Restart the world

Chapter 161 Chapter 1 Chasing and fleeing

Chapter 161 Chapter [-] Chasing and Escaping (Part [-])
Outside our restaurant, Liu Miao frowned and hung up Wanli's phone with a puzzled face. "Wang Xinlong appeared in the Martial Arts Bureau and suddenly launched an attack on him and Liao Bureau? He brought Yu Tian with him, is Wang Xinlong crazy?"

"Deputy Bureau Liu, the target has settled the bill!"

"Oh?" Liu Miao regained consciousness, and suddenly realized something, "This guy guessed that he was discovered by us, and asked Wang Xinlong to hold Wanli Yang and Liao Ju to buy himself time to escape? This guy's status in the Red Organization is indeed true. Higher than Wang Xinlong..."

He waved his hand, motioning the two Martial Arts Bureau members around him to step back, fixed his eyes on the door of the restaurant, saw the handsome man being sent out of the hotel by the waiter, frowned slightly, and for a moment he didn't know that Director Liao and Wan Li didn't show up. Should we act.However, at this moment, the handsome man suddenly turned to where Liu Miao was hiding, with a smile on his lips, and walked step by step.

Liu Miao's heart sank, not knowing how she exposed herself.But this is the end of the matter, he can't give up action.He made a decisive decision, stepped out from his hiding place, shook his back, and punched his face in the face!
As expected, the handsome man raised his hand to hold Liu Miao's right fist firmly in his hand, and said softly: "The B-level that suddenly hit, is this the bad luck I will face this time? It's a little lighter than expected what."

Liu Miao frowned, secretly saying that "the one who is talking about it is really a lunatic from the Red Organization", and was about to withdraw his right fist and continue to attack, when his face suddenly changed.

There were bursts of tingling pain from his right fist, which was firmly held by the handsome man opposite him, unable to move at all.The corner of the handsome man's mouth curled up, he raised his left arm covered in soft white light, and said, "Tell me about your identity, why did you attack me... Eh, it seems familiar?"

Liu Miao's heart sank: "Class A?!"


Xinghai Square is located in the southern seaside scenic spot of Bincheng City. It is the most famous sea-viewing square in Bincheng City, surrounded by high-rise buildings and a castle hotel with a unique shape.

Next to the square is a large playground. As the night gets darker, the lights here are brightly lit, making it even more lively.In the center of the playground, a giant Ferris wheel is turning, with the highest cabin.


The woman's scream, which exceeded [-] decibels, resounded through the night sky. The man who was in the same cabin with her was at a loss, and repeatedly comforted: "Yu, Yuling, there will be no danger, don't, don't be afraid."


Wang Bo showed a little helplessness, why on earth are you so afraid of heights and proposed to come here to play?He was about to speak to comfort again, when suddenly, the screaming stopped abruptly.Wang Bo scratched his head ignorantly, while Lin Yuling opened her mouth slightly, her expression was full of surprise, and her eyes were fixed on the tall buildings in the distance.

He followed Lin Yuling's gaze, and the pitch-black night covered everything, only various lights could be seen, "Yuling, you... eh?"

Wang Bo narrowed his eyes, barely seeing three people running and jumping on the top of a tall building in the distance, one in front and two behind, approaching them at an exaggerated speed.

"What, what's going on?"

The cabin they were in was already descending, and soon he could no longer see the figures of the three.But at the last moment, he found that one of the three seemed very familiar...

"Wanli is chasing someone?" Wang Bo murmured softly, looking at Lin Yuling: "You, have you seen it clearly?"

Lin Yuling looked stunned and frowned slightly.

"Yu Ling? Did you see clearly?"

"Oh? Oh! You can't see clearly, how can I see clearly. Running on the roof, are you making a movie?"

Wang Bo pondered for a moment, shook his head, took out his mobile phone and dialed Wanli, but got a reply of 'the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable'...


A few miles away, on a tall building.

Wang Xinlong's escape speed was much slower than at the beginning. Director Liao was panting after chasing after him. Only Wan Li looked a little more at ease. Although he was running at full speed, he was not tired, just... a little Feel distressed.

In order to climb to the top of the building to keep up with Director Liao and Wang Xinlong, he rubbed the climbing belt and heard the cracking sound coming from his trouser pocket. He has not dared to check his phone until now.

After jumping several times between tall buildings, Wan Li suddenly realized that the tall buildings around him looked familiar, and in the distance was... "Ferris wheel? Director Liao, we are almost chasing to Xinghai Square?"

He was a little surprised, the Martial Arts Bureau was tens of hundreds of kilometers away from Xinghai Square, and the three of them ran so far without knowing it.

Director Liao was startled when he heard the words: "Xinghai Square? Huh...dammit he wants to go into the sea!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the body that was originally parallel to Wanli gradually surpassed him by one or two statures, getting closer and closer to Wang Xinlong.Wang Xinlong occasionally looked back during his escape, and when he looked back again, he saw a ferocious old face very close to him.

Bang! !

Hit by fist and arm, Wang Xinlong's body rolled out sideways, and stopped dangerously on the edge of the tall building.Director Liao pounced again, and Wang Xinlong shuddered. He desperately hugged Director Liao's arm and pulled it back.The two wrestled for a moment, and they both fell down the [-]-meter-high building!

Wanli, who had just arrived, was startled, but when he pulled his hand, it was empty, and he lay prone on the edge of the tall building and looked down.In mid-air, the two kept adjusting their positions. In the end, neither of them could use the other as a meat pad. They hugged each other and fell to the road, making an earth-shattering sound. A car could not brake enough to run over the two of them In the past, the bottom suddenly became chaotic.

Wan Li's eyelids twitched when he saw it. These injuries are not fatal to a Class B, but they look painful. "Wang Xinlong should have extraordinary tolerance, and he won't lose the ability to resist. I have to get down quickly..."

Just as Wan Li expected, Wang Xinlong, who had been hit continuously, was fine. He punched the car that had run over them to pieces, jumped up and fled again, and went straight to Xinghai Square. thereafter.

There were a lot of pedestrians near Xinghai Square, Wang Xinlong had no scruples, he grabbed the two of them and threw them behind him, but Director Liao had to catch them and he was thrown farther and farther away.

For a moment, screams, the sound of cars, and Wang Xinlong's wanton laughter mixed together. "Liao Gang, you let that damned traitor wait for me!"

The distance to the sea was getting closer and closer, although he might not be able to escape the pursuit if he jumped into the sea, but that would be too big of a change, and Director Liao's face became more and more ugly.

At this moment, the accident happened again, a boy with a simple and honest face suddenly blocked Wang Xinlong's escape route, with his arms crossed and steady on his horse, facing the rampant Wang Xinlong, he did not dodge or dodge.

Wang Xinlong was stunned for a moment, his flesh shuddered, and he punched across his hips, "I don't know how to live or die!"

Sure enough, the honest boy collapsed at the first touch, and flew tens of meters away as if hit by a truck, but his blocking finally stopped Wang Xinlong's pace for a moment, and another boy stopped in front of him.With a ferocious expression on his face, he stepped forward and punched again, but was held firmly, and was even forced to take a few steps back!
"Tired, old iron?" Wan Li grinned, turned his head and glanced behind him: "Old Wang, why are you here? Are you okay!"

The honest boy who was knocked into the air earlier was none other than Wang Bo. He got up staggeringly: "No, nothing."

"Good job!" Chief Liao and Wan Li flanked Wang Xinlong for the third time, shouting in all directions: "Get away from me, the Martial Arts Bureau catches fugitives!"

Wang Xinlong panted violently, squinting his eyes to look at Director Wanli Liao who was standing in front of him and behind him, he was still 500 meters away from the coast, 500 meters...

(End of this chapter)

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