Restart the world

Chapter 172 Situation in West City

Chapter 172 Situation in West City
Absorbing spirit stones, chatting with Wen Jing, and drawing comics, Wanli uses three things in one mind, and time passes quickly.

At six o'clock, Wen Jing sent a sentence, "The takeaway is here, let's eat", which made Wan Li feel a little hungry.He only ate an in-flight meal on the plane at noon this day, a small portion of chicken rice, a piece of bread and an orange, like feeding a cat...

Looking out of the window, there is no feeling that the sky is getting dark at all. The unique tropical plants and the elephant sculptures among the trees in the green belt remind him that he is in a strange city at this time. "A few years ago, I could watch elephant training performances, but I can't see them now. Let's go around, it doesn't look like a mess..."

At this time, there was another knock on the door, and Wan Li turned his head: "Who is it?"

"it's me!"

"Uncle? Please come in, the door is unlocked." Wan Li clacked the suitcase next to him with a snap, and then sorted out the comics on the table.The door opened, and the uncle from the team walked in.

He walked quickly to Wan Li, and just as he was about to speak, he glanced at the paper tools on the table, and suddenly showed surprise: "Are you really a painter?"

Co-author no one believes?Wanli's eyelids trembled, "What do you think I'm here for?"

The uncle scratched his head: "I misunderstood? Hehe, don't you young people like to hide your strength and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

Wan Li froze for a moment, shook his head speechlessly, knocked out the manga standing on the table, and then stuffed it into his backpack: "Is this way too bad? I haven't had dinner yet, and I'm about to go together. Uncle? Oh yes, what's your surname?" ? My surname is Wan, Wan Liyang."

The uncle stared blankly at the cartoon characters on the title page of his comics, "It's actually a comic?! What kind of inspiration did you come to Xicheng to draw comics?"

"Didn't you say that there is a war here? In my comics, the two magician unions are also at war. Come to get information." Wan Li blinked.

The uncle smiled wryly: "My surname is Yang, and my name is Yang Xu, Xu of the Rising Sun. It is really hard to understand the thoughts of young people nowadays. If you really came here purely for inspiration, then you'd better not go to the village tomorrow."

"Then I'll call you Uncle Yang. It's okay not to go to the village. I paid the tour fare, so I can't waste the money." Wan Li laughed.

Uncle Yang was startled, and shook his head: "You don't look like a fool, you seem to know what's going on in your heart, so that uncle doesn't care about your own business. But... let's talk more, the situation in the village is very complicated, you may have some strength, But... don't mess around."

Wan Li thought for a moment, and looked at the earnest and gentle uncle in front of him: "Sit down, tell me about the situation here? How many times have you been here?"

Uncle Yang frowned: "You kid actually came here without knowing anything..."

"I just came here because I wanted to know. I didn't find anything just by searching on the Internet. Uncle Yang, did you come here to resell spirit stones? You can buy them at a low price, which proves that there are mine thieves, but why do mine thieves Let you resell it? Obviously, domestic planes don’t check things like spirit stones.”

Uncle Yang frowned, shook his head, walked to the bed and sat down: "Oh...!"

Wan Li couldn't help laughing, this uncle is quite familiar, obviously he met him by chance, but in front of him, he 'hates him indisputably' just like the nagging parents.However, Wan Li was also a little wary. There are not many pure and good people, so he met one by such a coincidence?
Uncle Yang pondered for a moment, and finally organized his words, and said: "This is the third time I have come here, and it is the second time following Director Shao. I still know a little about the situation here, so let me tell you about it. The Lingshi Mine on the Shan State Plateau Across our China, Siam, and Vientiane, it is a bit exaggerated to say that we are fighting, but there will definitely be a lot of friction, everyone knows it well. Of course, this has nothing to do with us, it is handled by our Chinese soldiers and the Martial Arts Bureau .”

Wan Li nodded, and Uncle Yang continued: "But the Shan villages are different. They are very close to the Shan plateau, and they are very chaotic. The Shan plateau is too big to be completely sealed off, so the mine thieves you mentioned often appear In the village, the strength of these people is often above C level."

Wan Li interjected: "They are taking a great risk to steal mines. It's okay to meet people from the military and Martial Arts Bureau in the plateau. It's the most dangerous to meet other people. So, why did they sell it at a low price? Give us, let us resell?"

Uncle Yang shook his head: "These people usually steal mines for their own practice. They seldom sell them. If they sell them, they won't let us take advantage. We buy spirit stones from Shan villages. Shan people, you should know about it before you come here." ?It is a minority in China, but it is the main ethnic group in Siam, so there are often men from Siam or Shan men marrying over.”

Wan Li nodded and smiled. The custom of the Shan people is that women earn money to support their families, and men work as coolies for the first three years after marrying into the woman's house, and then they can spend the rest of their lives waiting to die. He was stunned when he first found out about this. It's been a while, I'm almost heartbroken...

Uncle Yang continued: "Siam is very poor and is one of the least developed countries in the world. The price of Lingshi there is only [-]% of ours in China."

Wan Li was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized.

"That's why people from Siam came up with the idea of ​​smuggling. It is forbidden to send Lingshi out of the country, so they thought of a way to let the man who married the past go back to China to visit relatives. Siam can't control it, and our country ...Probably happy to see the results, so those of us who resell spirit stones are superficially grasping, but actually don't care much."

Wanli blinked, feeling a little emotional.The army of Siam is probably desperately trying to get more spirit stones from the Shan State Plateau and take advantage of China, but the people at the bottom of their country are trying to sell spirit stones to China. ...

Having said that, he has already basically understood the complicated situation in West City, and he even has a general understanding of where the dangers lie. "Those guys who steal the mine have the guts to steal the mine, so I'm afraid they don't hesitate to grab these cheap spirit stones, right?"

"Ah. Selling spirit stones is just brushing the edge of the law. If the people don't raise officials, they won't be prosecuted. Heh, there is no place to call the police if they are robbed... It's really unfortunate to encounter those vicious people, and it's not uncommon for them to lose their lives. Uncle Yang sighed, "Son, do you still want to go to the village now?"

Wan Li was silent for a moment, then shook his head and smiled, "Thank you Uncle Yang for your reminder, the village we are going to tomorrow is very risky?"

Uncle Yang frowned: "That's not very high. We don't dare to enter the deep mountain villages with a patchwork team like ours, but there is always a risk."

Wan Li nodded: "Hey, Uncle Yang, do you know Manga Village?"

"Manga Village... I don't know, but the villages with the word Man seem to be near the border, very close to the Shan plateau. Why do you ask it?"

"Oh, it's okay." Wan Li sighed, his mission was not that simple...

(End of this chapter)

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