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Chapter 163 Chapter 11 The Wind Rises

Chapter 163 Chapter [-] The Wind Rises

Director Liao first fell from a [-]-meter-high building, and then was attacked by Wang Xinlong with visual deception, causing serious injuries.When he regained his breath and walked to Wan Li's side, Wang Xinlong had only his shoulders and head on the ground, and Wan Li smashed the rest of his body into the soil, and fell into a coma.

"Good job, Wally sheep. Cough cough... What did this old boy talk to you just now?"

"Tempt me, saying that as long as I let him go, he will give me all the eight superpowers in his body." Wan Li replied with a grin.

He was bubbling with beauty in his heart. He wasn't sure whether Wang Xinlong could take back the super power in his body. He just tried it. He didn't expect that after Wang Xinlong shouted to take it away, he could really hold down the two red lines with aura, so that They stay in the body and do not fly out.

Among the two abilities he gained by accident, he felt that the brainwashing ability was a bit redundant, but he wanted to be proficient in languages ​​a long time ago, and his mother no longer had to worry about his foreign languages!
Director Liao squatted on the ground and pulled Wang Xinlong's cheeks, "I'm...cough, I can't believe that this guy will be arrested like this. How did he manage to send himself before our eyes?"

Wan Li shook his head: "Maybe it was bad luck, or maybe it was tricked by another envoy? I think he has been swearing at traitors all the time. Could it be Wang Di's father?...Ah!!?"

He suddenly exclaimed, startling Director Liao, "What are you doing! Cough..."

Wan Li blinked: "Speaking of which, Director Liao should give me all the credit this time. If I hadn't misunderstood Wang Di's identity, you wouldn't have arrested her, and you wouldn't have called her father to the Martial Arts Bureau. Calling the Martial Arts Bureau, Wang Xinlong might have escaped by hiding in those seaweeds!

No, no, I can catch a national-level wanted criminal with my own efforts, and he is still a wanted criminal with treason in his body. First-class merit is not enough. Director Liao, please apply for special merit for me. If Lingshi..."

"Cough cough cough..."

"...Director Liao, are you okay?"

"I'm injured like this, you tell me that you captured Wang Xinlong by yourself? It's just a mistake. According to what you said, shouldn't we thank the guy Liu Miao stared at? Cough..."

Wan Li hurriedly patted Director Liao on the back: "Don't worry, you can share some of the credit with you, right? First-class about you rest here, and I'll help the head teacher catch another envoy, two credits And be promoted to super power!"

"Ahem... get lost!"

Wan Li turned around with a smile, and was stunned again. Four people were running towards this place in the distance, with Wang Bo and Lin Yuling in front, followed by Liu Miao and... another envoy who was supposed to be caught by him.

"That guy isn't an envoy? Then what does he do? Where is another envoy?"


2 minute later.

"Alternate deputy chief of Yanjing Martial Arts Administration, Qin Jue?" Wan Li blinked, "What position?"

"There are only three deputy director general positions. Some people have enough merit or strength to get the alternate position of deputy director general. They can challenge the current deputy director general. After winning, they will be able to serve as deputy director general." Liu said. Miao explained.

Wanli looked at Qin Jue who pulled Wang Xinlong out of the ground. With a height of 165 and a beautiful appearance, Lin Yuling, the only woman present, dared not stand with him. This...

"That is to say, he may become the deputy director general of the Martial Arts Bureau at any time?"

"Hehe, it can't be done." Qin Jue turned back and said softly: "Challenging the goddess will become a public enemy, and besides, I can't beat her, and Deputy Chief Chi... is too disgusting, and Deputy Chief Yue is as strong as a monster Son, if you can't make it, you can't make it in this life, you can only be a backup and goof around."

"Alternate Qin." Director Liao asked, "Why did you come to Bincheng? The General Administration didn't notify me."

"You reported the two red organization envoys in Bincheng and one of them was Wang Xinlong, which aroused the great attention of the General Administration, and decided to let me help. I didn't tell you because of some personal reasons. Don't worry about it. Didn't Wang Xinlong be caught? As for another envoy, he may show up after a while."

Director Liao frowned. This guy only played Wang Di for a while when he came to Bincheng. Why did he work so hard to catch Wang Xinlong and get the same credit as him? The General Administration sent such a person here?Another angel may show up after a while, it is not reliable for me to go to the kelp processing factory to catch him...

Wan Li's heart skipped a beat, as if he realized something in his heart: "This guy doesn't have that kind of ability, does he? Playing with Wang Di, Wang Di was arrested, and Wang Di's father was summoned... It's almost inseparable..."

That was Wanli's most proud setting in the Academy of Superpowers, and it was also the ability of the protagonist, but it was a pity that he had to change it later.

Super powers No. 34, random events.

After activating the ability, doing some things at will will bring you unexpected gains. The gains can be large or small. In fact, it can also be called the protagonist's halo.Turning the protagonist's halo into abilities, Wan Li felt that he was very creative...

And the ability of such a BUG is only ranked 34th, because it has a lot of side effects.No matter how big the harvest is, in the following period of time, the ability users will have greater bad luck than the harvest.

"If it's this kind of ability, if you catch Wang Xinlong, this guy will...fuck you, stay away from him for a while." Wan Li moved a few steps away, and moved closer to Wang Bo and Lin Yuling.

"Wan, Wanli, are you not injured?"

Wan Li shook his head: "I should ask you, are you all right, Lao Wang?"

"I have a little pain in my chest, nothing, nothing serious."

"Chest pain?" Lin Yuling whispered, concerned: "Don't you need to go to the hospital?"

"No, no need."

Wan Li looked narrowly at Wang Bo and Lin Yuling, "The relationship between you two is progressing well, come to Xinghai Square after work?"

Wang Bo was slightly exposed, but Lin Yuling grabbed Wang Bo's arm generously and said, "Go to the playground and relax. Wan Liyang, what's going on, that guy seems to be Wang Xinlong?"

"Ah." Wanli nodded, "It's him."

"How did you catch him? No, how dare he come to Huaxia?" Lin Yuling asked curiously.

"I don't know, but to catch him..." Wan Li looked at Qin Jue, "Probably fate made him throw himself into the net. This time, thanks to Lao Wang, you stopped him, at least it is a fourth-class meritorious service."

"Yes, is it?" Wang Bo smiled innocently.

Lin Yuling looked at Wang Xinlong, and shook her head regretfully: "The big boss is wrong, but he wants to join the red organization. He should have thought of this day a long time ago... Yeah, the wind is blowing? The sky has changed..."

Wan Li was startled, the sea breeze blowing by his hand was indeed much stronger in an instant.

Suddenly, there were crisp footsteps in the distance, and a figure wearing a thick robe whose face could not be seen clearly seemed to come out of the darkness and approached slowly.As he approached, the wind blowing around everyone became more irritable...

(End of this chapter)

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