Restart the world

Chapter 160 Chapter 1 Chasing and fleeing

Chapter 160 Chapter [-] Chasing and Escaping (Part [-])
It was getting dark, Director Liao and Wan Li walked out of the Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau one by one.

"Director Liao, are you driving this time?"

"Ah, Wally sheep, have you taken your driver's license yet?"

"I didn't take the test, which one is your car... Hey, why is there a big cargo that pulls kelp here?"

Director Liao was stunned for a moment: "Oh, yes, Wang Di's father is a long-distance truck driver. This is the delivery, right? The kelp is in good condition."

"It's delayed my work, and you're still trying to get the kelp?" Wan Li smiled.

"Oh, it's not your messy identification... this way." Director Liao pointed to a white jeep not far from the truck.

In the truck, under the kelp, Wang Xinlong was trying his best to minimize his sense of existence. He only looked at Director Liao and Wan Li from the corner of his eye. He was still lucky, but he saw the two people suddenly turn around, talking and laughing towards the truck. come...

"Fuck! Damn traitor, these two bastards are still joking, do you think I've been caught?" He growled in his heart, calmed down, and was about to explode.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Zhang Hailong, who was lying beside him, whispered.

"It's nothing, just play by ear."

Wan Li and Director Liao were getting closer and closer to the white jeep. Director Liao kept looking at Wan Li, and when Wan Li asked what kind of car it was to show off, Wan Li kept looking at it to himself, pretending not to look at it. to his gaze...

"I don't have any vision at all." Director Liao was helpless, and was about to make an introduction, when his face suddenly changed, and he turned to look at the truck.

Wan Li was startled: "What's wrong?"

"Who?! Come out!"

Wanli blinked, who, where?

The next second, the kelp on the truck exploded from it as if a bomb had been buried inside. The dark green kelp flew around like an arrow from the string, densely covering the entire sky, and there was no trace of it. Dodge everywhere.

Wan Li raised his vigilance to the highest level in an instant, waving his arms to block the incoming kelp, and at the same time staring at the truck through the kelp, the sound of crackling and glass breaking came one after another, Director Liao gritted his teeth and went up to the kelp, "Bastard!" , Come out to me! Pay me for my car!"

As soon as the words fell, a burly figure suddenly jumped out from behind the kelp, passed Director Liao, and after a bang of fists and kicks, he went straight for thousands of miles without stopping, swinging his left fist like a tiger pounced, and the oncoming momentum turbulent!

"Wali sheep, it's Wang Xinlong!"

Wan Li could roughly guess without Director Liao yelling. Although he was puzzled about why Wang Xinlong appeared here, Wan Li was a little happy when he saw the familiar figure in a raincoat on Wang Xinlong's right shoulder.

"Send Yu Tian back? Good guy."

He muttered like this, but he didn't dare to neglect his movements. He crossed his arms to protect his face, held his breath at the same time, and stabilized his legs.

Bang! !

When fists and arms were exchanged, Wan Li's cheeks were immediately stained with blood, but he clenched his teeth, and he didn't let out the breath in his stomach, and didn't take a step back.The surging force was unloaded by him through his waist and abdomen to his feet, and the blue bricks under his feet immediately cracked, and his body and Wang Xinlong's body sank a little at the same time.

Wang Xinlong obviously didn't expect that his castration would be blocked, so his movement paused for a moment, Wan Li immediately took the opportunity to raise his right leg and kicked, bringing the wind howling and kicking towards Wang Xinlong's waist.

"Tch!" Wang Xinlong snorted coldly, took a small step back, lifted Yu Tian on his right shoulder, and Director Liao, who was rushing back from the side, changed his expression, and hurriedly withdrew his legs and took a step back.

"Huh..." Wan Li let out the breath, shook his arms, adjusted his position, and flanked Wang Xinlong with Director Liao one after the other.

"Put Yu Tian down, you won't be able to escape!"

Wang Xinlong trembled all over his face, squinted his eyes and looked back, and shouted: "Tell that bastard traitor, I will definitely come back and kill him!"

traitor?Wan Li was startled, and his spirit tensed up again.In front of him, Wang Xinlong swung his arm abruptly, threw Yu Tian in his right hand several tens of meters high, and at the same time rushed sideways to escape.

"Wali sheep!" Director Liao shouted, his feet smashed the ground and jumped to chase Wang Xinlong.

Wan Li understood, he ran forward a few steps, leaped high, caught Yu Tian in the air, hugged him, unloaded his weight and fell, hitting the ground.His legs went numb, and he sat down in the half-meter-deep hole he had just smashed out, breathed out in the sky, and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good to be alive..."

"Wan Liyang, what's going on?" Zhong Yumi's shout came, and the few remaining people in the Martial Arts Bureau who were attracted by these loud noises came out one after another.

"Take control of Wang Di's father, and send Yu Tian to the hospital!" Wan Li staggered to his feet and stomped on the spot, the itching quickly dissipated, "Huh?"

Wan Li turned his head, and another figure jumped out of the truck and fled.He squinted slightly, leaned over to pick up a moderately sized stone, and threw it!

"And that guy, catch him too." Wanli explained again, and his body shot out, leaving only a messy parking lot full of kelp and potholes, and a few martial arts bureaus who haven't figured out the situation yet. member.

"Brother Zhong, this...we..."

"Do as he says."


Director Liao's speed seemed to be one point faster than Wang Xinlong's. During the pursuit, the two exchanged hands several times, which gave Wanli a few seconds' trace to follow.He looked at the terrain, suddenly jumped onto the high wall on the right, and took a shortcut to chase.The Martial Arts Bureau's corners are quite biased, but with the strength of B-level, it can run a kilometer in a dozen seconds, and soon came to a nearby street.

Director Liao's face showed a little eagerness, especially when he saw a few passers-by in the distance, he yelled, "Get out of here quickly", and the attack became a little bit fiercer.Wang Xinlong's face shuddered, his tall body shook, he parried Director Liao's cannon punch, and rushed towards the place where there were people.At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared obliquely in front of him, causing him to pause and frown.

"Good work, Wally sheep!" Director Liao and Wanli flanked him again, this time they didn't talk nonsense to him, and shouted 'Give me a shot', and they were about to step forward, only to find that Wang Xinlong suddenly slanted Jumping up, the height was exaggerated, and he jumped to the four-story building next to him, which was more than ten meters high.

Director Liao was stunned for a moment, and froze in place.Wan Li was also taken aback, and quickly said: "It's an extraordinary leap, Director Liao, chase after him!"

The eyes of the two met, and they jumped up at the same time tacitly.Wan Li jumped straight up, and Director Liao jumped towards him. After seven or eight meters, the upward momentum stopped.He was trampled to the ground again, and Director Liao jumped up to the top of the four-story building with his strength, and chased after him.

"It's numb again." Wan Li frowned and beat his legs, swayed twice, looked around, and chased out around the building in front of him. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called Liu Miao...

(End of this chapter)

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