Restart the world

Chapter 178 Crystals

Chapter 178 Crystals
Even though Wanli's leg injury has healed and he has a B+ physique, he still has no resistance to the red light of the manga apparition and cannot maintain his sanity.

The moment the red light entered his body, he jumped up and slashed at the silly girl, but thinking that it would be more dangerous to be unconscious in the mountains, he hesitated for a moment, and then he lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he was in a strange Shan room, and then the silly girl came in, wearing only underwear on her upper body, holding a bowl of porridge and calling him dear, and then said nonsense that he could understand but made him very depressed words of...

"Old boy, drink porridge, have strength, work, coolie, three years, chop wood."

Wan Li cast a sideways glance at her dirty face, took the porridge and drank it down in one gulp, pursed his lips and handed back the empty bowl to her, "Another bowl?"

The silly girl froze for a moment: "Oh."

She turned and went out to serve porridge, while Wan Li shook his head helplessly, closed his eyes to sense the situation inside his body, the red lines on his chest and legs had indeed been replenished, and 10 new red lines had been added in his body, which belonged to the red lines of simulated magic.So far, his ability has been changed to 2 Untiring Body + 2 Super Aptitude + 10 Simulated Magic + 1 Lingshi Red Line + 52 Red Points...

He tried to push the 10 newly added red lines with aura, but found that they couldn't move at all, just like when he first got the super aptitude. "Is it more difficult every time, or is it more difficult to promote with stronger abilities?"

The silly girl brought the porridge into the room again, Wan Li took it, and drank it down: "One more bowl."


The porridge is the glutinous rice porridge that the Shan people often drink. Rock sugar is put in it, and the taste is quite good. While studying the ability, he drank the porridge. After eating five bowls, Wan Li found that he could not use the simulation magic.

It's not that I can't simulate it, but I can't activate it, just like... the first day when the superpower manifested and the Inexhaustible Body couldn't be used.

"My fiery heart?" Wanli murmured softly, carefully recalling the persona who simulated the owner of magic in the comics.The learning ability is put on the owner of gravity magic by Wanli, while the owner of simulation magic has an attribute that is compatible with him - super performance ability.

This is the setting made by Wan Li in order to possibly infiltrate the red organization's operations under disguise.

"Acting ability? There shouldn't be any side effects, so now I need to have a dream to simulate all the experiences of the magic owner in my comics." Wan Li thought for a moment, thinking that he should find a way to get rid of the silly girl now, Then find a safe place to sleep.

Amidst the creaking sound, the silly girl walked in again.Wan Li subconsciously raised his hand to take the bowl, but what came to him was... a broom.

"Get out, get out, I can't afford..."

Wan Li stretched out his hand to block it with a dazed expression, and after a while, he burst out laughing.Shan men do not officially marry into the woman's family until they have worked as coolies for three years. During this period, if the woman is dissatisfied with the man, she can drive him out at any time, and the previous coolies are considered in vain.But unless the man is particularly bad, the woman will not do this. After all, she has lived in her house for a while... Although the woman will not sleep with a man before finishing the coolie, but she wants to marry after she has a history of chasing men Husband is not easy.

It's good for Wanli, he was dismissed after drinking only five bowls of porridge before he did his hard work...

"Yeah, oh, oh, oh, when did I marry her?" Wan Li shook his head and grabbed the broom in her hand, "Thank you for carrying me down from the mountain and your porridge, is this Manga Village? "

The silly girl waved her hands as if holding a broom, "Get out, get out..."

Wearing only purple underwear, it was very eye-catching for her to do such an action. Wan Li tilted his head slightly uncomfortably, and muttered in a low voice, "IQ is not high, but the figure is perfect. If it is flat... tsk, it's not good." He smiled and shook his head, got up, put on his shoes, walked past the silly girl, and went straight out of the house.

The silly girl waved her hand for a while, turned her head in a daze, followed a few steps, looked at Wan Li's back and raised her hand, opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Before going downstairs, Wan Li glanced back and saw that the expression printed on that dirty little face was a bit like the expressions of left-behind children seeing off their parents in public service advertisements, it was pitiful.

"She's the only one in the family? Who did this silly girl learn Chinese from?" Wan Li was a little curious. After walking down the decaying stairs, all kinds of Shan bamboo buildings appeared in front of him. "This Shan family The village seems to be quite small..."

There is a looming mountain peak in the distance, and the silly girl's house is facing a hill behind her. Looking at the hill, Wan Li squinted his eyes, "I should have fainted on it before... Ugh!"

With a twitch in the corner of his eyes, he threw away the broom in his hand, turned around and walked upstairs quickly.The silly girl still maintained her original posture, expression and movements, and she was obviously short-circuited when she saw him appear.

"Where's my backpack and suitcase?"

Miles asked.There was no response for several seconds, he smiled helplessly, stepped forward and shook his hand in front of the silly girl, then quickly retracted.

The silly girl folded her hands and covered her chest, as if she was holding something, and said with a smirk, "My boy, you didn't leave. I won't drive you away. If I can afford it, I will earn work points, hehe..."

"Work points?" Wan Li blinked, probably not many Shan villages maintain this kind of labor system, "This is probably really a Manga village."

He looked at the silly girl who hadn't reached Wanli's arms, and asked again with a grin: "Where's my backpack and suitcase?"


At the same time, on the edge of the Shan State plateau, a small high-level meeting is being held at the temporary camp of Chinese warriors.There were a total of 12 participants, 8 of whom were graded as A and 4 were graded as B.

The one who is speaking is currently the strongest warrior in China: Yue Heng, Deputy Director General Yue.

"A new round of changes has begun, and this time it's superpowers again. Be careful, everyone, be careful not to report the awakened abilities of the miners in service, and use their abilities to escape." His voice is calm, but with a round, fat face, there is always something to say I can't help but feel happy, "I am still assured of everyone's strength, the problem now is this thing."

He pointed to a dark green crystal with sharp edges and corners on the table, "It looks like an ordinary gemstone, but it was found next to the spirit stone when the Wujia team was digging for the spirit stone. It looks like a companion creature, and..."

He picked up the crystal, and the dark green crystal seemed to be dyed in his hand, and it quickly turned dark blue. "It will turn blue when you hold it in your hand. The reason is unknown. Qi Zhe, you will fly to Yanjing in a while, and send it to me." Go to the Reiki Research Institute."

Everyone looked at the crystal in amazement, and one person asked: "Deputy General Administration Yue, show us?"

Yue Heng nodded, and threw the crystal towards the speaker.The crystal turned back to dark green in an instant in the air, and was dyed blue again when it was received by the man.

"A magical thing." He looked at it a few times and threw it to the next person.

It was still back to dark green, and then dyed blue again. This process continued until the crystal was thrown into the hands of a somewhat old-fashioned young man.

The crystal didn't turn blue anymore, it was dyed with a faint red light...

(End of this chapter)

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