in life. Don't you look for Chaochao? The girls chasing me are almost going around the world."

"You can pull it down." Jianchao grinned.

Wan Li smiled, glanced at the school gate from the balcony window, and was stunned for a moment. Wang Di was actually walking out of the school side by side with a man who was a few minutes shorter than her.

"'Transferring love' so soon? It's really unreliable." Wan Li pursed her lips and carefully looked at the man beside her.At this moment, the man seemed to be able to spot his eyes, looked back, and gave him a gentle smile.

Wan Li raised his eyebrows: "He looks feminine, and his senses are quite sharp... Uh, he's 165 in height, this guy! Can't he?"

(End of this chapter)

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