Chapter 188

Yu Wei's house.

Yu Wei is holding Wanli's mobile phone in both hands, her expression changes with her fingers controlling the jumping of the chess pieces in the jump, she will giggle twice when she jumps correctly, and she will be depressed and annoyed for a while when she makes a mistake, and then "again" Play a game'.

It's just such a small game, she has been playing it for nearly two hours since Wanli left, and she didn't feel bored at all, until there was a knock on the door and a familiar female voice, speaking in Chinese: "Xiaowei, open the door, let the clothes dry I sent it back to you."

Yu Wei shook her hand, looking at the chess pieces that failed to jump onto the grid, her face was full of disappointment, 79 points, just two points away from breaking the record...

"Xiaowei, open the door!"

"Oh, Miss Xiaoyu, here we come." Yu Wei got up and ran over, opened the door and took the clothes that Xiaoyu was holding: "Hey, thank you, Miss Xiaoyu."

"You're welcome." Xiaoyu raised her hand and rubbed Yu Wei's head, looked her up and down, saw that she seemed to be depressed by something on the surface, but the spirit in her eyes was much more energetic than yesterday, and her face was radiant. She hesitated and said: " Last night you and your old boy..."

"Oh," Yu Wei smirked, "Miss Xiaoyu, you're right, I was very comfortable last night."

"That kid really made Xiaowei...couldn't even hold back for one night? Oh, I overestimated him." Xiaoyu was stunned, and smiled lightly: "Xiaowei, how long have you been so good at making you feel comfortable?" time?"

"Well... I don't know, it's been a long time. It was too comfortable, so I was sleepy, and then I fell asleep, hehe... I don't know, my dear, are you tired?"

"Asleep?" Xiaoyu frowned, actually fell asleep? "How did you make you feel comfortable?"

"That's right, let me go to bed, and then, rub his hands..." Yu Wei grasped her hands, and after a long while, muttered: "I can't tell, Miss Xiaoyu, if you go to bed, I will do it too, to make you comfortable. "

Xiaoyu was taken aback, sighed lightly and shook her head, although she induced this, but it really worked, she felt a little guilty seeing Yu Wei being so stupid.

"Xiaowei, don't you...don't hurt?"

"It hurts?" Yu Wei scratched her head: "Oh, at first, it was a little bit, and later, it was very comfortable."

"That kid is still a veteran." Xiaoyu looked complicated, looking at the silly Yu Wei, feeling both joy and guilt in her heart, "Your daughter was cheated out of her body, this is retribution... Oh, you must not have thought of you The daughter will pick up a scumbag and go home to be a good boy. It is normal for a girl to look for a good boy when she grows up, and this is not within the scope of restrictions."

Yu Wei stared blankly at Xiaoyu's hand rubbing her hair into a mess, "Sister Xiaoyu, why..."

"It's okay." Xiaoyu stopped, looked at Yu Wei and sighed softly: "Xiao Wei is so beautiful, I will definitely find a good old boy in the future."

"Oh dear, it's very good."

"Okay, okay, you can rest at home, Miss Xiaoyu still...huh?" Xiaoyu was startled, turned around, and a strange man was coming from downstairs, "The criminal brought by the Martial Arts Bureau? What are you doing here?"

The man's eyes turned between Xiaoyu and Yu Wei, and then he locked on Yu Wei, and without saying a word, he rushed forward, stretched out his right hand and grabbed her straight!
Yu Wei smirked and didn't respond, but Xiaoyu's pupils shrank, her eyes went blank, she suddenly swung her arms, and punched the criminal back downstairs!

The criminal stabilized his body in a panic, his face was full of surprise... Manga Village actually has a B-level?
"Miss Xiaoyu, the villain?"

Xiaoyu's empty eyes slowly recovered, she let out a long breath, shook her head and said: "Attacking Xiaowei, you are crazy, you are dead. I... will be worse, her mother will come back, and that kid is dead... "


Outside the village.

Wan Li was covering his limp left arm with his right hand, frowning.Standing in front of him was Ain, who was staring at him with murderous eyes, and she had been like this since the veil of 'her' was taken off by Wan Li.

Zhai Wanli was still in stealth, and Wanli knew that he was by Ain's side, so he didn't dare to act rashly for a while.As for the other B-levels, all of them have been dealt with by Wan Li. Some were knocked out, seriously injured or even near death. In this case, Wan Li couldn't keep his hand. Even if he didn't, he still sacrificed his left arm and was hit again. the price.

The B-class who disappeared was always stuck in his throat, which made Wan Li feel a little worried, and he couldn't delay the recovery of his left arm by playing tricks.He looked at Ai En, and when he gritted his teeth, his spine was arched, and when he stepped on his feet, the ground under his feet sank and cracked, his figure was about to be ejected, but he suddenly stopped.The sound of bang bang bang came from afar, and when I saw the scene in the distance from the corner of my eyes, I was dumbfounded: "What the hell?!"

There is a "corpse transportation team". The women's director organized more than 20 villagers from Manga Village who were still awake and took the villagers who were stunned by Wanli away from the battlefield, but now those people threw all the villagers they carried on the ground. Then they ran in the same direction in unison...

"That's... the girl's house! Something happened?" Wan Li's heart sank, and all the strength accumulated in his legs was transferred to his left leg, and he bounced to the right.

However, in the next second, an invisible attack stopped in front of him. He braked urgently, raised his hand to push, stepped back a few steps, and took advantage of the momentum to kick Ain away with a fierce roundabout kick.

"You sent people to arrest Yu Wei? The Red Organization is indeed a bunch of scum with no bottom line..." Wan Li frowned, and shouted, "Get out of the way!"

Zhai Wanli's figure quickly emerged, and said: "Calm down, don't be impulsive, even if you use that trick, you can only kill Ai En at most, and you still can't find me who is invisible, and I can't guarantee that I will be stupid if I do that." Is the girl safe?"

Wan Li took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down: "The villagers ran over neatly as if they knew something had happened to the girl because they were so far apart, and even threw the unconscious relatives on the ground without hesitation... The crystal is red. Ability, the trigger condition is Yu Wei?"

"Death!" At this moment, a thick male voice roared, and Ai En rushed towards Wanli again.

"You didn't even hide your voice? Poor guy who failed to change gender." Wan Li prodded 'her' again.

"Calm down, Ain!" Zhai Wanli quickly disappeared and shouted at the same time, Ain said that he could not understand Chinese...

Facing Ai En who was rushing towards him with his arms outstretched, Wan Li narrowed his eyes, leaned over, reached forward and hit 'her' first!

Outside Yu Wei's house.

The criminal who came to arrest Yu Wei raised his throat, and glanced at the villagers who surrounded him three layers outside and looked at him with cannibalistic eyes, including the women director of Manga Village.

"Hundreds of people, the whole village is mobilized? Damn, what's going on in this village..."

Yu Wei looked around with a silly smile: "Everyone, come and play with me?"

Xiaoyu next to her rubbed her head: "It's not playing, it's killing people. Don't look at Xiaowei, we... have to tear everyone who intends to hurt you!"

The villagers at the front were slowly approaching, the criminal gritted his teeth, chose a relatively weak direction, and was about to break out, but suddenly froze, and fell to the ground with a bang.Xiaoyu froze for a moment, her pupils shrank suddenly, not only the criminal, but all the villagers of Manga Village fell to the ground and passed out within a second!

Then a hand knife from nowhere hit Xiaoyu's neck, her eyes turned white, and she also fell to the ground. Before she lost consciousness, she only saw a slightly chubby male face from the corner of her eye.

"Sister Xiaoyu, everyone, why... are you all asleep? Uncle, who is it?"

"Uncle is Superman, does the girl like Superman? Sigh, has Yu Cheng's wife gone astray by abusing her psychic ability?"

(End of this chapter)

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