Chapter 192

The temptation to raise the martial arts level to A-level overwhelmed the distress for the simulated magic. Anyway, there are still 8 sticks, so it’s okay to burn another 4 sticks, right?
Keeping it is a long flow of water, but burning it is a one-shot deal.Wanli is like a nouveau riche who suddenly owns 8000 million assets. He wants to use 4000 million to improve his life, and the other half will be kept for interest to guarantee his future life... Simulated super aptitude*4!

Super doubled... eh?

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, but he didn't push the red line... Only then did he realize that his control over the spiritual energy had been greatly weakened due to the surge of spiritual energy in his body.Originally, it was very difficult for him to push the simulated magic red line. He borrowed a large amount of spiritual energy instantly provided by the essence of the spirit stone to push the two together smoothly.

But there are only 63 red spots left in the body...

"Uh, isn't it that you won't even be able to use the doubling of your inexhaustible body? Why don't you just go for a sneak attack and just wait and recuperate." Wan Li sighed, and a thought flashed across his mind, "Hey ? Sneak attack, sneak attack, stealth!"

Simulation is invisible!

As soon as the idea came into being, the aura in Wanli's body instantly decreased by 1/10, and at the same time a certain red line on his chest changed slightly, and he began to draw out the aura in his body bit by bit.

"Success!" Wan Li was ecstatic.

This is the second ability of others that Wanli has successfully imitated after Wenjing's "Nothing Is Not Burnable". He immediately put aside the previous judgment of favorability, and can he still have feelings for Zhai Wanli?

He thought for a moment, thinking of the scene where he and Zhai Wanli were rolling around in the mud and beating each other.This is the similarity between Zhai Wanli and Wen Jing, but the time with Wen Jing was in bed...

"Either it was stained with his blood, or there was enough contact with his body... The latter is more likely. After all, simulation magic can not only simulate abilities, but also simulate body and appearance. If there is not enough touch to simulate Come out... In this way... Hug someone first when you see someone in the future? After hugging him from the front and then hug him from the back, you can almost simulate it? No, you have to touch him with your hand... the trigger condition of the hell!"

Wan Li's expression changed, "Soul domination and space movement... let it go first, and try it with Old Wang when you go back, now...invisibility!"

An inexplicable feeling came, and Wan Li watched helplessly as his body disappeared into the air. He could touch it, but he couldn't see it anymore.At the same time, the depletion speed of the spiritual energy in his body doubled, but it was less laborious than using nothing that does not burn.

"Guy, what are you doing, don't help me, you're laying sticks...Guy, where's the guy?" Yu Wei ran back and looked for him from room to room.

With a smile on his face, Wanli walked up to Yu Wei, stretched out his right hand and waved it in front of her eyes.She seemed to be aware of it, looked at the front in a daze, stretched out her hands to grab it, but it was empty.

Wan Li stepped aside and rubbed Yu Wei's head with his right hand.She shrank her neck, turned her head, and touched Wanli's chest with her hands: "My dear? Why, I can't see...Damn it!!"

"...What a big ghost." Wan Li showed his figure, "Invisibility, is it fun?"

Yu Wei scratched her head with her right hand, and grabbed Wan Li's clothes with her left hand: "It's fun, hey, teach me."

"I'll teach you next time, I have something to go out, stay at home and don't run around. By the way, do you have a rope for me... Oh, I can't tie it up. I can only wrong you a little bit. old iron."

Half a minute later, the hands and legs of the comatose Class B were dislocated by Wan Li, and he was in a cold sweat from the pain, but he didn't wake up, which made Wan Li feel that the act of unloading his arms and legs was unnecessary...

"He's a bad guy, stay away from him." After leaving these words, Wan Li rubbed Yu Wei's head again, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"Old boy, come back early..." Yu Wei smirked twice, and continued to put wooden sticks on the unconscious villagers.


There is a large mountain in the north of Manga Village, which belongs to the branch of the Shan State Plateau. A few spiritual stones can be dug up sporadically on it. Occasionally, villagers will try their luck, but not many, after all, there will be wild animals in the mountains.

But at this time, let alone beasts, not even a single tree was left intact.Thunder and tornadoes completely destroyed the entire mountain forest. The mountain, which was originally the highest peak at an altitude of nearly 700 meters, has now been beaten to less than [-] meters. The peak is lightning, thunder, and wind howling, and there are many dangerous purple arcs jumping on the mountainside.

Wan Li stood still at the foot of the mountain, looked up at the top, and took a deep breath: "The aftermath is not as big as it was at the beginning. After more than 20 minutes of fierce fighting, you must be tired, or is one party injured?"

He looked around: "The power of the residual electric arc can't hurt me, so it's no problem to go up, but Zhai Wanli can attack me invisibly and I can give an early warning. It's more difficult to sneak attack the leader of the red organization... But it's not impossible... simulation!"

Wan Li let out a low snort, and used the simulation magic to simulate appearance for the first time.An itching sensation came, and within two seconds, Wan Li turned into another old-looking young man——Zhai Wanli!

"I just took a shower, and I have to make myself ashamed again, oh..."


On the top of the mountain, the bodies of the leader of the Red Organization and Yue Heng were stained with dust, but the state between the two was the same as before, like a rewind.

Yue Heng held one hand forward, and the blue-purple thunder prison covering the leader of the red organization slowly shrank, while the leader of the red organization raised his hands, and the light blue gust of wind gushed out from around him, propping up the thunder prison.

"Yan Shen, you can't escape!" Yue Heng was still testing the identity of the leader of the Red Organization.The leader of the red organization would rather suffer minor injuries than protect the mask, which made Yue Heng more and more curious.

boom! !

The thunder prison exploded, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the leader of the red organization said in the same voice: "It seems that you can't guess it. I hope you will be smarter when I see you next time."

"Next time?" Lightning burst around Yue Heng's body.

"Your intelligence work is not doing well. Yesterday evening, led by Siam, a total of 11 small countries in the southwest of China, including Vientiane, secretly formed the 'Chenla Alliance'. Now there should be an elite team launching a surprise attack on your base. , the leader is Basong, the Siamese country who claims to be the strongest in Southeast Asia."


"The strongest in Southeast Asia is just a joke, but he is indeed not weak. If you are not here, no one at the border can stop him at this time."

Yue Heng frowned deeply, "They dare not!"

"Heh." The leader of the red organization chuckled, and the wind around him floated up, "Do you dare? Do you dare to bet that I am lying?"

Yue Heng hesitated for a moment, clenched his fists tightly, "You bastard... Yan Shen can't become this kind of ghost playing tricks, who are you?!"

"Guess, I'll tell you if you guess right." The leader of the red organization joked, drifting away into the distance.

At this moment, a weak voice suddenly shouted: "My lord, take me with you..."

"Huh?" The leader of the red organization paused, followed the voice and looked into the distance. A naked upper body with blood on his forehead and a messy body appeared out of thin air, "Zhai Wanli? He's still alive? Invisibility super power... still it works."

He lightly raised his hand, and Zhai Wanli, who was pretending to be thousands of miles away, spiraled into the sky and flew towards him.

As soon as Yue Heng focused his attention, he shot an electric shot from his body and rushed straight to 'Zhai Wanli'.The leader of the red organization frowned, rushed forward and grabbed 'Zhai Wanli' with his left hand, blocked Yue Heng's blow with his right hand, and slid hundreds of meters in the air. ?"

However, he failed to notice that the 'Zhai Wanli' who was caught by him narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Flame Palm Mysteries - Roasted Bird Eggs! !
 Something is wrong, it's too late.

(End of this chapter)

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