Restart the world

Chapter 182 Play

Chapter 182 Play

Hearing that people from the Martial Arts Bureau came, many teenagers and girls from Manga Village gathered outside the house of the women's director.

The feeling of physical improvement during practice is addictive. Even though most of them will never leave Manga Village in this life, they still instinctively want to be taller, faster, and stronger, so whenever Zhai Wanli brings people here , always so lively.

At this time, the gazes of the boys and girls were mostly focused on a strange face.The man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was tall and strong, but at this moment his eyebrows were swaying horizontally and his eyes were slanting, which made people feel that he was a bit sly...

Zhai Wanli pointed at him, and said in a stuttering Shan language: "His name is Shao Minqiang, and he will guide you to practice together with me and other teachers today. However, we will not come again in the next month, and you will have a man of your age." A similar new practice teacher."

The boys and girls looked at each other, the teacher's Shan language is still so bad...

"That Xiao Mao arrived last night." The women's director understood, and said aside: "I have already sent someone to notify him when I saw you coming."

"Are you here?" Zhai Wanli was startled: "If you're not here, where does he live?"

The women's director shook her head helplessly: "He was picked up by Xiaowei to be an old boy."

"Xiaowei...Yu Wei?" Zhai Wanli frowned slightly: "Picked back to be an old boy?"

"You also know about Xiaowei's situation. Now she won't let Xiao Mao go, and Xiao Mao also said to live in her house to take care of her, but I don't feel at ease..."

Zhai Wanli shook his head and turned to Shao Minqiang: "I don't know that boy either. He is the only one of us who has seen that boy."

Shao Minqiang failed to respond to Zhai Wanli's gaze, he was still immersed in his own world, planning to escape for the third time.

"If you rush into these children...if you take one of them as a hostage...if you grab this big sister next to you who seems to be of high, hell, those five bastards don't know how they were brainwashed by Zhai , if you are willing to run away with Brother Fat, at least... two of you can escape."

Shao Minqiang's face changed back and forth, and suddenly he realized that his eyes had darkened, and Zhai Wanli walked up to him: "Still thinking about how to escape?"

Shao Minqiang blinked and put on an honest face: "Cough, no, how could it be..."

"Oh, just don't run away... How many times have you seen the boy who arrested you?"

"Him?" Shao Minqiang was taken aback, and then said angrily, "Twice, I've seen that bastard twice!"

"Asshole?" Zhai Wanli smiled and shook his head, "Tell me about that boy."

Shao Minqiang rolled his eyes: "That kid is a bastard. He was plotting against Fat Brother twice when I met him. The first time he made up a poem to flatter me and let me relax my vigilance. The second time his leg was obviously not hurt , just pretending to be injured, to blame me... yes, that's right, that kid is really bad to the bone, and he will definitely be something in your Martial Arts Bureau in the future, that... the black sheep!"

Zhai Wanli sighed, "It's unnecessary to ask you."

Shao Minqiang raised his eyebrows. Although he was a bit embellished, the boy was indeed 'scheming' against him during the two meetings, why didn't he believe it?

Fat Brother couldn't bear this grievance.

But looking at Zhai Wanli, thinking of how he was beaten when he escaped the previous two times, Shao Minqiang murmured for a while and didn't say anything more, but this grudge was written down... "I heard that another awakening of superpowers has begun, God, give Brother Fei a This kind of super ability, I have to let this bastard know how powerful Brother Fat is. And that kid, don’t let Brother Fat meet me again..."

"Huh? Old Fatty Shao?"

When the familiar voice came, Shao Minqiang was stunned for a moment, and turned his head numbly: "What the hell, we met again... It's a bit early, Brother Fei is not ready yet."

Wan Li was quite surprised to see Old Fatty Shao here, but he soon realized that he was assigned to Zhai Wanli's team to mine, right?Where is Zhai Wanli?

He looked around, and smiled and nodded to the boys and girls in Manga village who were also looking at him curiously. His eyes passed over the six people who did not look like Shan people except Shao Laofat. According to his intuition, "it should be They are all B-level, but none seem to be particularly strong, why is there a 40-year-old uncle...Which one is Zhai Wanli?"

Then the 40-year-old uncle walked over to him, and he said clearly, "Hello, Uncle Zhai."


Knowing that Zhai Wanli is only 24 years old, Wanli thought to himself, "I lied about my age", and sincerely apologized to him.Because there were too many boys and girls in Manga village waiting for Zhai Wanli to attend class, he only exchanged a few words with Wanli.

There are five Shan villages close to the Shan Plateau, among which Manga Village is the farthest village from where the Martial Arts Bureau is stationed, so he will come every three days to inspect the situation and guide the children in Manga Village to practice. He will be able to let go of this job in the next month...

The content of instructing practice is very simple, it is the training that the second uncle gave Wan Li back then, which is a little simpler than that.Taking the boys and girls from Manga Village to an open space, Zhai Wanli gave the task to Shao Minqiang and others, and the official start began. Wanli felt that he would be very busy when he was alone.

There are also a few children who have reached D-level martial arts or are close to their physical limits. They are being taught dodging skills and fighting skills. Wanli went up the mountain to show their hands, and found that the simple children in the mountains are much easier to deal with than those in the city, so they quickly accepted them. This peer teacher.

On the other side, Shao Minqiang pressed his legs for a boy from Manga Village with a dark face, his eyes flicked over Zhai Wanli and Wanli from time to time, lamenting that the third escape plan was over before it even started...

Wan Li caught the kick of the young boy in front of him, and dodged a punch from the girl behind him sideways. While being besieged by this 18-year-old E-class couple, he still had the mood to tease Shao Minqiang with his eyes to relieve his boredom, which made him look even more angry. black……

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure rushing towards him carrying a wooden stick.He was startled, and quickly waved his arms away from the young couple who were besieging him, and raised his hand to grab the man's wooden stick in his hand.

"Hit my boy, hit you, hit you..."

Wan Li pressed Yu Wei's shoulder with a funny face, and touched her somewhat wet hair, "Was it clean? Turn around and show me."

"Honey, you're fine..."

"It's okay, it's playing, don't you think it's playing over there too?" Wan Li pointed to Zhai Wanli who was besieged, and then looked at Yu Wei carefully: "Well, Xiao Wei is so beautiful."


In terms of appearance, Yu Wei is not inferior to any girl Wanli has ever met. Unfortunately, her smirk affects her impression a bit, but she is quite cute after getting to know her.

"How did you find it?"

"Sister Xiaoyu, bring me here..." Yu Wei looked at a 23-year-old Shan woman in the distance.

Wan Li nodded: "I should have done enough coolies today, you stand aside, I'll play with them for a while..."

"Play, hey, I want to play too..."

Wan Li frowned, and looked helplessly at the young couple: "You go to Teacher Zhai." Then he turned to Yu Wei: "Hehe, let's play."

In the distance, Zhai Wanli looked between the two of them and frowned again...


PS: (I was on the road all day yesterday, and my phone’s battery was too low to write. I took a boat at night, and I didn’t get home until 6 o’clock this morning. I took a nap and slept until 11 o’clock...

Update one chapter first, there will be more later, the update will return to normal, 6 chapters are owed, and it will be added as soon as possible. )
(End of this chapter)

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