Chapter 177
No way means that they lack communication with the outside world, and it also proves that their Chinese language is probably not very good, and it also proves that there is no mobile phone signal there. Wan Li is glad that he got this information from Li Yi so early.

In fact, he should have asked Xiaojuan earlier, but her cousin said she forgot.Li Yi said that he could not disclose more things, but he reminded Wanli that "there is no one from the Martial Arts Bureau".

Wan Li was stunned for a while, then shook his head speechlessly.I didn't get any tokens to prove my identity, that is to say, my first step to become a practice teacher is to prove my identity?

When he left the Xicheng Martial Arts Bureau, Wan Li was still thinking about what he should do, and he didn't even notice Shao Zhen's hesitant expression in the car.

It wasn't until he returned to the hotel that Shao Zhen hesitated and said, "That... the people in the team want to stop the journey and return to Bincheng. What's your plan?"

Wan Li was stunned: "Oh... What was the original plan for the four-day tour tomorrow?"

"If there is no harvest today, I will take everyone to see a Shan song and dance performance tomorrow, try my luck there, and see if there are any villages that are eager to sell spirit stones and can transport them to the urban area. I dare not go."

Wan Li pondered for a moment, thinking that he had finished almost half of the manga, and felt that there was no need to waste time in the group: "I won't refund the guide fee, you can extend my room for another week."

"Okay, thank you for your understanding."

The seven-person tour group formed temporarily by Bincheng was officially disbanded. Everyone in the team came to thank him again and hoped to get Wan Li's mobile phone number, but Wan Li didn't give it to anyone in the end.For strangers who meet by chance, it is very comfortable to pretend to be intimidating in front of them, but if they still want to come to the West City to resell spirit stones, it will be boring to call their own phone number for help when something happens...


A week later, on April 3th.

After Wanli checked out, he used the means of transportation—two legs, and set foot on the road from the urban area to the Shan’s village again.Wen Jing bid farewell to Wanli's family, went home to reunite with her parents, and prepared to participate in tomorrow's martial arts competition.

During this week, Wanli gained a lot.There are only a few small changes left in the new manga, and he can't make up his mind about the ending. The red line of the spirit stone in his body also has a zero and 32 points, and the amount of aura has also advanced a small step, and the control of the aura in his body has become more and more handy.In addition, Wan Li has basically mastered the Shan language, and has a superficial grasp of Siamese and Vientiane.

Even though Wanli didn't use full speed, he used his legs to travel much faster than taking a van.Going along the main road all the way, I turned a corner on a branch road with traces of repairs, and went to Xiaojuan's village again, and used the money Wen Jing sent him to fill up a suitcase of Lingshi.

Xiaojuan thought he had changed his mind, so she told him with a pleasant face that her cousin would go back to the village for two days tomorrow and let the two meet.

Wan Li really wanted to stay in their village for one night, but he could only shake his head and leave after hearing this.Not to mention Wen Jing was there, even if she wasn't there, she was still an incredibly beautiful girl, and Wan Li couldn't accept that she married her...

However, the world is always unpredictable. He couldn't imagine that his trip as a practice teacher in Manga Village would unfold in a strange way, and he really... married into it.


Two days later, early in the morning.

Wan Li opened his eyes dimly, the pitch-black roof in front of him made him slightly startled, he jumped up, trampled the bed under him until he let out a scream, and raised his eyes to measure his surroundings.

He was in a simple room, obviously in the Shan style.Two seconds later, the door was pushed open, Wan Li stared and turned his head.

A dark-skinned girl of eighteen or nineteen years old walked in. She was wearing a purple corset underwear and a coarse cloth skirt on her lower body. Her hair was disheveled, her face was a little gray, and her big eyes were bright but bright. It can be seen that there is a bit of sluggishness, and it is obvious that there is something wrong with the intelligence.

Wan Li was relieved to see her, and just as he was about to speak, he heard her smirk and say, "Hey, hey, my dear, are you awake?"

"...Old boy?" Wan Li blinked, "Old boy" is what Shan women call their husbands.He hurriedly lowered his head, seeing that his clothes were neatly dressed, he felt a little relieved, and pursed his lips and said, "Silly girl, who married me to you... You really... have tricked me to death!"


Time went back to yesterday evening.

After more than a day of driving, Wan Li finally came to the end of the road leading to the Shan family's village, and saw the hill Li Yi mentioned.

The hill is not high, only a little over a hundred meters.Wanli climbed the mountain to find a flat corner to have dinner, lay down on the grass and thought about what to say and do when he went to Manga Village. After thinking about it, he thought of comics.

The Wizards Guild War is over, but there's one area where he's stuck.

At first, he wanted gravity magic, but because of Yu Tian's incident, he had an idea and added a stronger magic in front of gravity magic—simulation magic: it can completely simulate a person's appearance, voice, even ability.

This is the setting he made to destroy the red organization.The most difficult thing about the red organization is that its internal members always hide their identities, and they cannot be distinguished among ordinary people.Although Wan Li added several targeted settings in the comics, he couldn't guarantee that those would manifest like spirit stones.

So he considered using simulated magic to infiltrate the red organization himself, which is why he told Wen Jing that he might not go back for a year or two.

But when things came to an end, he still hesitated. The key was that the simulated magic apparition would definitely have limitations under this aura system, and he couldn't judge the specific limitations.There is no timetable for this comic appearance, and I don't know when the next time will be.

But he thought of another point, imitating others should have limitations, how about imitating yourself?If you use simulation magic to simulate the body without fatigue, is it equivalent to supplementing the body without fatigue?Is simulating a super aptitude equivalent to supplementing a super aptitude?But that too is uncertain.

So he was caught in a tangle, should he abandon gravity magic, space magic, metal, wood, water, fire, earth and other magics, and choose a risky simulation magic?
At this moment, Wan Li heard slight footsteps not far behind him, causing him to squint and look back.In the field of vision, a silly-looking girl was walking towards him on tiptoe.

"You want to steal something from me?"

However, the silly girl didn't run to Wan Li's backpack and suitcase, but went straight behind Wan Li, poking her foot towards his head.

"Hey... living... people? Dead people?"

can speak Chinese?Wan Li frowned and reached out to grab her feet: "Are my eyes that small? Can't you see them with your eyes open?"

"Ah, I'm alive..." She stepped forward with her toes and continued to kick Wan Li's head, but Wan Li grabbed him firmly, "Hey, it's great to have strength..."

Wan Li blinked: "Class E? Silly girl, stop kicking, my head is not a ball... eh?"

Inside the backpack, the familiar red light exploded.

"...Is this even okay?!"

 A little late, sorry, sleepy circle.

(End of this chapter)

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