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Chapter 189 Lord of Thunder

Chapter 189 Lord of Thunder
Time goes back to 3 minutes ago.

The failure of transgender is obviously a taboo in Ai En's heart. 'She' probably never thought that someone would be so bored as to reveal 'her' veil in the battle, and 'she' who was seen with a man's face and a woman's body was fighting thousands of miles with every move Life. 'She' is not weak in fighting skills, or Siam is a country that is good at fighting skills, and its level is not far behind Wanli.

But there is a gap between the two's physiques. The mental induction cannot even make Wanli hesitate for 0.1 second after the veil is lifted, and it is most taboo to lose calm during the fight. All these factors combined to declare the death of 'her'.

That's right, death.

Wan Li was worried about Yu Wei's safety in his heart, so he didn't stop his attack, and a cannon punch hit Ai En's left chest.The chest is real, not too small, but it was flattened by Wanli.

The broken sternum pierced 'her' heart, and after landing, 'she' twitched a few times and then died. This was the second time Wanli had been killed in a battle with someone.

The first time was against Wang Xinlong, and I learned from Zhai Wanli that he was not dead, so Ai En who died before him was the first person Wanli killed!

He has experienced too many battles, and he has seen dead people several times. Wanli didn't feel nauseous. He just froze for a moment, and his left arm, which was already injured, was slapped hard by Zhai Wanli. Can't make any effort.

Wanli, who cannot use his left arm, has lost [-]% of his strength, and Zhai Wanli has also lost [-]% to [-]% of his physical strength due to his injury. The situation has become a fair one-on-one, but...

"Come out! Or attack me!" Wan Li, who had stood there for a while, shouted helplessly, "Where is the person? He ran away?!"

"Damn it, did you really run away?" Wan Li shook his head speechlessly, and quickly ran towards the gate of the village, but at this moment, a gust of wind howled.

As soon as Wanli squinted, he knew you would come, Lie Yan Zhang!The slap mixed with five hundred degrees of high temperature drove the billowing heat wave towards the invisible Zhai Wanli, who narrowly dodged it.Judging his position based on the sound of the wind, Wan Li's right leg twitched closely.

A solid collision sensation came, this leg was blocked, Wan Li frowned deeply, unable to find his figure again.

"The troublesome and disgusting ability, I can't think about it so much, this time I also set up the invisibility magic, it's really annoying me." Wan Li cursed secretly.

He looked around, striding towards the village, thinking about the countermeasures, "The invisibility technique must consume a lot of aura, but unlike me, Zhai Wanli only has a B+ physique, and his aura should be close to the peak of B-level , I don’t know how long the ability can be used, the girl... no!"

The sense of crisis struck again, this time on the left side of his body, Wanli's forehead twitched, he clenched his teeth and did not dodge...

His left arm was severely injured again, and there was a slight sound of bone cracking. Wan Li endured the pain, followed his whip-legged figure and crashed straight into Zhai Wanli's arms. He hugged the man with his right arm forward kill!

"Heh, run away again? Come on, let's compete!"

boom! boom! boom!
Zhai Wanli's figure appeared, his face was mixed with pain and bewilderment, he was like a head iron?Why did my back clothes burn?He struggled hard to break free from Wanli's arms, and at the same time beat Wanli with his right arm!

Wanli squints, brainwashing ability!
After three collisions, the two fell to the ground as if they had drunk fake wine.The flame on Zhai Wanli's back was extinguished, and Wanli pressed on him, punching his chest heavily.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Zhai Wanli's mouth, he gritted his teeth, turned over forcefully, pressed Wanli under his body, and punched down with both fists!

Wanli stares, brainwashing ability!
Two fists with reduced strength were imprinted on his chest, Wan Li swallowed back the smell of blood, turned over, Flaming Palm, bang!
The two were like punks fighting on the street, switching positions and attacking each other, but the damage caused was much stronger than that of punks. After 2 minutes, the ground below them was no longer level.Zhai Wanli's fists became weaker and weaker, his clothes were burned off, and there were more and more scorched palm prints on his body...

When he rolled his eyes and lost consciousness, Wan Li was also a little confused.With the cooperation of multiple super powers, the injury was not that serious, but the aura in his body was gone, bringing a feeling of weakness similar to exhaustion.

He bit the tip of his tongue to wake himself up, turned around and rushed to the village, and suddenly remembered something, turned his head and started groping around Zhai Wanli.

Two seconds later, Wanli stuck out his tongue and licked the milky white liquid dripping from a piece of broken glass. It was really fragrant and exciting!

I searched for the other drop for several seconds but couldn't find it. It may have been drunk by Zhai Wanli, or it may have been dropped somewhere because the storage container was broken. Wanli didn't have time to search for it for the time being. The village ran away.

"Why is there no movement at all, so many villagers passed by, at least there should be some noise..."

Wan Li was worried, and successfully rushed into the gate of Manga Village. This time, no one stopped him, but he stopped by himself.

The wind around me suddenly became a little noisy...

He turned his head back with a wry smile, what the hell is you again, is it really okay for the leader of the majestic red organization to pursue and kill me personally?

Yu Wei's house.

"Superman... Uncle? Everyone, why, are you asleep?"

"Hmm... Maybe it's hot, and I'm taking a nap. But sleeping on the ground is quite dirty, can the little girl find something to make a bed for them?"

Yu Wei scratched her head: "Okay, but, there are a lot of people, Uncle Superman, help?"

The man next to him stretched out his hand: "The wind is blowing, it's really work hard, little girl."

"But... oh, it's missing..."


The gate of the village.

The wind became stronger and stronger, and along with it came the familiar man in a robe, still wearing that familiar ugly mask.

Wan Li felt bitter in his heart, his condition this time was too bad, he could not recover from the injury if he doubled, his left arm could no longer be used, if he used it forcibly, he might become Wan Li Yang Guo...

He quickly simulated the six simulated magics into an inexhaustible body, plus the original two for a total of eight, Wang Zha might not be able to handle it this time, let's try to see if the spring can come out...

The spiritual energy added by the drop of spirit stone essence just now was consumed again, and Wanli paced, approached a big bag of spirit stones, took out a spirit stone and prepared to shoot it...

"To lead such a large organization, you must be very busy, right? Why don't you take Zhai Wanli with you? I promise I won't stop you!" He tested.

The leader of the red organization did not speak, and stretched out his right arm, and a small wind whirl slowly formed in his hand, flying towards thousands of miles.

Wan Li gritted his teeth, no nonsense, this is the first trick?No way, shoot it...huh? !
Click! ! !

Suddenly, a purple thunderbolt was drawn in the clear sky, and it was splitting on the wind whirlwind, splitting it, and hitting a hole several meters deep on the ground, causing smoke and dust to rise everywhere.

Wan Li paused, his eyes blurred, and a fat man suddenly appeared in front of him, and purple arcs danced around him.

"This is... the Lord of Thunder!"


Push this good book Seedlings: Myths and psychics, funny jokes about Feng Xianxia, ​​read it if you are interested.

(End of this chapter)

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