Restart the world

Chapter 174 Buying Spirit Stones

Chapter 174 Buying Spirit Stones

It was almost noon, and the scorching southern sun scorched everyone in front of the village, but they stood there for a while like wax figures.

Wan Li really didn't expect to meet Shao Laofei in this kind of place. It seems that he has done well after being wanted by the Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau, and he actually took in three younger brothers.And the three younger brothers also froze for a while at the entrance of the village, looked at each other, turned their heads, and ran.

Wan Liyan had a smile on his face, he didn't chase, but he was able to catch up if he wanted to, his leg injury hasn't healed yet.

After a long while, Shao Zhen coughed lightly, and was obviously more polite to Wan Li: "You are indeed a C-level...Xiaojuan, how did that bastard get your village spirit stone business from the third brother just now?"

The Shan girl named Xiaojuan paused for a moment, then whispered, "That person is Class B..."

"B-level...B-level!" Shao Zhen's complexion changed suddenly, and he looked at Wan Li in a panic, while Wan Li grinned, sighing to himself that although pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is bad for the street, it's really cool, look at them All the small eyes, hehehe...


10 minutes later, in the village.

Shao Zhen and Xiao Juan guided Wan Li from left to right, introducing Shan architecture and customs to him.

This Shan village is very small and poor, with only a few dozen families. Xiaojuan is one of the few girls who went out to study. She has a high school education.Of course, Xiaojuan is only her Han name.

At the age of 24, she is already the mother of two children.She has two older brothers, one married into a neighboring village and the other into Siam, and they are also one of the important sources of spirit stones in this village.

Knowing the completely different customs, Wanli felt a little relieved, but their houses are all nailed with wood, two stories, the bottom floor is for sundries, the upper floor is for people, there is no window, and there is a finger-width gap between the wood and the wood. Well, this living condition makes Wanli a little uncomfortable...

However, after three turns and two turns, a luxurious two-story western-style building suddenly appeared in front of him, which made Wan Li startled.

Xiaojuan explained: "This was built by a person from Suzhou who married here two years ago. It cost more than 100 million. It is the best house in our village. People from outside who marry in don't have to work as coolies for three years. Maybe two years, maybe one year, if you want to marry Mao Duoli, you can only do half a year or even not do coolies. I have a beautiful cousin..."

Wan Li couldn't help laughing, looking at the photos on her cell phone, she was really pretty, with big eyes and very pure, if she had enough temperament, she could even be comparable to Deputy Director Hei if she was more mature.

"Children, is she 16 years old?"

"It's coming soon, you can marry a husband at the age of 16, Mao Duoli, you should not be 20, right? The age is just right."

"Forget it." Wan Li shook his head quickly, turned around and glanced, everyone in the team followed suit, "Everyone is getting impatient, take us to buy spirit stones."

"No, no, I'm not impatient, take your time." One person said immediately.

Wan Li remembered the voice, it was the man who prevented Shao Zhen from explaining to Wan Li that he was going to sleep in the car, and Wan Li couldn't help shaking his head amusedly.

"Go shopping after buying the spirit stone."

Under the leadership of Xiaojuan, they will meet the biggest official in the village: the women's director.Speaking of which, Xiaojuan is also an official, a candidate for female director...


At the same time, in the forest three kilometers away from the village, Shao Laofei and his three younger brothers reunited here.

"The kid didn't come after him, did he?"

", fat, fat brother, who is that? Why do we run away?"

"That's a ghost! Fat Brother, I was killed by him and hid here from the northeast. I almost lost my life in the Shan State Plateau a few days ago..." Old Shao Shao raised his eyebrows, "He didn't come to chase me?"

"Really, Fat Brother, I don't think he looks very powerful."

"Yeah, they dare not chase us."

"Fat brother, did you admit the wrong person?"

Shao Laofa was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's impossible to admit my mistake, you didn't hear the poem he wrote specially for Brother Fei? It's a bit strange not to chase me... Isn't he from the Martial Arts Bureau?"

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly widened his eyes and shouted: "Hey! Do you think that kid's leg is injured? His footsteps are weak, like an ordinary person."

"Is there?" The third younger brother looked at each other in blank dismay.

Old Fatty Shao thought for a while: " must be true. Is it such a joy to have an enemy hurt me? Which angel elder sister said this for me, and the opportunity for revenge has come!"

After laughing, he wanted to leave, but was stopped by a younger brother, who said, "Brother Fat, let's rob him after they buy the spirit stones? Then we can go back to the village to do business."

Old Fatty Shao was stunned: "Smart!"


In the village.

The team was taken to the home of the women's director.In the warehouse of her house, there are nearly a hundred pieces of spirit stones piled up in a disorderly manner.

Wan Li frowned slightly. The number of spirit stones was a little less than he had imagined. Xiaojuan next to him explained in a low voice: "Recently Siam has been stricter than before, and it is difficult for the second brother and the others to transport the spirit stones."

After saying this, she walked to the side and exchanged a few words in a low voice with the village director, and looked at Wanli frequently. Finally, the director nodded slightly, and Xiaojuan came back.

"Brother Zhao protects our village and takes 4000% of the spirit stones when trading spirit stones. The fat brother who drove him away will take 94% of the spirit stones, and he will charge an extra [-] yuan for each piece of spirit stones sold outside. If Mao Duoli can keep it , we can also give you [-]% and give you all the [-] spirit stones here." Xiaojuan said, she paused, and then said: "If Mao Duoli is willing to marry my cousin..."

"Stop." Wan Li quickly raised his hand: "I can't stay long, my girlfriend is waiting for me."

Xiaojuan showed a little disappointment: "Okay, but my cousin is really beautiful and can dance..."

"Cough... let's talk about spirit stones, buy spirit stones, can we give you a discount?"

"How much Mao Duoli do you need?"

Wan Li looked sideways at everyone in the team, and they all looked at him expectantly, not because they wanted him to bargain, but because they wanted him to buy less and save some for them. "Fill my suitcase."


His suitcase can hold 80 spirit stones, but there is no need to buy so many, there are 36 in the suitcase.

Xiaojuan gave him a 30% discount, and it was the first time that Wanli paid a large amount of nearly [-] yuan in one go, and most of the deposit was cleared in an instant.But he doesn't feel bad about it, having Wen Jing as his girlfriend is like being taken care of by a rich woman... a rich loli.

There is no need to make a clear distinction between male and female friends, just like leaving 40 yuan of spiritual stones for her all of a sudden when traveling thousands of miles, without thinking about whether the spiritual stones you brought are enough to form a red line of spiritual stones.

The remaining 50 yuan of spirit stones were divided among the six members of the team. Wan Li helped Uncle Yang twice and then stood aside and ignored him.

He thought for a while, and sent a message to Wen Jing: "Give me some money, there are spirit stones for sale in Xicheng." '

Then he turned his head to look at the entrance of the village: "Why hasn't Shao Laofei come back yet? Is he so panicked that I can't even see my leg injury?"

(End of this chapter)

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