Restart the world

Chapter 171 Warning

Chapter 171 Warning
According to the brief exchange just now, Wan Li has actually roughly judged the purpose of this team. If you pay some tour fees and follow the experience, you may get some benefits. By the way, you can save some effort by getting to know Xicheng.

Checking in for the boarding pass, security check, waiting, and boarding, it was the first time in Wanli's two lives that he took an airplane as a means of transportation. Fortunately, he was assigned a seat by the window.He looked around curiously, at the cabin, at the stewardess, and at the window.

"Sir, please switch your phone to airplane mode or turn it off." A flight attendant said sweetly.

Wan Li was startled: "Oh, good."

He took out his mobile phone, thought for a while, and sent Wen Jing a message to report his situation. He ticked the corner of his mouth before switching to flight mode.

After a while, the plane taxied and took off. The scenery outside the window became smaller and smaller, and was gradually left behind, leaving only the blue sky, white clouds, and faintly visible mountains and fields.Wan Li took a deep breath and muttered, "It's the first time I've left Bincheng in my life. I went from the northeast to the southwest border all at once. I don't know how long it will take me to come back."

Thinking of Wen Jing, he frowned secretly: "Why don't you let go of that bold idea first, and go back after the mission is over? Tsk, I've been single for 19 years, and suddenly I have concerns. Sure enough, girlfriends are troublesome creatures. Shake it off, hehe..."


At Wanli's home, Wenjing's lips curled up when she saw the message from Wanli, and she typed back five or six messages but failed to get a reply. Guessing that the plane had probably taken off, she stared out the window in a daze for a while, Until there was a knock on the door.

"No takeaway..." Wen Jing mumbled, and ran to the door: "Who is it?"

The knock on the door paused, and a gentle female voice sounded: "Wen Jing, right? It's me."

"Deputy Chief Hei?" Wen Jing blinked, and opened the door with a guilty conscience. She was hiding at Wanli's house, and she was caught before she arrived for a long time...

"Hey, you're here, Deputy Chief Chi, and who is this sister?" Wen Jing glanced at the tall slender woman wearing sunglasses, her face turning bitter.

"Where's Wanli Yang?" Chi Zhao said in a deep voice.

"He, he went to Xicheng to perform a mission, just got on the plane." Wen Jing said.

"A mission?" Chi Zhao frowned: "Who gave him the mission? What mission is going to West City?"

"The martial arts competition goes straight to the assessment task."

"...Hmph, Qin Jue." Chi Zhao snorted, and looked at Hei Danyan, "He's hiding!"

Hei Danyan smiled and looked at the tall slender woman beside him: "Are there still not many people hiding from you, Bian Ting?"

Bian Ting smiled helplessly: "Many, no one wants to be seen what's in their mind. Speaking of which, except for you guys, I almost have no friends. I said that I don't need abilities in life, but no one believes me... But just now As for the plane, the boy I met when I got out of the airport was really that Wan Liyang."

"Have you met him?"

Bian Ting nodded and looked at Wen Jing: "Little sister, is your name Bian Bian?"

Wen Jing froze for a moment, her face flushed red.

Bian Ting smiled, "It seems so, Wan Liyang is not a member of the Red Organization. At that time, I tested him and read six one-sided ideas: find a team, don't give up Bian Bian, practice quickly Bian Bian, and get rid of him." Chi Zhi, finish drawing comics, and become a father. Teenagers always have strange and bold ideas, giggling..."

Wen Jing was originally angry because Bian Ting secretly read Wan Li's thoughts, but after listening to it, she felt that something was wrong, and her little face became hot.

Hei Danyan showed a slight smile, while Chi Zhao frowned: "Is that how much you've studied?"

Bian Ting nodded: "He found out after reading further. I can still invade by force if I resist? I still used a little strategy on this, and read it while he was in a daze. , but it is enough to prove that he has no... no, hostile relationship with the red organization."

Wen Jing pouted her lips, wanting to refute, but also thinking that it would be nice if killing the red organization was really just Wanli's second-year idea...

Chi Zhao pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, that's the end of the temptation of Wan Liyang, but I still have doubts about his ability to confront the leader of the red organization. Bian Ting, let's go downstairs, another target is here The sky is on the fourth floor."

"Wait." Bian Ting smiled: "I still have a few words to say to this little sister." Wen Jing was stunned for a while, and Bian Ting bent her mouth to her ear...


For Wanli, after the initial novelty, the flight of more than five hours quickly turned into boredom and suffering.But it happened that he didn't sleep well last night, so he had a good sleep.

There were not many people chatting on the plane. It wasn't until we got off the plane and took the pick-up van that Shao Zhen took on the responsibility of guiding: "Now we're going to check in at the hotel. Today's dinner doesn't matter. You can stroll around as you like, and don't return too late. , pay attention to your luggage. Tomorrow, the hotel will provide breakfast from 08:30 to [-]:[-], and we will gather at [-]:[-] to go to the Shan village to appreciate the ethnic customs.”

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere in the car seemed to be a bit heavy. Wan Li squinted his eyes and looked up, then he lowered his head and chatted with Wen Jing on WeChat. He didn't even understand the unique scenery outside the window and Bincheng. Tell him about the morning.

"The beauty who broke the heel is Bian Ting? Damn, is that distracting me? The routine is so deep, it's hard to guard against..." Wan Li felt a little scared, "Thought stealing, the [-]th or [-]th place, it's up to you." Get to A-level as soon as possible, it's too dangerous."

"Speaking of which, Bian Ting's temptation is over like this? Damn, if I knew it, I would have come to West City a few days late..."

Then Wan Li helplessly appeases the angry Wen Jing, because she has a small temper for her code name Bian Bian, and shyly asks Wan Li if he is in a hurry to become a father, a lot of bad things.

"On March 3th, Bian Ting secretly stole the idea of ​​Dim, I will write down this grudge first..."

When they arrived at the hotel, Wan Li took a break to chat with Wen Jing.The environment of the single room in a five-star hotel is very good, luxurious and bright, with a single bed of 1 meters wide, and a spacious writing desk that makes Wanli most satisfied.

There was still some time before dinner, Wan Li packed up his luggage, and was about to get a few spirit stones, and then took out the manga from his bag, when there was a knock on the door of the room, and the guide Shao Zhen stood outside the door.

"Director Shao, what's the matter?"

Shao Zhen smiled: "Check the house, and I will remind you not to mess around in the village tomorrow. You are probably hiding your level and purpose, but last time the person who concealed his level thinking he could fish had his legs broken. Oh , he is the pinnacle of C-level."

Wan Li blinked, guessed his concealed strength?Is this threatening me? "Cough, don't mess around, I'm really here to draw. The level...the level does have a little concealment, hehe."

Shao Zhen frowned, shook his head and turned around and said, "I'm here to remind you because I'm from Bincheng. You can do it yourself."

Wan Li closed the door with a smile, squinting his eyes and pondering: "The C-level peak has his leg broken, so I have to be a little more cautious... Is it ill-considered to rush in directly? But the village... My mission is to be in the village. What kind of village teaches you to practice for a month, it’s better to go and explore first..."

(End of this chapter)

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