Restart the world

Chapter 181 Album

Chapter 181 Album
In the vast crowd, Wanli met a girl who had revenge on her father-killing grandson with the red hair, and Wanli felt the magic of fate in his heart.

When Yu Wei appeared in front of Wanli carrying a small bag of rice and a few bags of vegetables, he felt a little complicated for a moment, wondering whether he should take her to the outside world, and who would take care of her when she was taken out. She should be 18 years old Well, the orphanage won't accept her either... If you take her out, you have to settle her down.

Although this silly girl's hair is disheveled and her body and face are dirty, her basic appearance should be good. It's okay in this relatively simple Shan village, and it's easy to be deceived and abducted outside.

"Guy, pick vegetables." Yu Wei smirked in front of Wanli, and handed him the bag.

"...Okay." Wan Li took it, "Yu Wei, do you want to go back to the city?"

Yu Wei scratched her head: "No, I want to stay here and wait for Mom and Dad... My dear boy, pick vegetables."

"That's it...well, let's pick vegetables." Wan Li sighed and decided to make a long-term plan.Anyway, I'm going to stay here for a month. During this time, let's take a look at her living conditions in Manga Village.


The silly girl knows how to cook, even though her skill is very ordinary, but she does know how to cook, and Wan Li wonders if it's time for her to learn...

After chatting, the female director finally believed in Wan Li's identity, and said that she would ask someone to find out the whereabouts of Wan Li's suitcase, and told him that there were 237 households in Manga Village, and that he was going to teach teenagers and girls aged 16 to 20. , a total of 68 people, there may be other age groups to go to class, the workload is not small.

"There is no hotel in the village, you can go to my house to borrow."

Wan Li blinked, but Yu Wei was stunned for a moment, and stood up: "Director, you snatched me, darling...My darling, broom, where did you put it?"



The female director was helpless: "This silly child, you still follow her..."

Wan Li smiled and said, "Are you worried about me staying in her house? There are several rooms in her house, so I won't have any wrong thoughts about her."

The women's director shook her head: "But you live here, it will be difficult for her to find a good girl in the future."

"It doesn't look easy to find now, and even if she finds the old boy like this, I'm afraid she won't be happy. I want to take her out, let alone live outside, mental problems have to be cured, and she will be happy when the time comes. There is another kind of life. I don’t have to teach practice all month, and I don’t have so much to teach. I help the village in my spare time, and credit her for the work points.”

"I don't need work points. In fact, she can't earn work points for her own life. It's all helped by neighbors or me..."

"Then what happened to Xiaoyu who instigated her to find Laoguai?" Wan Li asked.

"Xiaoyu, she..."

In the middle of the women's director's speech, Yu Wei came up from downstairs with a broom aggressively, waving it out of thin air: "Snatch me, boy, go, go!"

The female director raised her hand to stop her, and left helplessly after a while: "When the people from the Martial Arts Bureau arrive, I'll send someone to find you."

"Run away, hehe..."

Wan Li smiled and shook his head: "That's the biggest official and female director in your village. Even she can be chased away by you. You are really amazing."

"Oh, amazing, hehe... My boy, you can't, why don't you go with her?"

Wan Li pursed his lips: "No. Are there any photos of your parents at home for me to see?"

"That's great. Photos, yes..."

Not only did she have photos, but she also had an album, which she sat side by side with Wan Li and looked through with a smirk.

The first page is an old big photo, the graduation photo of Class 98 of the third year of Xicheng No. [-] High School in [-], with the silly girl's parents in it.Wan Li was surprised to find that her father's demeanor was somewhat similar to his own, with dark skin, delicate features and a strong figure. Perhaps this was the reason why the silly girl regarded herself as a family so quickly?
As for the silly girl's mother, she is also an out-and-out beauty, a bit like the cousin that Xiaojuan desperately introduced to him a few days ago...

Turning to the back, the two gradually matured. Her father put on various uniforms, and her mother no longer wore Shan costumes, but turned into a modern beauty. After the wedding photos on the sixth page, a naked woman appeared on the seventh page body of a little baby girl.

"Shame..." The silly girl quickly turned the page.

Wan Li couldn't help laughing, and most of the photos of her growing up later on, from a baby to a little girl carved in pink and jade to a beautiful girl, she was almost flawless except for her dull eyes and slightly dark skin, Wan Li frowned slightly, raised her hand and rubbed her Rubbing the silly girl's head, a sense of dryness came, and the silly girl turned her head to look at him in a daze.

"How long has it been since you took a shower?"

"1, 2, ... 8 days."

"It's a good thing you don't have a bad smell on your body. Let's wash it later and pay attention to hygiene."


There are not many photos left in the album, and it ends abruptly after a family portrait.There are no photos of fighter jets or cutting-edge helicopters that Wanli wants to see, and the troops are not allowed to leak such things.

"There is another one at the back."

Wan Li was startled, watching the silly girl turn to the last page of the album, and another big photo appeared in front of his eyes.

There are seven people in the photo, the middle-aged silly girl's father is in the middle, four men and two women are standing on both sides, all in their early 20s, all of them are heroic and handsome, wearing the blue one-piece suits that belonged to Huaxia pilots.

"Is this the pilot brought by your father?" Wan Li guessed.After getting a positive response from the silly girl, he glanced at the six people again, and his eyes suddenly stopped on one of the female pilots.

The woman had fair skin, a sweet smile, and a graceful demeanor.A feeling of deja vu came to my heart, Wan Li felt that he had seen her before, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her.

After thinking for a few seconds without success, Wan Li pointed at her: "Do you know her? What's her name?"

The silly girl scratched her head: "Yes, she... oh, I can't remember. Good boy, no more, coolie, go up the mountain to chop wood."

Wanli was helpless, and suspected that he was in a trance.This woman has a very unique aura, if I know her, I won't forget it...

"Oh!" The silly girl suddenly whispered: "Sister Liu Ying, she bought me a lot of food."

"Sister Liu Ying, Liu..." Wanli's pupils dilated slightly: "Sister Liu, the neighbor of the low-rent housing! Yes, it's her, no wonder I can't remember, when I see her, she always has thick dark circles under her eyes, and she is in poor condition... "

"The world is too small. Not only do I meet a hero's daughter, but also a hero's student. I know someone. What happened back then, how did Sister Liu become like that..." Wan Li sighed inwardly, feeling out of control Stop yourself and get involved in troublesome things.

"Guy, chop wood." The silly girl took out an ax and a bamboo basket and handed them to Wan Li.

"...Okay, I'm going to chop firewood, you burn some hot water at home and take a shower, remember to lock the door."


Wan Li walked downstairs quickly, jumped up the back hill in three steps and two steps, and returned with a basket of rough wood with a few axes.In just ten minutes, he filled half of the utility room of the silly girl's house, and was dazed for a while with the ax in his hand, until an uncle of the Shan nationality found him.

The people from the Martial Arts Bureau... have arrived.


PS: (It's too late, I don't know if there will be an update time when I take the boat home tomorrow. I'm really sorry. I will make up all the leave owed and leader's update as soon as possible when I get home the day after tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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