Restart the world

Chapter 158 Chapter 1 Neuropathy

Chapter 158 Chapter [-] Neuropathy

"Wanli, you're leaving again? Didn't you say we're going to have a barbecue buffet together?"

"Suddenly something urgent, tomorrow!" Wan Li hurried out of the dormitory, and rushed to the school gate at the fastest speed, looking around, but Wang Di and the man were nowhere to be seen.

"Cross the road, turn left, turn right... What if the little cock is unreliable? Is it because I am too sensitive, or is it just a coincidence that it is a hidden angel?" Wan Li frowned and looked back. , squinting slightly.

Jianchao was looking at him from the window of dormitory 201, looking at him with surprise on his face, as well as the male dormitory manager Jun and the female dormitory manager.

When he practiced to a certain level, he would be able to sense things such as gaze. For example, if someone pointed a gun at him from a few hundred meters away, or looked at him with hostile eyes, he would definitely be able to detect it instantly.

But when he turned his back to him, he would ignore the surprised gazes cast by Jianchao and Jianchao who saw him running wildly.But before he looked at the man next to Wang Di, he was only surprised, without hostility or other inexplicable emotions, but he was able to be spotted by the man at the first time, and turned his head to capture his existence...

"Sensitivity is sharper than mine, not necessarily stronger than me, but certainly not weaker than me, at least B-level, Bincheng has never heard of a girly B-level. If he is an envoy, then Wang Di …If Wang Di hadn’t stopped me for a minute yesterday, I would have been able to catch up with the kidnapping of Yu Tian by the red organization!” Wan Li pushed backwards, and suddenly felt that things were stable.

He thought for two seconds, took out his phone, and dialed.The call was connected five seconds later, Wan Li skillfully moved the phone away from his ear, but did not hear the expected roar.

"Wali Yang, what do you want to say? I'm going to change my phone number. I haven't closed my eyes since yesterday. Those bastards made me have a headache. I just stopped and wanted to sleep for a few minutes. You fucking called again !" Director Liao was weak.

"Cough...Director Liao, I can't find you if I have anything important to do. I found the hidden angel."

"...Really?! Then you bastard, hurry up! Where are you?"

Wan Li frowned, and moved the receiver of the phone away: "I'm not completely sure, there is no girly-looking Class B in Bincheng, right?"

"Very B-grade? No!"

"That's it, a man with a height of about 165, he looks very beautiful, almost as beautiful as Nier... He appeared near the Martial Arts University, and he was with Wang Di from class 104. I suspect that Wang Di is also a member of the Red Organization .”

"Are you following them?"

"No, they were far away from me when I found them. Now I have chased to the gate of Martial Arts University, and I don't know which direction to chase."

"That's a three-way road, don't chase, wait for news! Class 104 Wang Di..."

The phone was hung up, and Wan Li blinked, "Sanchalu, stop chasing me? My sense of direction seems to be despised..."

He suddenly jumped up with all his strength, and turned sideways, one circle, two circles, three circles and four circles. After landing, he faced the left hand side of the school gate, and ran forward with a determined smile.

In the dormitory building, recommended:?


At the same time, a red truck slowly drove out of a kelp factory near Bincheng Medical University.Several tons of kelp are neatly stacked on the truck, covered with strong canvas.

After bumping a section of the rural dirt road, the truck drove to a sparsely populated area. Two people suddenly sprang out from the side of the dirt road. One was tall and strong, carrying a comatose teenager on his shoulders, with a slightly ugly expression on his face.The other person had a thin, narrow face and looked flustered.

The driver of the car was a fair-skinned middle-aged man in his 40s. He quickly got out of the car and walked to the front of the car as if he had expected it. He handed over three raincoats with both hands, bowed and said, "Master Wang Xinlong, please put on the raincoat and hide from the car." Get in the car."

"Then the girl arranged such a way for me to leave the country? Let me hide in these kelp?!"

"This carload of kelp will be sent to Spring City. After the envoy has said there, you just need to be careful and go north to Heicheng, and you will have your own way out of the country."

Wang Xinlong frowned. He wouldn't naively think that he could leave Huaxia by plane or boat, but he was hiding in a carload of kelp...

"I might as well find a mountain and dig it out."

"Master Wang Xinlong, I'm afraid not." The middle-aged man shook his head: "The Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau has united several nearby cities to deploy defenses in order to catch you, and the investigation is very strict. Only this kind of kelp truck will not let me unload all the goods. , and also prevent the police dogs from smelling you."

Wang Xinlong frowned, and Zhang Hailong beside him said in a panic: "My lord, let's listen to the arrangement of the envoy."

"A worthless thing!" Wang Xinlong glared at him and put Yu Tian down: "Come here, help your roommate put on a raincoat..."


Qixin Street, Wanli looked left and right and passed by shops, Shuicheng Braised Chicken, Auspicious Chaos, Haowei Dumplings, Longyang Anti-theft Door, Farm Kitchen... "Damn, did I go in the wrong direction again? No wonder Sense of direction, luck..."

In the opposite direction to him, Xinkai Street.

Wang Di brought the handsome man to a magnificent building, the most upscale hotel around Budo University: Our Hotel.

The name is very friendly, and it is unambiguous when compared to others. The same dish is at least [-]% more expensive than other restaurants. Of course, the environment, service and taste will be better.Although Wang Di's grades are mediocre, her admission to the Martial Arts University in the college entrance examination proves that she is not stupid.She knows everything about Wanli. She just met this inexplicable guy in front of her. He is probably a B-rank. Coming to this kind of big hotel can not only kill him, but also guarantee her own safety. However, she never expected the next development...

"My sister, thank you for leading the way. The food in such a big restaurant must taste good. I think it's getting dark, and it's probably not safe for my sister to go out alone. Go back early."

Wang Di:?
The handsome man walked into our hotel under the hospitality of the waiter. The wind was bleak, and Wang Di stood there for a long time without recovering.

"Beauty, should I wait for someone? Do you have an appointment?" a waiter asked.

"Me, me and the guy in front... Is he crazy? Damn crazy!"

Wang Di really wanted to rush in and scold that handsome man, but he thought that from the very beginning, he said he was letting him lead the way, and he didn't say he was going to invite him to dinner, besides, the security force of our restaurant is very strong...

"Crazy! Crazy!!" Wang Di cursed and turned away, kicking the stones beside the road angrily.After walking for 2 minutes, two tall and strong men suddenly rushed out diagonally from behind, locked her arms in a daze, and put handcuffs on her.

"What, what are you doing? Who are you!" Wang Di struggled violently.

One of them took out his ID to show her, while the other said to Mai in his ear, "Deputy Bureau Liu, Wang Di has been arrested by us, and we didn't find another target beside her."

"Martial Arts Bureau? Vice President Liu?" Wang Di was at a loss, and murmured, "Why are you arresting me? I'm a student at the Martial Arts University...Another target, is that psychopath..."

(End of this chapter)

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