Restart the world

Chapter 187 People

Chapter 187 People

Mr. Shao is fat and thick, and he is good at pretending to be dead to escape. His five teammates obviously don't know.He had already escaped several hundred meters, and the five people realized that they wanted to chase, but they were stopped by Zhai Wanli's indistinct roar, and then he spat out a mixture of blood and teeth.

Wan Li hit the side of his face with all his strength, thanks to his physique being similar to Wan Li's, otherwise his head would explode like a watermelon.But even so, he was seriously injured, his cheekbones were slightly shattered and sunken, I don't know if it's plastic surgery, and with Shao Laofat's beating, his strength dropped by at least [-]%.

The most difficult opponent is not in good condition, so Wanli is confident that he can deal with the seven B-level enemies facing him without doubling, but he has overlooked a problem...

The villagers in Manga Village may not be members of the Red Organization, but they are all the people who came to transport the mines. They rushed over thousands of miles in a mighty manner.

These people are no more than D-level and E-level. To Wan Li, they are like a child with a punch, but their actions have also driven the actions of the people of Manga Village.

Previously, everyone used Chinese and Siamese to communicate, and the villagers in Manga Village could not understand them.Suddenly a fight broke out, and their elder brothers and younger brothers also attacked Wan Li. Wan Li was obviously a 'bad guy', and their herd mentality made them attack Wan Li.

The scene immediately became chaotic, and the female director kept shouting to stop it, but it had little effect, and Wanli was submerged in the vast ocean of people.

He controlled the strength to knock people out one after another, trying not to hurt them, and frowned slightly after knocking down a short and strong man transporting ore: "I remember this guy is blue, a red tissue that doesn't need to be controlled by spiritual abilities." Die-hard loyalist? The strength is not strong... huh? Still want to sneak attack?"

The sense of crisis came from behind him, Wan Li ignored it, his spine turned into a bowstring, he pulled it closely and flicked it, and his feet exerted force accordingly. After stepping on the ground slightly sunken, he shot himself like a sharp arrow, knocking all obstacles into the air!
Invisibility can only hide the figure, but the sound made when walking and running cannot be concealed.If Wanli stood still, it would be possible for Zhai Wanli to approach him slowly without being noticed by him, but after running wildly, there is no need to worry.

There are fewer and fewer people around him, and Wanli is still unable to confirm whether there is any problem with the villagers of Manga Village, whoever he is will be knocked out.At this time, a strong wind hit him from the front, and the attack power of the villagers in Manga Village was incomparable. A B-level attack!

Wan Li squinted his eyes slightly, facing the punch with his hands folded and pounded down, his footsteps suddenly stopped, his left foot pushed up, his spine bounced and twisted the strength of his whole body into one, his right fist was faster and harder, and he hit the chest of the comer!
The dull sound was mixed with the sound of bone cracking. Wan Li escaped a mouthful of blood foam attack, and turned his eyes when facing the remaining four B-level attacks, and his hands and feet turned into afterimages to catch them one by one.

There is an insurmountable gap between B- and B+, not to mention Wan Li's fighting skills are far better than theirs.In just a split second, he knocked two of the four B-levels into the air. He was about to defeat them all, but his gaze suddenly met a pair of soft and beautiful eyes. For a moment, he forgot the sense of urgency brought by the battle, Thinking of the warmth and comfort of hugging Wen Jing frankly, he paused slightly.

"Spiritual induction? It's okay to use 36 super powers." After regaining his senses, Wan Li's mind flashed this idea for the first time, and then he faced the blow from the two B-levels in front of him.

It was too late to defend, so Wan Li could only twist his back, take a deep breath, and put the non-critical points at their fists and feet. After two consecutive heavy blows, he coughed heavily, took advantage of the momentum and flew out, towards the land of no one. Go, want to adjust your body shape.

However, suddenly, a great sense of crisis suddenly hit, and the wind howled from the side of his face, and he couldn't see the enemy, but the movement of Zhai Wanli's elbow reaching out immediately appeared in Wanli's mind.

"Retaliate with the same moves?"

Simulating magic, simulating nothing is incombustible!
Eat me a flame palm!

Floating thousands of miles in the air, he couldn't exert too much force. Although he firmly grasped Zhai Wanli's elbow, he couldn't completely stop it from coming. After rolling on the ground for two weeks, he jumped up, wiped away the little blood from the corners of his mouth, bulged his sore cheeks, and fell into the sea of ​​people again.

Zhai Wanli showed his figure, but he was not satisfied with the blow, his left arm kept shaking, his face was distorted, and a scorched handprint appeared on the forearm of his left arm. "Flame? Are you awakening again? Endurance super power, practice speed up, flame super power, God actually gave this godless bastard three gifts, why?!"

Ai En quickly ran to him, looked at the injury on his arm, and asked, "What should I do?"

Zhai Wanli was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand, but he could understand the general meaning, this is to let him not worry about the injury, and do it together?
He thought for two seconds, then jumped in front of a Class B prisoner who was waiting for an opportunity, and said, "Go to the village and catch the silly girl you saw yesterday, but...don't hurt her!"


Zhai Wanli squinted his eyes, looked at the villagers who gradually calmed down as the number of people dwindled, and gave a low shout of 'Ain', and his figure disappeared again.

Ai En frowned: "Still trying? The leader clearly said that he would come in person. This bastard wants to be the sixth envoy of Wang Xinlong..."

She hesitated for a few seconds before slowly approaching Wanli, "Try one last time."

"Stop! Stop!" Originally there were more than 100 villagers and ore transportation teams, but now there are only [-] to [-] standing. The voice of the female director can finally be heard clearly.Sensing the hesitation of the villagers, after knocking out the remaining members of the Siam National Mining Team, Wanli was finally empty.

The female director was shouting loudly to calm down the villagers and take away the unconscious relatives and friends, while Wan Li looked around intently. 5 B-grades with two injuries and one coma. Zhai Wanli was still invisible due to heavy injuries on his left face and left arm. However, he also suffered a lot of injuries. His chest was slightly fractured, his left cheek was very painful, and his left arm was slightly debilitated. The only one left uninjured is Al Ain of Siam.

"Huh? There is a B-level missing, where is it?" Wan Li's expression froze, while the three B-level prisoners moved and attacked him again.

At the same time, Ain also used his ability again, and his eyes became as soft as water.Wanli squints, simulates magic, and brainwashing ability*3!

After simulating three brainwashing superpowers in a row, almost half of the spiritual power in Wanli's body was lost immediately.The four brainwashing superpowers cannot be superimposed, but his spirit has also become a little tougher, and his ability to face Ain is unshakable, and even affects her in reverse!
Seizing the opportunity of her stupefaction, Wan Li took a few attacks and rushed straight out, trying to finish her off first.Ai En came back to his senses with panic in his eyes, and tried his best to dodge and block, but Wan Li punched her arm to the chest, and his soft eyes immediately protruded.


She flew upside down and added another mark on the low wall.Wan Li raised his left hand, and the white veil fluttered, "What are you doing wearing a mask, are you beautiful or ugly?"

Wanli stepped on the ground and shot, but was intercepted by Zhai Wanli who appeared out of thin air, and fell into siege again. He glanced at Ai En from the corner of his eye, and was almost stunned. He had a sharp face and a long beard...

"Fuck! A man? No, this is a transvestite from Siam, right? He has a good figure, and this face is too much of a failure... No wonder I'm wearing a veil, and I'm a pig if I fall into your power." Powerful brainwashing and super power restoration, nothing is incombustible, simulation!

 The battle scene was difficult to write, and the text was changed 10 minutes late. .

(End of this chapter)

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