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Chapter 180 The Hero's Daughter

Chapter 180 The Hero's Daughter
"Did you pick up my old boy's dowry?"

Wan Li didn't expect that the silly girl would help him find the suitcase by asking everyone she met, and in Chinese.Although she kept making gestures with her hand, a 40-year-old Shan uncle on the opposite side obviously didn't understand. He just kept looking at the silly girl and Wanli—the word Laoguai has the same pronunciation in Chinese and Shan .

"Young master, where did you find my boy?" He asked in Shan.

The silly girl scratched her head, and looked back at Wan Li in a daze.Wan Li was startled: "You don't know Shan?"


Oh your size.Wan Li reluctantly maintained a smile and greeted the Shan uncle in Shan, sent him away, and looked at the silly girl: "Aren't you a Shan? How did you live in the village without Shan? Are there many people in the village who can speak Chinese?" ?”

"...I seem to be from the Shan ethnic group."

Are you clueless?Wan Li muttered to himself, but looking at her dumbfounded look, she felt that she really didn't know how to count, "Where is the house of the women's director of your village?"

"It seems to be over there." The silly girl pointed to the north.

It seems again.Wan Li said helplessly: "Take me back to your home first, do you still know me?"

"No, dowry..."

"It's okay, I can't lose it. The uncle should have gone to inform your female director just now, let's not run around and wait for her at home."

"No, dowry..."

"I'll look for it later."


Wan Li sighed: "I want to be a coolie now, I feel bad all over if I don't chop firewood."

"Chopping firewood? Okay, hehe..." The silly girl took Wan Li to the house, and met a few villagers on the way. The way they looked at him convinced Wan Li that either the woman director or someone with a higher level of martial arts in the village would come for him. Come.

Back at the silly girl's house, instead of going upstairs, she led Wan Li into the utility room, pointed to a small pile of wood and said, "Chop, finish chopping, go up the mountain and chop."

Wan Li has never done such a thing as chopping firewood in his two lifetimes, but it is not difficult for his level of martial arts to chop firewood. When he takes a piece of thick wood, Wan Li raises his palm and drops the wood, and the wood breaks into small pieces that can be burned. firewood.

The silly girl was stunned for a moment: "It's great to have strength..."

Wan Li smiled and kept moving his hands: "Yu Wei, are you the only one in your family? Where are your parents?"

"Two before, one later, and now, two more, hee hee... My boy, I'll find you a dowry."

"I told you to wait for the female director to come." Wan Li shook his head, raised his palms again, and said, "You haven't said where your parents are. Why do you speak Chinese but not Shan?"

The silly girl scratched her head: "Dad, I was lost by a magician. Mom, I went to find Dad..."

Wan Li was taken aback, was he transformed by a magician?Where did the magic come from just now... Could it be that the big change in the magic had an accident?

"Shan language, I just came here..." The silly girl counted her fingers, "I haven't learned it in 1, 2, 3 years."

Just been here for three years?It's clear to me that this silly girl should have lived in the city before, and I don't know what happened to her family to become like this...

Just at this time, a 30-year-old Shan woman appeared in front of Wan Li and the silly girl under the guidance of the previous Shan uncle.She was dressed plainly and had a gentle face. Her eyes fixed on Wan Li's right hand that was chopping wood, and she looked at the silly girl questioningly.

The silly girl was stunned for a moment, and said with a smirk: "My dear boy, that's amazing, the director is really here."

"Must." Wan Li clapped his hands and got up.


The women's director of Manga Village can speak Chinese, and Wan Li quickly explained to her her identity, purpose of coming and the reason for appearing in Manga Village in this capacity, but she didn't seem to fully believe it.

She asked the silly girl: "Xiaowei, who taught you to find an old boy like this?"

"Sister Xiaoyu, she said I should look for it, but I can't find it... Hey, I found it now."

"Xiaoyu." The women's director shook her head and looked at Wanli: "The practice teacher... will come every three days, but it's always a young man named Zhai Wanli who brings people here. I didn't hear him say that he would change people."

Wanli was startled, Zhai Wanli?
"The last time he came was three days ago, and he will probably come again this afternoon."

Wanli knew: "It should be that I came a day early. My mission starts tomorrow. His coming can just prove my identity."

"Then you go to my place and wait for him?"

The silly girl interrupted: "No, director, my dear, coolie."

Wan Li smiled: "Don't worry, I won't do her any harm... Also, I lost a suitcase of 60 Yuan Lingshi when I came here, please help me find it?" Then it turned into an afterimage, and there was a gust of wind in the utility room, and the sound of bang bang bang bang was endless.

Five seconds later, the remaining dozens of thick logs were all turned into firewood of suitable thickness.

"Old boy, it's amazing..."

The display of strength was really effective, the female director's vigilant eyes were slightly relaxed, and she turned her eyes between the silly girl and Wan Li, and said softly: "Xiaowei, will the director stay at your house for dinner at noon today?"

"Okay..." The silly girl scratched her head: "But there is not much rice left at home. My dear, I can eat it."

"Let Uncle Kang take you to the director's house to get some rice and vegetables." The women's director said gently.

After dismissing the silly girl, the women's director began to talk about the silly girl's situation to Wan Li.There is nothing new in the sun, and what the female director said was roughly in line with Wan Li's expectations.

Silly girl's mother is a Shan woman, a Shan woman who is rarely married.This kind of behavior of marrying off is not supported, but it will not be judged as treasonous.But three and a half years ago, the silly girl's mother suddenly took her back to the village... The silly girl's father died in an air crash.

"Air crash?" Wan Li frowned, "Accident?"

The women's director shook her head: "Her mother said her father was a great pilot who died in the line of duty."

"That's it." Wan Li sighed softly, "What about her mother? She died too?"

"No, her mother suddenly left a letter two months ago saying that she was looking for her father, and she didn't know how she had the heart to leave this silly child alone."

Wan Li was startled: "Two months ago, went to find her father? Didn't her father die in an air crash?"

"I don't know either. The letter left by her mother said that her father was not dead, but was disappeared by a magician with people and planes. He was able to find it... probably because of a blow."

"Is it really said that it was lost by a magician? It may not have been opened or not in the cultivation era more than three years ago. Where did the magic come from... huh?"

Wan Li blinked, took out his phone, and stared at the software in a daze.He remembered that when the red-haired turtle grandson landed, he was surrounded by helicopters and fighter jets, and the turtle grandson waved his hand...

"No way, if that's the case, Yu Wei should be the daughter of a hero, why did she get reduced to this level..."


The next chapter will be late, I have a lot of things in my old house, and I am sorry for the unstable update.

(End of this chapter)

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