Restart the world

Chapter 162 Chapter 1

Chapter 162 Chapter [-]

Some people call Xinghai Square the pinnacle of Bincheng's facade project, and it is indeed the case. It is the largest city square in Asia, with colorful lights, green vegetation even in winter, and gentle sea breeze blowing, giving every tourist Bring a sense of ease.

But tonight's Xinghai Square was silent and chilled by the confrontation between the three people, only the sound of Wang Bo dispersing the tourists could be heard from afar.

"Cough!" After a while, the silence was broken by Director Liao's cough, Wan Li got the signal, and immediately leaned over and rushed, instantly shortening the distance between Wang Xinlong and Wang Xinlong.

Snapped!He punched out with his right fist, the distance was short and the force was strong, it seemed to cause the air to vibrate, and hit Wang Xinlong's lower abdomen directly.

Running and jumping for nearly [-] kilometers is a great burden for Wang Xinlong. If he didn't have superpowers such as supernormal speed, supernormal leap, and supernormal endurance, he might be at the mercy of thousands of miles now.Even so, he was panting violently, his physical strength was running low, and his expression changed slightly when he faced the punch that he could easily receive. What's more, at this moment, there was Director Liao who was watching him eagerly behind him, and he couldn't back away and dodge. .

As a last resort, he could only collapse, his spine swayed, and he forcibly twisted aside.However, just as he left his original position, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, his calf hurt and softened, and his body's center of gravity could not help shifting...

Boom!After a silent kick, Wan Li's left fist hit Wang Xinlong's right cheek firmly.

The expression on his face suddenly distorted, and his body flew out horizontally, flying towards the position near Director Liao. His heart sank deeply, and he curled up desperately, preparing to receive the thunderbolt.However, the expected heavy blow was delayed. It wasn't until he landed and rolled over that he stood up, only to find that Director Liao hadn't stopped coughing since then.

"Director Liao, are you alright?" Wan Li asked worriedly, his eyes fixed on Wang Xinlong.

"Cough...Small injury, how can this fucking guy resist falls better than me, cough cough cough..." Director Liao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"It really doesn't work when you're old, leave the rest to me, remember I'll apply for first-class merit." Wan Li stepped forward, walking steadily, and slowly approached Wang Xinlong, "I overestimate him, his strength and speed are stronger than mine, but fighting It's so weak."

Wang Xinlong rubbed his swollen right cheek, his whole body trembled when he heard Wan Li's words, and he chose to face Wan Li, "I'll leave the rest to you? You brat who doesn't know how to live or die, I... vomit..."

Bang! !

"What me?" Director Liao, who was like a leopard, suddenly jumped and punched Wang Xinlong's chest and abdomen. "I said it was just a minor injury."

Wan Li shook his head: "The fighting skills are in a mess, and the IQ is also in a mess. If I say I come by myself, you will believe me? This IQ can't be a boss."

A mouthful of blood spewed out from Wang Xinlong's mouth. His face was ferocious. He held Director Liao's fist with both hands and slowly slid down to half kneel on the ground. Director Liao immediately gave him a knife on the back of his neck. His eyes turned white and he fell down. on the ground.

"Ahem... finally caught." Director Liao coughed a few more times, squatted down in front of the unconscious Wang Xinlong, and took out the handcuffs from his arms.

"Ah, this big guy can run quite well." Wan Li smiled, and was startled suddenly, Wang Xinlong's figure became uncertain under the light.

"Visual deception? Director Liao, be careful!"

Director Liao was putting handcuffs on Wang Xinlong, when he heard Wan Li's shout, he was startled, and subconsciously crossed his arms to protect his chest.The next moment, a huge force surged out, hitting his arm and sending him flying through the air. Wang Xinlong, who was supposed to be unconscious, jumped up again and ran towards the sea.

"Wali sheep! Cough...!"

"Using visual deception to deceive Director Liao's hand knife that should have hit his neck onto his back?" Wan Li stepped forward and chased after him. "This is the fifth superpower revealed on him. How many more?"

Three seconds later, Wan Li stopped Wang Xinlong again and exchanged fists and kicks, causing him to stagger a few steps back.He bent over to pant, his eyes were slightly foggy, he bit the tip of his tongue to sting the pain to wake himself up, looked at the ocean, there was less than 300 meters to go, but in his current state, even if he fled to the sea...

"You can't be caught. If you are caught, you will definitely be shot... Damn traitor, and the second envoy, if you let me escape..." He gritted his teeth, and sprinted forward diagonally.

Wan Li narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, dropped his center of gravity, sat down on his hips, with his right leg on one side and the top of his feet horizontally, and pushed hard towards the ground, first transmitting the violent power to the ground!
If there was any vibration on the ground, it would bounce back with the same berserk force, with Wan Li flicking his legs, shaking his body, instantly twisting the strength of his whole body into one strand, his legs bouncing and appearing in front of Wang Xinlong in an instant, punching and punching, The fierce voice echoes!

At this time, the ground he was relying on shook and sank. Wang Xinlong didn't dare to neglect, he raised his arms to strike, and after a loud bang, the 185-foot-tall man was actually half a meter shorter by Wan Li.

"There is still such a strong power? The damn endurance superpower...deprive!"

"Take a fart!" Wan Li raised his leg and slapped him, chopping him a little shorter, "I heard that you can take away superpowers, but if you can't take them away, how about giving me some?"

Wang Xinlong gritted his teeth and looked up, "Let me go, I will give you all the superpowers in my body."

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, this deal seems to be a good deal... "Fuck, you still have the ability to brainwash, I almost believed you." He punched down with both fists, causing Wang Xinlong's legs to be completely buried in the soil.

"I'm serious, endow!" Wang Xinlong roared, a red thread shot out from his body, and instantly penetrated into Wanli's body.Wan Li blinked, feeling an extra red line protruding from his chest, and immediately stopped punching.

"Did you feel it? This is the brainwashing ability I just... used on you, let me go, I will give you all the other seven... abilities in me!" Wang Xinlong panted.

Wan Li pursed his lips, shook his head and said, "I'll only believe you if you come up with another one."

"Find a way to bring me to the beach, and I'll give you the other seven abilities..." Wang Xinlong shook his head, trying to maintain a clear consciousness.

Wan Li pursed his lips: "One more kind first."

Wang Xinlong's face trembled, and from the corner of his eye he saw Director Liao getting closer, "Give it!"

Another red thread went into Wanli's body.

Wan Li shook his head, feeling that there seemed to be something more in his mind, and his understanding of certain things rose several steps in an instant, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "Language proficient?"

"That's right, pull me out... and find a way to bring me to the seaside."

"Old Tie, you don't even have the strength to get out of the ground... How about another one?"

"...are you kidding me?"

"No, no, another kind of truth to save you, really, I swear to... the moon in the sky?"

"Bastard... deprive!"

Wan Li pursed his lips: "Aren't you willing to give it?"

Wang Xinlong was stunned: "Deprivation!!"

"Hehe, what a fart!" Wan Li bent over and punched, "I'm your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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