Restart the world

Chapter 175 Instant Kill

Chapter 175 Instant Kill
"Boys of our Shan nationality will be sent to the temple to be monks when they are six years old, and they will be taught the principles of life and the language of our Shan nationality. of……"

After buying the spirit stones, Wan Li and the others stayed in the village for a simple lunch. During the dinner, Xiaojuan told Wan Li a lot about the customs of the Shan nationality.

"My cousin is currently studying at No. [-] High School in Xicheng. If Mao Duoli is interested, you can go and see her."

Wan Li rolled his eyes and came again.He changed the subject and said, "What about practice? Has anyone in your village practiced systematically?"

Xiaojuan paused: "Systematic practice?"

"It seems that there is no such thing. Is it all based on daily labor?" Wan Li pursed his lips, "Don't you want to have the strength to protect your own village?"

Xiaojuan nodded: "I discussed it with the women's director. The money for selling Lingshi is public. After saving a certain amount, I will go out and buy a set of training equipment. By the way, Mao Duoli, my cousin has an F grade. He's a little genius, and he's a perfect match for you."

Wanli Fu forehead, never leave my cousin in three sentences, I can't talk anymore these days.Shao Laofat hasn't come back yet, and the people in the team couldn't wait after buying the spirit stone. Wanli thought for a second: "How about... let's go."


Under Xiaojuan's regretful eyes, Wan Li and the others set off on their way home.The mountain road is rugged, but the people in the car are not as nervous as when they came here. They passed by a few places that are easy to be "ambushed" and did not encounter robbers, which made them more relaxed.

However, just as the van was about to drive back to the main road back to the city, a giant tree as thick as two people hugging each other suddenly crossed the middle of the road, which shocked Shao Zhen and slammed on the brakes.

There is no possibility of this kind of thick and thin tree being blown down by the wind, and I didn't see it on the way here. It was obvious that someone blocked the road, and everyone in the car cast their eyes on Wanli instantly.

Wan Li blinked, with a smile in his eyes: "You don't need to get out of the car." He opened the car door and walked down, wandered around the giant tree blocking the road a few times, bent down and threw it down the hillside.

As if using too much force, Wan Li staggered twice when he was thrown out of the giant tree. With great difficulty, he stabilized his figure, straightened his back and clapped his hands and walked back.

At this moment, a burst of familiar laughter came. "Hahahahahaha...Little brother, how did you hurt your leg? Why are you so careless? Tell me to make Fat Brother happy."

"I got into a fight with an A-level monster a few days ago, and I was injured a little bit. It's nothing serious. Don't worry about it, Brother Fat." Wan Li said calmly.

Shao Laofa's face froze, and a younger brother behind him said, "Don't be afraid, Brother Fei, this kid is cheating us!"

Shao Laofei turned around and slapped: "Who said Brother Fei is afraid?"

Not afraid?Wan Li smiled and took two steps forward. Shao Laofa was shocked and immediately took two steps back. Wan Li took two steps forward and he took two steps back. He almost bumped into the younger brother behind him.

"What are you doing, Sun Tzu's Art of War, strategically keep a safe distance from me?"

Shao Laofa raised his eyebrows: "That's right... Bah! Don't bluff, Brother Fei just doesn't want to bully you as a wounded number. Let the other people in the car hand over the spirit stones, Brother Fei will let you go!"

Wan Li frowned: "I don't want my spirit stones? They don't have as many spirit stones combined as I do."

Old Fatty Shao nodded: "Brother Fei has always been particular about what he does, and he stays ahead of the curve."

"Do you still want to see me in the future?"

Everyone in the car looked at each other in blank dismay, their hearts lifted.There was not much to gain from this trip, but the average cost per person was about 10 yuan.It is impossible for the real rich to resell the spirit stones in person. They are all just rich families. Two of them even took out loans to gamble on their luck to make a fortune. If they were robbed, they would not be able to live...

"Director Shao, what shall we do?"

"Look, look..."

"I think it's all right, Xiao Wan's face has always been calm..." Uncle Yang said.

Maybe it was forced?Some people thought so in their hearts. Although they didn't say anything, their eyes became erratic.

Wan Li turned his head and glanced. He didn't like everyone in the car except Uncle Yang. He had no obligation to protect them, but he could do whatever he wanted, so after pondering for two seconds, he shook his head and rejected Lao Fatty Shao's request.

Old Fatty Shao was very happy: " are hesitating, it seems that your leg is seriously injured, brother Fei will help you look at the injury!"

With a flick of his body, he changed from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic in an instant, and he was very close to Wanli in a blink of an eye.Just as he was about to throw a punch, he saw Wan Liyan smiling again, his heart skipped a beat, and he also jumped back two meters.

As if feeling ashamed like this, he snarled: "Bluff!" Then he scurried back, but jumped back again.

A second later, Wan Li watched the huge body jumping up and down in front of him speechlessly, and he added drama to himself while jumping and jumping.

"Brother Fat is going to hit you, hey, Brother Fat jumped back again, do you want to hit Brother Fat, use force on your legs, but you can't do it? Brother Fat jump back again!"

Wan Li smacked his lips, shrugged his shoulders, and raised his arms suddenly, startling Shao Laofat.He rushed back more than ten meters in an instant, stood in the middle of the three younger brothers, and puffed up his chest: "Hey, brother fat has roughly tested the enemy's reality, you go around and outflank, don't let the car go when fat brother cleans up this kid." run away."

In fact, the three younger brothers didn't want this embarrassing boss any more, so they detoured down the hillside with some reluctance.

The faces of the people in the car got even worse, Shao Zhen said in a low voice: "If you are robbed, don't resist, it's useless to resist, the most important thing is to save your life!"

In front of Wan Li, Shao Laofa raised his eyebrows, and his momentum became calm, which was a little different from the previous funny look.

Wan Li smiled: "Is it true this time?"

The muscles of Shao Laofa's legs suddenly tightened, and he stepped on the ground with a bang, more than twice as fast as before. "Brother Fei is going to take advantage of others this time. I am ashamed to mention this to outsiders!"

Rushed one meter in front of Wanli, he stood still, twisted his left hip, raised his right leg and kicked sideways, the force was so strong that it made the wind howl, the giant tree was kicked down by his two feet!
"It's quite cautious. Control the attack distance to one meter, so that it's not easy for me to fight back? It's a pity... I'm not the same as I was a month ago."

Wan Li raised his left hand and clasped the ankle of Shao Laofat's right leg. Unsteady on his feet, he staggered two steps sideways.Shao Laofa was overjoyed, raised his eyebrows and was about to bully him, but was slightly stunned, why couldn't his right leg come back?An unexpected force struck, and his body floated in the air and turned upside down.

Boom!Wan Li took his right leg and swung him straight into the ground!
He kept struggling, but Wan Li's left hand seemed to grow together with his right leg, and his right leg couldn't be released at all.

Wanli swung again, boom!

Shao Laofat's body twitched twice.

When Wang Zhan was turned on a few days ago, the volume of Wanli's aura remained unchanged, but his physique was already close to the peak of B-level, more than twice the strength of Shao Laofat!

"Give me your legs, you really won't be able to escape this time, Boss Fat."

Wanli swung again and again, bang bang bang bang bang!

(End of this chapter)

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