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Chapter 191 Trying to Double

Chapter 191 Trying to Double

"Wake up? It's just right, come and help me move people... eh?" Wanli saw someone standing up from the corner of his eye, thinking that he had been lightly punched by a certain punch before, but someone woke up early and turned his head to realize it was wrong.

The man who stood up was tall and strong, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. While dusting his body, he looked at the hurricane and lightning in the distance. "Two monsters." He turned to face Wan Li, and looked up and down: "Little brother, you seem to be seriously injured, and you can't even stand still..."

Wan Li blinked: "Old fat? Why are you messing around here? I was seriously injured, what's the matter, you want to change your name to Shao Xiaoli's old bold?"

"Hey, Brother Fat never takes advantage of others. Am I hiding here waiting for an opportunity to help you? Everyone in the Red Organization can be punished!"

Wanli was silent for a moment: "You are looking at me winning against Zhai Wanli, right? If I lose, you will run as far as you can."

"How could it be? Brother Fei helped you give that guy a hard time, but still can't prove my sincerity?" Lao Fei Shao was heartbroken.

Wan Li laughed: "Don't talk nonsense, are you afraid that you will be wanted by the Martial Arts Bureau and offend the red organization and have no way out? I'm too lazy to argue with you, help... eh?"

He suddenly felt that the noisy wind around him seemed to subside, and the sound of thunder was also decreasing. Yue Heng and the leader of the red organization actually fought farther and farther, and in a few words, they almost reached the mountain peak several kilometers away.

"Deputy Director Yue's judgment is correct. Is the leader of the Red Organization afraid of hurting the girl?" Wan Li murmured, glanced at the comatose people, and then looked at Old Fatty Shao again, "You mean you want me to help you in martial arts?" Is there an excuse from the bureau to get rid of the crime?"

"It's helping each other. Brother Fei punched Zhai Wanli for you." Old Shao Fei raised his eyebrows.

Wan Li grinned: "Forget it, but breaking the law doesn't make up for it. You still have to serve the sentence you should have served. Maybe you can reduce it. After the sentence is over, with your B-level strength, it's not a big problem to get a public job."

"That's enough." Lao Fei Shao nodded again and again, "Brother Fei has had enough of hiding!"

Wan Li laughed: "Be a good citizen in the future, huh... Now I will assign you a task, take care of him, him, him, uh..."

Wan Li pointed at him in a daze. He couldn't tell which people were miners from Siam and which were villagers from Manga Village.

"Fat brother is doing business, don't worry!"

Wan Li glanced at him, shook his head and hurried towards Yu Wei's house.Old Fatty Shao watched him leave with a smile on his face, and his face collapsed after he completely disappeared from sight: "Take chicken feathers as arrows, and give me a task, so Brother Fei can beat you! God, give me Let's grow superpowers!"

He looked around, and suddenly noticed a few bright white stones scattered at the entrance of the village, his eyes twitched, "There seems to be no one, Brother Fat just took one..."


Near Yu Wei's house.

Wan Li was startled when he saw the villagers lying on the ground, and immediately stepped forward to sniff one of them: "Alive, have you been knocked out?"

He frowned slightly, looked for a gap between the crowd and jumped forward, and saw Yu Wei after a few seconds.

There was sweat on her forehead, and she was putting a log under the body of a middle-aged woman who was unconscious... Many people had logs under their bodies... It was the firewood that Wan Li had been working as a coolie for the past two days.

"Girl, are you okay? What are you doing?"

"Old boy? You're back, it's just right, help me, they're sleeping on the floor, it's dirty, it's a mat." Yu Wei looked up with a smirk, and was taken aback: "Blood..."

"Don't be afraid, someone else's." Wan Li jumped to her side: "Why are they sleeping on the ground?"

"I don't know... My boy, wipe it..."

"Don't use your sleeves, you have to let Miss Yu do the laundry." Wan Li dodged, "I'll do the laundry."

"Oh, Miss Xiaoyu, she's sleeping too."

Wan Li nodded, glanced around, and saw that Class B who came to attack Yu Wei was lying at the gate of Yu Wei's house with a piece of firewood under him, and Xiaoyu was lying on the stairs on the second floor.

Wan Li was taken aback by the slight traces of fighting, and looked at Xiaoyu a few times, "It should be Deputy Chief Yue who knocked them out, but before Deputy Chief Yue came... the villagers of the whole village gathered here spontaneously. Is it a kind of ability spirit?"

He added another knife to the comatose B-level, walked into the house, went to the toilet, tore off the clothes stuck to his body, took a basin of water and buckled it from the head down.The cold water stirred, and there was a slight pain in the left arm. Wan Li frowned and looked, and there was a conspicuous bruise on the elbow joint.

"I heard that Ai Hui is in the Shan plateau, so it should be no problem to ask her for help?"

"Honey, your hand..."

Wan Li was taken aback, and his right hand, which was pulling down his wet pants, stopped immediately, and turned his head helplessly: "You're taking a shower, why are you back?"

"Your hand...was it a fight just now? There was thunder, it was scary..."

"...Don't be afraid, girl, go out and let me take a bath. Oh yes, go get a set of clothes from my backpack and put them outside the door."

"Oh, hey, old boy, you finally called yourself, old boy." Yu Wei backed out with a smirk.

Wan Li was taken aback for a moment, and this silly girl's yelling was pleasing to the ears...

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, the spiritual energy in Wan Li's body has also fully recovered, except that his left arm dare not make big movements, and his chest feels a little stuffy and painful.

While helping Yu Wei put wooden sticks under each unconscious villager, he paid attention to the looming thunder in the distant mountains.

The fight lasted for more than ten minutes and there was no sign of stopping at all. It seems that there is not a huge gap between the two. Deputy General Director Yue has a high probability of winning, but he wants to keep the leader of the red organization...

Wan Li really wanted to go and help kill the leader of the Red Organization who was thinking about him, but he couldn't get involved in the battle between the two strongest without Wang Zha.

"The strength is not enough, and the burning effect after simulating magic transformation is unknown, how about...try?" Wan Li's heart moved. For a long time, his spiritual energy might not be enough to imitate ten kinds of abilities at the same time, so why not try to burn two? ?

"If you try it, you can't try the indestructible body, try the super aptitude, then..." Wan Li hurried back to Yu Wei's house, and Yu Wei was taken aback.He found the suitcase and took out the spirit stone, the spirit stone red thread, shoot it!
The spirit stone distorts and deforms, turning into a drop of milky white liquid attached to the palm of his hand, and Wanli eats it directly into his mouth, simulating a super aptitude*2...

The two simulated magic red threads that simulated super aptitude melted together under the impact of the aura brought by the drop of spirit stone essence, and began to burn!
A familiar feeling came, all the pores of Wanli's body seemed to be opened, absorbing the surrounding aura like a whale, and the amount of aura in his body increased rapidly.

"It's the double effect of super aptitude!"

Wanli was pleasantly surprised, the aura in his body increased by nearly half in just a few seconds, if he just entered the B level it was 1, before Wanli had about 2.5, but now it has fully increased to 3.5!

This promotion made his heart move, try to see if he can push himself to A level?

PS: (The next chapter will be late)
(End of this chapter)

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