Restart the world

Chapter 185 Creepy

Chapter 185 Creepy
When Wanli rushed to the house of the female director, the people from Siam had not yet arrived, so he chatted with Zhai Wanli for a while, asking about the situation on the Shan plateau, whether he had found any spiritual liquid, or super intelligent creatures...

Zhai Wanli did not hesitate to explain these things.The spiritual liquid has been found, but the quantity is not much.There are also super-intelligent creatures. Two cases have been discovered so far, both of which are relatively difficult. The Deputy General Administration of Yue is currently hunting them down in the Shan State Plateau.

"Two cases? What kind?"

"One case is a wolf, and the other unknown. Well, it is fast and small in size. It was only found once and seriously injured two B-level colleagues...they couldn't see it clearly." Zhai Wanli replied.

"Fox? Rabbit?"


Wan Li nodded, and looked at the distant mountains from the gap in the bamboo building, "Wouldn't it appear in this village?"

"It's far away."

"Oh... won't the masters from Siam and Vientiane come over secretly to attack?"

Zhai Wanli smiled and shook his head: "The Shan village intermarries with them, so it is impossible for them to attack. As for attacking the fortress stationed by detour, it is death."

Wanli nodded and thought for a moment, then Zhai Wanli added: "Don't worry, the only people who are more difficult to deal with during your mission are those from Siam, but you are lucky, I am here this time."


"Well, the people here are not only the men who married the Shan nationality, but also the masters of a gang named Wo Hong in Siam. Be careful not to conflict with them. It's not that we are afraid, but after the conflict, we will lose some of our spirits. Shi income... Then your task evaluation will definitely be very poor."

Wanli nodded, and the communication between the two ended here.A slightly weird feeling came to my heart, Zhai Wanli...why didn't you ask Yu Wei?
Normally speaking, a gifted student who came to perform a task was picked up by a silly girl in a Shan village to be a good boy. It would be funny wherever he put it. Why didn't he care?When I saw myself and Yu Wei together yesterday, I obviously looked at it many times...

And I didn't notice it yesterday, but after the dream of manifesting the spirit, he always felt that Zhai Wanli was acting when he joked to himself, his expression was very fake, as if he was pretending to be something...

"The sequelae of a ghost dream? It looks like everyone is acting... Heh, only Lao Fat is really serious, and the bad look of wanting to escape but having no chance is written on his face."

Half an hour later, someone hurried to the woman director's house...the people from Siam arrived.

A group of people marched towards the village gate in a mighty manner. Besides Zhai Wanli's seven people, there were also several villagers from Manga Village. Their relatives were in the team transporting the spirit stones.There are more people around the gate of the village, and Wanli's gaze catches the Siamese in the crowd who are dressed in a different style from the Shan nationality.

There were a lot of them, 22 of them, but there was only one woman, standing silently at the end, her face covered with a layer of white gauze so she couldn't see her face clearly.

There was a small package on her body, while the other 21 men each carried two heavy sacks, which were obviously filled with spiritual stones, and they were transported by the most primitive human transportation.

Wanli took a look at the size of the sack, and then thought about the size of the spirit stones. He estimated that the spirit stones transported this time were about 1 yuan, worth [-] million yuan.

Zhai Wanli tilted his head and said to Wanli: "That woman's name is Ain, a Siamese. She is in charge of transporting spirit stones most of the time. She is quite capable. Speaking of which, you speak Shan very well. Can you speak Siamese?"

"A little bit, I can understand."

"Oh, then I have to trouble you." Zhai Wanli turned to the director of women.

The female director nodded and led Zhai Wanli towards Ain.Wan Li also wanted to go there, but his footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned his head to look at Old Fatty Shao, who was desperately trying to take advantage of the opportunity to escape, when seeing Wan Li's eyes darkened, he turned to beseeching again.

Wan Li smiled, and was just about to persuade him not to think about it, but at this moment, the other five people brought by Zhai Wanli naturally surrounded him.

"You...are you all so sick?" Old Fatty Shao was stunned for a moment, dumbfounded, "It's fine if we don't run together, and you're stopping Brother Fei?"

Those five people just stood there, not talking.

Wan Li was also taken aback, then shook his head and walked towards Zhai Wanli, somewhat admiring how he disciplined these five guys so well... If Shao Laofat could be disciplined like this, it would be a bit crazy to think about it.

When he got closer, Ain was taking off the small package on his body, took out a small glass bottle from it and handed it to Zhai Wanli, saying in Siamese: "Two drops of psychic liquid, [-] million."

Zhai Wanli took it with a little surprise, opened it and glanced at it, frowned and thought for a few seconds after hearing the translation by the women's director, and nodded in agreement.

Wan Li leaned over: "Spiritual liquid?"

Zhai Wanli nodded: "I still wonder why the people from Siam came so early this time, it turned out that they discovered the spiritual liquid."

Ai En looked at Wan Li: "He is?"

Wan Li smiled and introduced himself in Siamese, which was a bit awkward, while looking at Ain.Her face was invisible to the leader of the veil, but judging from her facial features, her age should be around [-], and she was somewhat familiar. She should also be from the Shan ethnic group... Not surprisingly, the Shan ethnic group is the main ethnic group in Siam.

Ain was also looking at Wanli, and after a while he said, "I speak Siamese well."

She took out another dark blue crystal from her backpack: "And this one, a new kind of spirit stone mine derivative, the effect is unknown but it should be very valuable, and it will sell for [-] million, do you want it?"

Wanli was startled, this thing...

"Color-changing crystal? You also found one?" Zhai Wanli was surprised again: "Is it dark green when no one holds it, but turns red or blue when someone takes it?"

Ai En nodded and laid it flat on the ground, the crystal quickly turned dark green.The female director knelt down curiously to pick it up, and the crystal was quickly dyed red again in her hands.

Wanli was shocked.He recognized this thing, it was one of the three magic crystals he drew for the red organization—the spiritual crystal.It is dark green when no one holds it, red is held by people who have been affected by spiritual abilities, and blue is held by people who are mentally healthy.I was not happy when I found out that it had successfully appeared for thousands of miles. When the female director held it, it turned out to be red? !
At this moment, Zhai Wanli took the crystal and said, "It's also red when I hold it."

Wanli's pupils shrunk.

"Huh? You are also red?" Ai En couldn't hide his surprise in his eyes. "Only me and the leader of our Wohong are holding it. It is blue. I thought it was based on strength."

Wan Li was startled, only a few people took blue?What's the situation, the apparition went astray?

"Our side has more blue." Di Wanli shook his head and handed the crystal to Wanli.

The crystal quickly turned blue in Wan Li's hands, Wan Li was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "This thing is quite interesting, I'll try it if you don't mind."

He turned around and pulled a Shan uncle and handed the crystal to him, red, change, red, change again, red, change again, blue...

There are too many reds and very few blues. Wanli feels helpless. It seems that he has gone astray, but there must be a pattern, right?

Tried all the way to the six prisoners brought by Zhai Wanli, red red red red red, only Shao Laofei who was holding the crystal at the end was blue.

"There's no rules, the apparition is a useless thing..."

Old Shao raised his eyebrows and scolded: "This thing can test neuropathy, right? You five bastards are indeed neuropathic. Stay away from Fat Brother, and don't infect Fat Brother!"

Wan Li was taken aback, looking at the five people around Lao Fatty Shao, they were crazy... If the crystal didn't go astray, it was a success...

His pupils dilated slightly, and he suddenly felt creepy!

(End of this chapter)

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