Restart the world

Chapter 184 Simulated Magic

Chapter 184 Simulated Magic
Whenever the manga manifests itself, the ensuing dream of possession is simply called the dream of manifestation by Wan Li.

This time it can be said to be the second time in the dream of apparition, and it can also be said to be the third time - because of his insufficient setting during the apparition of qualifications, there was only one sentence repeated in the apparition dream: "Normal personality, strong learning ability . 'It's like a joke.

But this time he gave the simulated magic owner a relatively complete life context, a tragic figure: he used his superb acting skills and unique magic to lurk in the hostile magic union for more than ten years, stealing countless information.However, he is only 30 years old, and the days of being hostile to the union have occupied more than half of his life. His friends, partners, and even lovers are all people who are hostile to the union.

This hostile union refers to the union of the protagonist. In the end, under the influence of the protagonist, he "turned away from the dark and turned to the bright", and after defeating the union he originally belonged to, he began to wander alone.

This character is actually used to highlight the level of the protagonist's must-have mouth. It is not long, only a few dozen pages, which is far worse than the original Li Luote.

Wan Li had the feeling of being stupid to death when he experienced Li Luote's life, but this time he was not very comfortable, and almost moved himself to tears...

What's even more sad is that Li Luote's life has passed in one night after being possessed, but this time the comic is short... After 13 simulations of the life of a magic owner, Wan Li finally woke up slowly.

The sky was already bright, Wan Li turned his head to look around, and Yu Wei was no longer there, he could vaguely hear subtle voices coming from the direction of the kitchen.

"Are you making breakfast? The possession dream is over, and the simulation magic... can be used!"

Imitate the space movement superpower of the black geese!

As soon as the thought came to him, Wan Li felt that the spiritual energy in his body that was filling up day by day violently stirred, and then... nothing happened.

"Uh, can't it? Isn't King Kong imitating Lao Wang bad?" Wan Li murmured.

The same feeling as before came, Wanli pinched his arm after the aura was agitated, but he didn't feel hardened or strengthened at all.

"It still doesn't work, what conditions do you need? Try your own, and imitate the inexhaustible body."

This time the aura was not restless, but decreased by about one-tenth in an instant.At the same time, he felt a slight change in a certain red thread on his chest, and began to draw the spiritual energy in his body bit by bit. The speed was not fast, which was similar to the natural recovery speed of his spiritual energy.

"Yes." Wanli Weixi frowned again: "Maintaining simulated magic needs to consume spirit energy all the time? Is this the limitation under the framework of spirit energy? It's not a big problem, as long as it can be used... The problem is why I can't imitate other people's abilities , Is the consumption too high to bear, or do I have to watch that person use it, or is there any condition?"

He also experimented with super aptitude, which was more costly than imitating the Inexhaustible Body. It is not cost-effective to convert to super aptitude at present, because the increased aura absorption speed cannot make up for the consumption.

Although I don't know whether the burning effect after the imitation is the same as the burning effect of the original ability, Wan Li is greatly relieved to be able to imitate his own ability, at least the simulation magic is not at a loss!He straightened up and sat up, trying out superpowers that he had never seen before one by one.

His setting for simulation magic is to be able to imitate all the abilities he knows and understand, and he just knows all the abilities very well, even if the awakened ability itself is not as good as him.

Starting from the reversal of the universe, Wanli tried 36 superpowers one by one.After failing more than 20 times, a burning sensation emanated from the palm of his hand. Wan Li was delighted, and then frowned deeply.

"Wen Jing's nothing is inflammable can be imitated, why? Is there any intimacy determination for imitating magic? So if I want to imitate an enemy's ability, I have to make him fall in love with me? What if the enemy is a man?
No no no, that's definitely not the case. "

The consumption of nothing is incombustible is not small. In addition to the previous experiment, the aura in Wan Li's body was consumed by nearly half in just half an hour.

"Large energy consumption, probably more energy consumption than the original ability, after all, there are middlemen to make the difference."

Wan Li sat cross-legged on the bed and thought hard, until the door was pushed open, and Yu Wei walked in with a bowl in one hand: "Good morning, good morning, porridge."

"Morning, girl. Just brought me two bowls this time?" Wan Li took the two bowls.

"Well, my dear, I can eat it."

Wan Li smiled, lifted the bowl with his left hand to his mouth and drank the porridge in one gulp, moved the bowl halfway with his right hand and stopped suddenly: "Porridge? Water, liquid? No..."

Although it sounds disgusting to mention, but I have eaten with Lao Wang Chaochao and Lin Xiaoqi quite a few times, it is impossible not to drink some saliva between each other, if it is water, there is no reason to imitate them...

"However, Wen Jing is indeed a little different. What if it's just saliva... Uh, this ability can't be so evil, how about blood? It would be great if there was a superpower by my side."

"Guy, what's the matter, porridge, is it hard to drink?"

"No, it's delicious." Wan Li drank the bowl in one gulp: "Two more bowls... oh, forget it, I'll get out of bed and serve it myself."

"Well, dear, from now on, get up early and cook." Yu Wei said with a smirk.

"……I do not know how to cook."

"Oh, I teach."

Wan Li pursed his lips: "Okay."

After drinking a few more bowls of porridge, Wanli began to try another use of simulation magic, imitating the appearance of others in front of the mirror.Director Liao, Liu Miao, Dong Ge, Wang Bo, Jianchao... none of them succeeded, and Wan Li had no choice but to stop the experiment.

As for simulating a woman, he dare not try it. If he succeeds, he will be quite shy... He thinks that he might be able to imitate Wen Jing successfully. The simulating magic is not so powerful that he can change his gender, but a small change in body shape will make his Body against Wen Jing's face, isn't that some lolita, ha...

"Guy, you, giggle?"

Wan Li blinked, turned his head slowly, his expression and temperament suddenly changed, his eyes widened: "How dare you call me a fool?!"

Yu Wei was startled, and shrank her body back: " are a bully..."

Wan Li couldn't help laughing, bandits, that's really an appropriate evaluation, is this acting okay?

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm just kidding with you." Wan Li thought for a moment, "Girl, which character did you watch TV and movies before?"

"TV, movies...can't remember."

" about trying to play something?" Wan Li rolled his eyes and said with a smirk: "My dear, coolie, chopping firewood, hehe..."

"...My boy, learn from me."

"I didn't learn, hehe..."

"Honey, it's so annoying."

Wan Li smiled: "I'll go down to chop firewood, then go to your female director's house, and come back at noon. You don't have to go there, just play with my mobile phone at home."

He took out his mobile phone, clicked on a magic game 'Jump', and demonstrated it to Yu Wei...

 After seven days outside, I was exhausted all over, so I lowered my status, and the next chapter will be delayed.

(End of this chapter)

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