Restart the world

Chapter 179 Yu Wei

Chapter 179 Yu Wei
The young man holding the slightly red crystal in his hand was stunned for a moment, and looked blankly at everyone present.Judging from his eyebrows, he is not very old, but his face is wrinkled and looks very old. Frowning at this time, he looks more like an old man in his 40s.

He was one of the four B-levels who participated in the meeting. There were not one thousand but eight hundred B-levels stationed on the Shan State Plateau. He was able to stand out among these people and participate in the meeting. Obviously, he has an ability similar to A-level or even better than ordinary A-level Strength, but still be surprised and confused when encountering incomprehensible things.

"Red?" Yue Heng's chubby face grumbled, and he said with a smile, "This crystal can also judge age? Old Zhai, you can't lie this time, can you?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of laughter in the room, making the young man holding the crystal smile and shake his head, "I'm really 24 years old, really. This crystal... Shi Yan, can you see it?"

"I'm not as old as you, so it must be blue." Shi Yan took the crystal, and the crystal quickly turned dark blue in his hand. He smiled and said, "Is this crystal gender-discriminating?" Function? Ai Hui, continue!"

Ai Hui took the crystal, and the color of the crystal was still dark blue. One person laughed and said, "It's no use judging men and women to find Ai Hui, she is a pure man."

Ai Hui gave him an annoyed look: "Deputy Director General Yue, Candidate Zou bullied me again."

Yue Heng smiled: "Well, I will report to the General Administration later, and say that Lao Zou has challenged me for the position of Deputy Director General."

"...father-in-law, please forgive me."

"Who are you calling father-in-law?"

The laughter lasted for a while, and Yue Heng lowered his voice: "The crystal will turn red only in the hands of Lao Zhai, right? Qi Zhe, explain this situation to them when you send the crystal to the Spiritual Qi Research Institute... No, it's better to wait." Wait, let more people take it and try it."

The young man called Lao Zhai echoed: "It should be like this, I should have nothing special... so I know I look old."

"It's good to know." Yue Heng nodded: "After trying the crystal, everyone will lead the team up the mountain as usual, and continue the previous exploration direction. In addition, today I will go deep into the mountain forest to find the two super intelligent creatures, which may be delayed for three to five days. Time... I won’t say more if it’s unlucky, everyone be careful!”

"Deputy Director General Yue, you should also be careful."

"Well, and, Lao Zhai, it's time for you to drop by Manga Village today, right?"

Lao Zhai nodded: "Well, the last time I went was three days ago...but I don't think I'm on the way at all, Deputy Director General Yue."

Yue Heng smiled: "Okay, don't complain, you don't have to go again for the next month after you have been here this time, there is a child who has a direct mission in the Martial Arts Conference and is to be a practice teacher in Manga Village for a month, it is just right for you to go today See if he's here."

"A B-level student?" Lao Zhai frowned, "Then I have to go there every day..."

"The General Administration said that we don't need to take care of it. That kid is not weak. He caught the new thorn in your team. Oh, speaking of it, you are quite related, with similar names."

"Same name?" Shi Yan and Ai Hui looked at each other and said in unison, "Is it Wanli Yang?"

Yue Heng nodded: "It's him."

Lao Zhai was taken aback, and narrowed his eyes: "Wanli? It's really a fate. He caught that Shao Minqiang who always wanted to run away? We need to meet..."

His name is Zhai Wanli.


in the forest.

Wan Li returned to the place where he was unconscious under the guidance of the silly girl.Judging by my insensitive sense of direction, the village I was in just now is indeed the destination of this trip, Manga Village.

At this time, he carried his manga backpack on his back.The silly girl took his backpack with him when she took him down the mountain, but because she didn't have a third hand, Wan Li's suitcase was thrown on the mountain.

Wan Li was relieved that the manga was not lost. Although the silly girl had read it, she said she could understand it, but Wan Li didn't believe it, but the suitcase...

The silly girl scratched her head: "Yesterday, I was here, but it's gone..."

Wan Li narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Zhou: "Someone else came here, and the suitcase was picked up...Silly girl, people from your village often come to this mountain?"

"Yes, other people's old boy, come to chop firewood and do coolie." She looked at Wanli.

"Other people's good boy." Wan Li shook his head helplessly, it was more hurtful, right?
"It's gone, so I don't want it anymore. Boy, come home with me to chop firewood, hehe..."

"Is that okay? There are still 60 yuan of spirit stones left in it. Do you know the spirit stones? It's a kind of bright white stone, which is very valuable and can be used to speed up cultivation. Do you have any in your village?"

The silly girl was stunned: "Bai Shitou, yes, one piece is worth... 100 work points, 60 yuan is... um..."

"6000 work points."

"6000, 6000..." The silly girl muttered for a while, then smiled smirkly: "I can afford it, boy, I'll go and ask for you, who picked up... your dowry."

Wan Li was stunned, dumbfounded, why did he just drop the dowry?Are you really stupid or fake stupid?

She stepped forward and wanted to take Wan Li's arm and walk back, but Wan Li hid for a while and said helplessly, "Don't worry, silly girl, wait for me for a few minutes."

"...Oh. Good boy, I don't like...Silly girl, I have a name, Yu Wei."

"Han name?" Wan Li frowned and glanced at her, nodded and took out his cell phone in his pocket: "Yu Wei, my name is Wan Li Yang."

"Wan Liyang, sheep, baa, hee hee..."

Wan Li rolled his eyes and browsed the messages on his phone.There is a signal in Manga Village, but it is extremely weak. Compared with this mountain, it is stronger. He received n WeChat messages from Wenjing.

Wan Li is not surprised that Wen Jing successfully passed the school election.There are ten candidates for the school selection, and Martial Arts University currently has a total of thirteen C-level students...

Today's city election is difficult, but Wan Li feels that Wen Jing raised her hand with a small slap of more than 100 degrees, and ordinary people should not be able to catch it.

Wali sheep: "Come on, be careful not to get hurt, if you can't do it, admit defeat, wait for me to go back and privately take revenge on the villains who eliminated you, hehe... I have arrived in Manga Village. The signal here is not very good. I will fight every night Contact you once. '

After sending this message, Wan Li waited for a minute and did not receive a reply. Guessing that Wen Jing was practicing martial arts or even being selected, she logged out of WeChat and logged into the martial arts forum.As he expected, he received another short message from the website. The general content is the same as the previous two comic apparitions, but...

"The second awakening of super powers?" Wan Li was stunned for a moment, "It's magic... oh, not counting those special ones, it's really no different from super powers."

After simply browsing a few posts, he put his phone back in his pocket, looked at the silly girl: "Let's go."

The silly girl didn't move, her eyes were fixed on Wanli's bulging trouser pocket: "Mobile phone, mobile phone, boy, is there anything interesting?"

Wan Li was startled: "Fun, a game?"

"...Oh, it's a game."

"Games, yes, I'll teach you how to play when you find my suitcase." Wan Li looked at her.

"Playing games, hee hee..."

 Wow, there is an alliance leader, thank you for no one's reward since then.In two days, Eryang will add more when he returns home, and the two chapters from yesterday will also be added.

(End of this chapter)

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