Chapter 186

Wanli turned his head slowly and looked at Zhai Wanli.His expression was as usual, and he was stunned when he saw Wan Liwang, and then his eyes signaled Wan Li to take back the crystal from Shao Minqiang's hand after the test.

"Did I fall into a den of thieves?" Wan Li turned his head back numbly, thought for a second, and asked, "Old Fatty Shao, am I handsome?"

Shao Minqiang raised his eyebrows and almost threw the crystal in his hand on the ground. Just as he was about to deny it, he realized that Wan Li's eyes had become as deep as the starry sky...

Brainwashing ability, activated for the first time!
"Handsome... ass!"

Wan Li's gaze stayed on the flashing red crystal for a second, and he sighed inwardly. Things were going in the worst direction. Is Manga Village actually one of the strongholds of the Red Organization?
"Bah bah bah, Fat Brother almost made himself sick, you are so handsome, uh..." Shao Minqiang was talking, and suddenly felt a heavy sense of depression coming from Wan Li, and he said for survival: "Ahem, it's pretty good!" He's handsome, compared to Fat Brother...about the same."

"Same as you? You dare to scold me. I will write down this grudge, and I will settle it with you next time." Wan Li pursed his lips, trying to control his emotions so as not to show off. There are too many enemies, so think about countermeasures first...

However, when he turned his head again, his heart sank, and Zhai Wanli, who was standing beside Ai En and the women's director, was gone!

Ai En and the women's director looked here and there as if they were also looking for it. Wan Li didn't care to judge whether they were acting or not, so he was on guard, and at the same time stepped back sideways to keep a distance from everyone.

Then he looked to the left, no, turned to the right...back, no.That's... on top!

Wan Li raised his head suddenly, seeing the blue sky in his sight.His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly lowered his head, "Another sand manipulation?"

However, there was no abnormality under his feet, but there was a sudden gust of wind blowing towards his left ear, which was clearly unoccupied.Surprised, he only had time to tilt his head and arms, and shot backwards under a huge force, embedded in a low wall next to the gate of the village, and the loud noise alarmed his brothers and brothers who were marrying his own family Every villager reminiscing about the past.

There were exclamations all of a sudden, and Shao Minqiang was even more dumbfounded. He looked at Zhai Wanli who slowly dropped his legs back to the ground: "How did he appear there? No, no, no, the key is...are the two of them coaxing each other? Wonderful!" , good opportunity... damn it!"

At this moment, the five people surrounding Shao Laofat attacked him at the same time, and Shao Laofat yelled, "Damn you, are you crazy?!"

Wanli in the distance pulled his body out of the wall, shook his head, felt that his left arm was a little bit weak from the blow there, and frowned deeply: "It's actually invisible."

He finally knows Zhai Wanli's ability, super ability No. 30: invisible.It also has a catchy name: invisibility.

Invisibility can only be ranked No. 30 in the academy of superpowers, but it is a bit tricky under the framework of the aura system.

Shaking his sore left arm, Wan Li looked solemn: "The strength is similar to mine. If he is the only one, he can handle it... But there are a large group of enemies, it's really troublesome, why are you so unlucky..."

Shao Minqiang was beaten up and screamed under the siege of those five people. This guy with thick skin and thick flesh should be able to last for 2 minutes, but he can only last for 2 minutes.In comparison, a bunch of Manga villagers are nothing. No matter how many ants there are in Wanli, the elephant cannot be killed... But there is still a problem. Ain in Siam should also be B-level. I don’t know how strong he is. Not superhuman.

"Take a look first, I still have Wenjing's non-combustible stuff to use, let's slap it several hundred degrees to see it?" Wanli looked at Ai En, then at Zhai Wanli, his heart sank, and he disappeared again!

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, emptied his mind, and listened to every sound around him.

Boom!A dull sound came from afar.

"Huh?" Wan Li opened his eyes, his face darkened. Zhai Wanli was maintaining a knife-handed posture, and Shao Min fell to the ground in front of him, "You hit him first, and now you have to face seven B-levels at the same time..."

"You...why are you fighting?!" The voice of the shout made Wan Li frown slightly. It was the voice of the female director.

"Still pretending? The crystal shows that there are only two people in blue besides Ian and Ian... er, Ain is blue? Isn't she from the red organization... No, maybe she is the one who uses the spiritual superpower." Wan Li used Glancing at the women's director from the corner of the eye, most of the attention was still firmly placed on Zhai Wanli.

Zhai Wanli did not disappear again, weighed the spiritual crystal, and looked at Wanli solemnly: "How did you find it? Because of this crystal?"

Wanli squints, everything is red, don't you know?And why do you look so nervous...

"You used the Sixth Envoy on Shao Minqiang just now... No, the brainwashing ability given to you by that idiot Wang Xinlong?"

"Wang Xinlong is still alive. Is he the sixth envoy?" Wan Li was stunned, suddenly puzzled.

Zhai Wanli knew this information, so he must know that he had fought with their leader half a month ago, so after being identified by himself and missing a blow... a little panicked!

Thinking of this, the corners of Wanli's mouth curled up slightly, he patted the dust on his body, his expression became relaxed, and he took a step forward, seeing Zhai Wanli's more serious expression, he took another step forward. "Turn Manga Village into a red organization stronghold, what do you want to do?"

"A stronghold?" Zhai Wanli was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes unconsciously aimed at Ai En. Wanli immediately knew that he was indeed a person with spiritual abilities!
Ai En frowned deeply, looked at the female director beside him, and said in Siamese: "I have never used my ability on them."

Zhai Wanli couldn't understand, but those who could understand were shocked, and the female director quickly stepped back, "Use your ability against us? Red organization?"

Her surprised expression did not seem to be fake, Wanli glanced at her repeatedly, isn't it a red organization?Is the spiritual crystal or the apparition gone astray?Then Zhai Wanli and the others... made a mistake?
"If not better."

Zhai Wanli didn't understand, but gradually understood: "So it's a misunderstanding? This crystal..."

Wan Li shook his head, rubbed his wrists and walked slowly forward step by step: "This is not a misunderstanding, you are an envoy of God? Dare to attack me, next time I see your leader, I have to talk to him, huh..."

Zhai Wanli took a deep breath and said heavily, "Ain, do it!"

Wanli raised his eyebrows, and actually called someone, can she understand Chinese?If you don't talk about the morals of the world, then don't blame me... "Old fat, do it!"

Zhai Wanli was startled, but Shao Minqiang, who had been knocked unconscious by the knife behind him, suddenly jumped up and punched him hard in the back.A trace of blood gushed out of the corner of his mouth, and he flew into the air, heading straight for thousands of miles, showing panic for a moment, desperately stabilizing his figure, and at the same time activated his ability.Wan Li was faster than him, he swooped down and hit his right cheek with an elbow!
Still wanting to pursue, Ai En stopped in front of Wan Li.Boom!Boom!Fisting and kicking, Ai En staggered and slid a dozen steps, but successfully blocked Wanli's castration, allowing Zhai Wanli to stabilize his figure after rolling a few times, and swayed to his feet.

"Closer to B+, beware of her psychic ability, this battle can be won without doubling it." Wan Li murmured softly, and said with a smile: "Old fat, well done! Come with me to get rid of them and remember your one... ?”

Wan Li blinked, looking at the burly figure running wildly in the distance, and was speechless. Are you a professional who pretended to be dead and escaped?If you don't stay and make up for your mistakes, you will be arrested sooner or later...

(End of this chapter)

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