Restart the world

Chapter 166 Reminder

Chapter 166 Reminder
In the ward, Wan Li was walking back and forth tremblingly in his slippers.His leg was injured a little due to the violent bounce off the ground, and now walking is tense and uncomfortable.

Wen Jing stepped forward to help him, giggling: "This time I really became Grandpa Wan!"

"Still laughing, do you have any sympathy?"

"Hey, the doctor said that your leg is severely contused and you need to recover for five or six days. Do you need a wheelchair to push you, Grandpa Wan?"

"By the way... bruises... How can I, a B-rank powerhouse, be bothered by such a small injury and pain?"

Wen Jing rolled her eyes at him: "Fortunately, you are B-level, otherwise you will not be able to stand up in the future, so who are you fighting with?"

Wan Li came to the window and pressed his hands on the window sill: "I'm not too sure, aren't you called Deputy Director Hei? Ask her later."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the ward was opened with a click, and a man and a woman walked in one after another.The man has a resolute and serious face. He is not tall, but his body is extremely strong and muscular, even comparable to Wanli who opened Wang Zha.With a gentle smile on the woman's face, she nodded slightly to Wan Li, it was Hei Danyan.

"This is Chi Zhao, Deputy Chief Chi."

"Deputy Chief Chi, hello." Wan Li greeted immediately, "Deputy Chief Hei, hello too."

Hei Danyan smiled lightly and pointed to the edge of the bed, "Sit down, I have something to ask you." Chi Zhao looked at Wen Jing and said in a deep voice, "Go out first."

Wen Jing was startled, nodded her head and said "oh", and was about to leave, but Wan Li grabbed her arm, "Help grandpa back first." Wen Jing gave him another big roll of her eyes, and helped him walk to the bed .

After Wan Li sat down and Wen Jing went out, Chi Zhao said in a deep voice again: "Tell us from beginning to end what happened the night before yesterday."

Wan Li pursed his lips: "Qin Jue, is candidate Qin also seriously injured and unconscious?"

"No, we're just here to make sure, you just tell the truth." Hei Danyan said.


Wan Li narrates in detail, from the appearance of Wang Xinlong, to the chase all the way, to the appearance of the man in the robe who knocked Wang Xinlong unconscious, and finally to the coma after the battle with the man in the robe, except for doubling his ability, he has nothing to hide.

After the narration, the room was quiet for a few seconds, and a sense of oppression emanated from Chi Zhao, and the atmosphere was quite dignified and solemn.After a while, Hei Danyan broke the silence with a chuckle: "Kicked Wang Xinlong's leg and broke it? Okay, we understand. Take a good rest and let's go, Deputy Director General Chi."

Chi Zhao glanced at Hei Danyan, frowned and nodded.When the two of them left the house, Wan Li frowned, "This deputy chief...seems to have a problem with me? Did he eat his rice? I couldn't ask many questions."

Wen Jing who came back also said: "Deputy Chief Chi is always fierce, what are you asking?"

"Ask me if I think you are clumsy as a nurse, do you need to send someone who is more considerate?"

Wen Jing was stunned for a moment, showing a little nervousness: "What did you say? Huh..."

"I said this nurse is very stupid. The patient doesn't know how to pour a glass of water when he just wakes up. Sooner or later he has to change it!"

Wen Jing rolled her eyes at him again, and ran to the side to pour water: "If you want to drink water, just tell me."

Wan Li took the water glass with a smile, took a sip, and asked, "What's going on outside now?"

Wen Jing shook her head: "I can't go out, and I don't have a mobile phone, so I don't know. But I heard that the head teacher was seriously injured, and Director Liao should wake up soon. Deal with it, the two deputy chiefs and Wang Yuxin have been at the naval base..."

Wan Li nodded in thought. The man in the robe might not have the strength to fly out of Bincheng after releasing the hurricane. The three of them should be hunting for the man in the robe and Wang Xinlong who doesn't know his life or death.

"There is another envoy, the envoy who has been hiding all this time, where is it..." Wan Li took another sip and said, "Wen Jing, you can come to be a nurse now, what should I do when I am discharged from the hospital in a few days?"

Wen Jing's eyes turned: "You can stay in the hospital for a few more days, March 3th to 18th is our Bincheng Martial Arts Conference election, sister Yu said that I will be released on bail at that time."

"I really do whatever I want." Wan Li laughed and shook his head: "I don't want to stay in the hospital for too long, but I also care about the performance of the nurses. If I can take care of me comfortably, I can stay for a few more days. Oh, my legs are sore and weak..."

The news of the city election for the Martial Arts Conference didn't even bother him, and his participation was purely to bully the kids in the same city.

The high places are extremely cold, the strong are lonely...

Now he can only find some fun in bullying Wen Jing.As soon as he lay on his back on the bed, his legs shook and stretched, and Wen Jing pouted with aggrieved face and beat his legs.

"Ah~ comfortable." Wan Li groaned, then sat up suddenly: "Wait a minute."

He rolled up the trousers of the hospital gown, revealing his dark calves, "Come on, come on, exercise your superpower control. Adjust the temperature to... about 50 degrees, rub my calves for me, be careful, don't Burned my legs."

"Don't go too far! Ghost sheep!"

Wan Li bared his teeth and smiled: "Help me rub it, I have to hurry up, I have a bad feeling."

Wen Jing was startled, her movements softened, and she frowned and said, "The enemy will still be against you?"

"Who knows, um~ comfortable!" Wan Li lay down again, squinting his eyes, enjoying the massage with two warm little hands, gradually feeling drowsy.

"You scream so disgustingly..."



after an hour.

A figure flickered in the ward, looking at Wan Li who was sleeping soundly, and then at Wen Jing who was lying asleep with her face pressed against Wan Li's calf, her eyes rolled and she showed a little smile.

She stepped forward and patted Wan Li's face. The sleeping Wan Li was startled, his body was about to bounce up in an instant, but was pushed back on the bed by a palm.

"You don't need to get up."

"...Deputy Director-General Hei?"

"Don't make a sound, let me tell you, listen." Heidanyan said softly, "The strength of the leader of the Red Organization who fought with you the night before..."

"Is he really the leader of the red organization?"

Hei Danyan paused: "You guessed it yourself. Don't interrupt, listen to me. Judging from the damage he caused, he should be stronger than me, Wang Yuxin, and Chi Zhao. You can fight him and survive. The matter is too bizarre, I believe you will not lie, but it is too late to believe it."

Wanli frowned.

"He thinks you are related to the red organization, so the leader of the red organization will let you go, and wants Bian Ting to test you... Bian Ting is the only A-level spiritual ability in our Huaxia."

"The leader of the Red Organization let me go? I have something to do with the Red Organization? My God, Wang Xinlong is not dead or disabled now, is it possible that Deputy General Director Chi..."

"Yes, I also think he has muscles in his brain." Hei Danyan smiled, "Don't think too much, Bian Ting was going to come here, not against you. She has some personal friendship with Chi Zhao, the temptation will not be too much, I told you You just prepared yourself a little bit."

"...I see, thank you."

Hei Danyan nodded, and the flicker disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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