Restart the world

Chapter 165 Hurricane

Chapter 165 Hurricane
There is a saying that "every time you fall, you are trying to get up again", when you come to Wanli, it becomes "every time you land, you are trying to jump up again", each time getting stronger and faster.

When the Xinghai Square, a viewing area of ​​thousands of square meters used to watch the sea and feed the seagulls, was stepped on without a single intact ground, Wanli jumped up and at the same time drove the air to make a popping sound!
The man in the robe was not as calm as before. From waving his arms at random to punching and kicking in the wind, he staggered and slipped a few steps in the air every time he blocked.

"It's not S-level, it uses ability to fly, but this guy has a lot of aura in his body, which is much higher than that of the deputy chief of the black. It should be very close to S-level. The red organization actually has such a monster." Wanli didn't think He has long muscles and can analyze rationally, "I'm afraid Wang Zhan won't be able to win in the state, and he should be able to do so in spring, but then he will have to rest for another three months, and this guy can fly, so he can't stay... No need, others They all escaped, so keep the two inexhaustible bodies..."

boom! ! !
Once again crashed to the ground, Wanli jumped up again, his legs felt a little sore, "This kind of blow hurts too much, and half of the red line is burned, it's time to run away, but..."

He swung his arm, shattered the several wind blades that hit him, rushed past the man in the robe, and jumped more than ten meters above his head.At the same time as it fell, Wan Li folded his fists together and punched down, "It's all blown up with the king, you have to pay a price no matter what!"

The man in the robe pushed upwards with his right hand, but at the moment of contact, he suddenly pulled away, his figure drifted back, and he chose to dodge for the first time.

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, his eyes met, and he saw a mocking smile in the eyes of the man in the robe.He seemed to be irritated, his face turned red, his feet retracted and stepped on, making a sound of piercing the air, he actually used the air as a step, and raised his body a few meters up against gravity, and threw himself horizontally towards the man in the robe.

The sneering smile in the eyes of the man in the robe has not disappeared, and he is fighting with the man who can fly?He jumped aside, turned his right elbow, and hit Wanli's nose with milky white light.

Wan Li was unavoidable in the air, but the expression on his face was very indifferent. The moment before he was hit by an elbow, his back shrugged, his spine made a clicking sound, his spine twisted like a dragon, and he twisted his body into a strange shape abruptly in the air. Shaped, narrowly dodged the punch, his right leg trembled silently, and kicked!

Bang! !

The face of the man in the robe was covered by a mask, so he couldn't see his expression clearly, but he thought it must be a frantic face.Because Wan Li didn't kick him, but kicked Wang Xinlong who was carrying him!

After using Wang Bo, Wan Li's strength has increased by at least six or seven times. A kick of nearly 30 tons hit Wang Xinlong's leg. The effect can only be described in four words: explosion, blood and flesh splashing.

There was another hoarse growl among the flesh and blood: "Bastard!"

boom! ! !
The next punch was really unavoidable, he was hit firmly in the chest, a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth, several sternums broke instantly, and he hit the ground with a sound like a volcanic eruption, the ground rolled and flew, The Wanli fall point is more than [-] meters deep!
"Cough bah!" Spit out another mouthful of blood in the pit, Wanli rolled to avoid the right leg that fell from the robed man, staggered a few steps from the shock, and jumped to avoid the incoming wind blade.

"Desperate?" Wan Li glanced at Wang Xinlong. His right leg was broken at the root, blood was flowing continuously, and his face was twisted into a ball. "If you don't kick him in the waist, you may not die... There is no chance to hit him again. If I don’t run away, I shall die.”

Wan Li clutched his chest, withdrew and ran towards the sea, [-] meters per second, and he was within reach in an instant.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden bang behind him, as if something was pulling him, preventing him from moving forward again.

Wan Li turned his head to look back, and there was a huge pitch-black hurricane rolling in, and the terrain, trees and buildings were completely destroyed.This hurricane towers high and connects to the sky, with a width of [-] meters!

"Can you unleash such a huge hurricane?!" Wan Li's face changed, "This guy should be powerless after using this move, but what if I am sucked in in my current state... rush... rush... rush out... day!"

Thousands of miles spiraled up to the sky, and the Xinghai Square, the landmark scenic spot in Bincheng, which covers a total area of ​​nearly 170 square kilometers, has become a ruin from the air.Buildings, statues, and facilities in the amusement park were swept up by the hurricane, ascended to the sky with Wanli, and hit him from time to time.

The powerful physique brought by Wang Zhan, who was not over yet, allowed him to endure these things abruptly, but he was dizzy from turning around, and the wound on his chest became more painful, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Before completely losing consciousness, he seemed to hear gunshots and shouts vaguely. "Damn, the staff is one step late again..."


With a clean white ceiling and a slightly pungent smell of disinfectant, when Wan Li opened his eyes, he knew he had entered the hospital again.He sat up, feeling a slight tingling pain in his chest, shaking his legs, a little sore, "It's not healed yet, but it seems to be all right, how long has it been?"

A slight snoring sound came from not far away, Wan Li tilted his head, and Wen Jing fell asleep in the next bed.Heh, Wen Jing actually snores while sleeping...

Huh, Wen Jing? !
"Fuck, you've been in a coma for another two months?" Wan Li was startled: "Hey! Wen Jing! Wen Bianbian!"

"" After two soft groans, Wen Jing opened her eyes dimly, tilted her head, and sat up, "Wan Liyang, are you awake?"

"Well, how long have I been in a coma?"

"Two days!"

"Two days... Phew, two days." Wan Li breathed a sigh of relief, saying that he hadn't suffered such a serious injury...

"Then why are you here?"

"Director Liao was seriously injured and comatose, and the head teacher was injured even more seriously, and he still didn't wake up. Sister Yu had to come back from the mine. Mining was suspended, and the prisoners were sent back to prison."

"then you……"

"I don't want to go to prison, so Sister Yu asked me to come to the hospital for labor reform and be your escort."

"...I really do whatever I want." Wan Li laughed and shook his head, his face suddenly changed, "Escort? You won't..." Damn my innocent body!
"What are you thinking! I'm too lazy to take your shit and pee, it's the navy brothers who did it."


"Well, this is the Naval Hospital. Who were you fighting the night before yesterday? Many people have come here these days, Deputy Chief Hei, Deputy Chief Chi, and even Wang Yuxin... By the way, Deputy Chief Hei asked I saw you woke up and let her know!"

Wan Li smacked his lips: "Wang Yuxin and the two deputy chiefs? The guy in the hood...couldn't be the leader of the red organization?"

Wen Jing jingled the bell on the wall, while Wan Li tapped the remaining red threads in his body, two of which were inexhaustible, two of super aptitude, one of brainwashing ability, one of language proficiency, and more than two dozen spiritual threads. Shi Xiaohong Dot.

"It's a heavy loss. I hope that the next ability will be as I expected. It will supplement the inexhaustible body and super aptitude in a disguised form..."

(End of this chapter)

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