Chapter 164
The figure shrouded in a loose robe got closer and closer, but the original crisp footsteps gradually disappeared.

No, it didn't disappear, it was just covered by the wind.The gentle sea breeze suddenly turned into a violent storm in just a few seconds, blowing the sand and stones into a yellow cloud, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, making people afraid to open their mouths and eyes.The sound of the wind gradually became louder and louder, quite like a turbulent wave coming from mountains and seas, and it also caused waves in Wan Li's heart.

The type of super power was judged by Wan Li at the first moment of the gale, and the Hurricane Messenger ranked 11th, but...

"Who is it? There is a third Red Organization God Envoy in Bincheng? How could it be... so strong?!" In order to stabilize the figures of the three of them, he had already dug his feet into the bricks under his feet, and held them down with both hands. The shoulders of Wang Bo and Lin Yuling.

The sand and stones filled the sky, making the scene ten meters away blurry and indistinguishable.Wan Li squinted his eyes, barely seeing Qin Jue's body covered in a hazy white light, leaped out, and flew back half a second later at a faster speed, and even took away Qin Jue who was trying to stabilize his figure. Liu Miao...

"As expected, the candidate for deputy director general is A-level, but A-level..." The blue bricks on the ground began to shake, and gradually, one blue brick flew up, and two blue bricks flew up, and they were caught by the strong wind and shot towards them.

Wanli sighed inwardly, no longer hesitate, double!The two inexhaustible body red lines on the right arm fuse and burn, and the sense of strength instantly fills the body, and it is not necessary to use all the strength of the whole body to stabilize the figure.He immediately picked up Wang Bo and Lin Yuling and ran with the wind.

"Old Wang, is the water good?!"


"That's good!" Wan Li paused, twisted his hips, and threw them away with all his strength.

At this moment, there was a strange sound of breaking through the air behind him. He turned his head and was startled, pushed his hands together, and couldn't stop backing up. His feet plowed two shallow furrows on the ground before stopping. The badly worn shoes are finally completely scrapped.

"... Director Liao? Director Liao!" He yelled twice, but Director Liao, who was caught by him, fell into a coma and was unable to respond.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he spun his body back and let you go!

In the sea, two figures were flopping about. Wang Bo paddled vigorously and approached Lin Yuling, only to find that she was swimming more steadily than himself...

"Don't worry about me, I can swim." Lin Yuling's eyes flashed, she looked into the distance, and said loudly, "Wang Bo, what shall we do?"

"You go first, I, I wait here, maybe I can help... eh?"

Another figure suddenly shot into the sea water not far from them, did not float up, but sank quickly.Wang Bo was taken aback, and quickly paddled close to fish him up, "Principal!"

He hesitated for a moment: "Yu Ling, let's take Principal Liao to a safe place first..."


After Wan Li threw Director Liao into the air, he stood on the spot against the wind, watching to see if another Liu Miao or Qin Jue would come flying.

This Hurricane Messenger ability is the only one he has ever seen. He even doubts that the opponent is S-rank. Even if there are eight inexhaustible bodies in his body, he may not have a chance of winning. If he can throw all his teammates into the sea, he can run first. For respect.

However, a few seconds later, more and more blue bricks and stones flew over, and the red lines in the body became shorter and shorter, but the rabbit who was waiting by the tree was still coming.

He hesitated for a while, and went up against the wind.At this moment, the howling wind suddenly stopped, shaking him staggeringly.The wind and sand gradually dissipated, allowing Wanli to see clearly.

His heart skipped a beat, not far away Liu Miao was lying prone on the ground, motionless and not knowing whether he was alive or dead.Qin Jue was kneeling on one knee, clutching his chest and panting violently. The clothes on his chest seemed to be smashed by a whirling force, revealing his fair chest, which was stained red by the flowing blood.

"It's really not a woman disguised as a man." The thought flashed in Wan Li's mind, and he rushed to Liu Miao to check his condition. After turning him over, he found that his chest injury was basically the same as Qin Jue's but a little more serious. Alive... Candidate Qin, how are you? Where is the enemy? Have you been repelled?"

"Be careful... above!"

Wanli looked up in surprise.The figure in a tunic was suspended in the air more than [-] meters away, holding the unconscious Wang Xinlong in his left hand, with his right arm stretched out.

A whirlwind visible to the naked eye slowly formed in the palm of his right hand. His eyes hidden under the hood seemed to take a look at Wanli, and then he spread his hands, and the whirlwind flew towards Wanli.

"Take him and run!" Qin Jue struggled to get up, and stepped in front of Wan Li.

Wan Li was taken aback for a moment, looking at Qin Jue who was just as tall as his mouth in front of him, and sighed inwardly.The red line of the left leg moves, merges, and super doubles!The red line of the right leg moves, fusion!
The muscles all over his body suddenly swelled, and the clothes on his arms and legs were instantly burst, exposing his thick and uncoordinated limbs.An unprecedented sense of power filled his body, and he wanted to integrate the last two inexhaustible bodies, but he felt a slight tingling sensation coming from his body.

"The strengthened internal organs can't bear it anymore? Is the current strength enough... Try it."

Wan Li's feet stepped on the ground suddenly, and there was a loud bang, the ground sank centered on him, and a huge pit several meters deep was formed in an instant.Qin Jue was stunned, and fell into the pit with the unconscious Liu Miao, while Wan Li jumped up, facing the wind whirling head-on, and stretched out his hands to hold it.

"Don't!" Qin Jue exclaimed.

boom! !

When Fengxuan touched Wanli's hands, he was about to erupt, spinning to tear his hands apart.Wan Li twitched his muscles, his face showed a little ferocity, and he crushed it abruptly!
The figure fell to the ground, another huge pit, Wan Li jumped up again, and went straight to the robed man.

"Alternate Qin, take the class teacher with you!"

Qin Jue was stunned, the pain in his chest told him that he was not dreaming, how could the wind whirl that had the ability to track and injure him be crushed by Wan Li with his bare hands?

The man in the robe was also a little stunned, he paused obviously, and then shook his right hand, several invisible wind blades twisted and pierced towards Wanli in the air.

Although the wind blade is invisible, the piercing sound cannot be faked, and Wan Li is very familiar with the abilities he has set.As soon as the other party shook his hand, he prepared himself, and with a sway of his spine, he forcibly staggered a position in midair, narrowly avoiding the wind blade.

However, this also reduced his upward momentum slightly, twisting his waist and swinging his arms, his muscular right arm barely touched the man in the air.He slapped his hand horizontally, blocking Wanli to the ground.Looking at each other, Wan Li noticed that the other party was wearing an ugly mask, and his expression and eyes seemed to be smiling.

boom! !

"Laugh?" Wanli hit the ground like a volcanic eruption. The ground within a radius of [-] meters shattered, jumped and sank, and then Wanli shot into the sky at a faster speed like a cannonball. laugh?!"

Qin Jue, who had just escaped with Liu Miao, looked back and panted, "The leader of the red organization actually appeared here, and he was indeed a monster as strong as Deputy Chief Yue, but this Wanli Yang...why? What's going on?!"

He shook his head, feeling a little fuzzy in consciousness, gritted his teeth, and accelerated his escape.

(End of this chapter)

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